Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 190 Old gaps and new suspicions, the strong fight

Chapter 190 Old gaps and new suspicions, the strong fight

The air in the private room suddenly froze.

Li Yunchang and Heibeard, both wearing big underpants and shirtless, looked at each other and looked at each other.

Na Yunyun and Cui Cui saw that it was Black Beard who was coming.

Angrily, he kicked the door away.

It's also scary.

Since the two of them were packaged as the top brands, they have become the cash cows of the clubhouse, and they can be regarded as model workers.

A few hours ago, Blackbeard was served.

Thinking about that black beard was tired and weary.

Should take a long break.

Just wanted to take advantage of this period of time to fight continuously and pay Li Yunchang, an old customer, one more time.

But who would want to.

I just came to this private room, and I haven't gotten to the point with Li Yunchang yet.

Blackbeard over there came to smash the scene.

"Blackbeard, what the fuck is labor and management just trying to catch you!"

Li Yunchang was the first to react.

After being disturbed by Blackbeard, the big sword is no longer a sword, let's catch this Blackbeard first!
Seeing Li Yunchang, Blackbeard was also extremely confused.


The two have similar smells and often haunt the clubhouse together.

Frequent exchange of experience and good relationship.Later, it collapsed because of a dispute over a hair-washing girl.

Now, Blackbeard has committed a crime of his own.

Li Yunchang joined the Ability Bureau, and the two became deadly rivals.

It turned out to be his grandma's.

I directly ran into Li Yunchang, an old boy, and the reason was because of the girl in the club!


Blackbeard saw that the situation was not good.

Turn around and flee.

He and Li Yunchang's cultivation bases are actually the same, but who knows if there are any ambushes in the Ability Bureau nearby.

New dislikes add old gaps.

Of course Li Yunchang was in hot pursuit.

Both are shirtless and wearing big underpants. They look like they are chasing after each other, which is very funny.But in fact it was not funny at all. Instead, the whole clubhouse was jumping up and down, and there was a constant rumble.

A slew of sexually-interested customers is forced to interrupt the process.

They all came out and cursed.

But seeing the posture of the two of them, they all slipped in again.

Can't afford to provoke...

Li Yunchang and Blackbeard are both C-level powerhouses, and C-level can use frontal hard heat-resistant weapons.

So the two chased and fought.

It was like a hot weapon war broke out in the clubhouse.

The bodies of the two were like shells.

In an instant, everything he encountered was smashed to pieces.A wall, an iron gate, was forced through at once.

A nice private room.

Suddenly he was punched and exploded, and a big hole was drilled in the roof.

Sister Liu greeted more than a dozen practitioners, all of whom were D-level or above.

I thought it could be used in town.

But seeing the fight scene between Li Yunchang and Li Yunchang, more than a dozen fierce cultivator security guards were so frightened that they didn't dare to raise their heads.

Just kidding, it's not at the same level at all.

scattered scattered...

Including Sister Liu, they were worried that the fight between Li Yunchang and Li Yunchang would affect Chi Yu and hurt himself.

A group of people dispersed in a herd.


The fierce battle between Li Yunchang and Blackbeard was in full swing.

Lin Xuan was in a private room.

Bored watching two girls doing push-ups, 37,38,39,40,41, [-], [-], [-], [-]...

The two girls were sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Count on the side.

One side is still gritting his teeth and insisting on doing push-ups.

After asking Lin Xuan whether it counts after a break, Lin Xuan gave an affirmative answer, and the two women worked even harder.

My arms are so tired that I don’t look like myself anymore, I’m still doing it.

Have no idea.

Working in the clubhouse, there are many kinds of wonderful customers, and I have seen many of them.

It's the first time I've seen someone who doesn't do anything but push-ups.


Every time you do 100 yuan, where can you find such a good thing.

Lin Xuan heard a bang bang outside, but he didn't pay attention at first, thinking it was some buddy's too violent bang.

Then it got louder.

There are two huge energy fluctuations outside.

Only then did I realize that there were experts fighting outside!

Just about to go out.

Suddenly there was a bang, and a person came in through the door like a cannonball.

Lin Xuan took a closer look.

It was that old and unscrupulous Li Yunchang!

Li Yunchang said it kindly.

Originally, he and the black beard were on the same level, and there was no winner or loser for a while.

Who knew that black beard was cheating.

Suddenly sacrificed the magic weapon.

A stone hit Li Yunchang suddenly without thinking. With Li Yunchang's ability, even a hit was nothing, but Yunyun Cuicui appeared nearby somehow.

For his "heart and sweetheart" from harm.

So I suffered this brick for life.

It happened to be smashed into Lin Xuan's private room.

"Little brother, hurry's Blackbeard! Don't let that kid run away!" Seeing Lin Xuan, Li Yunchang yelled hastily after spitting out two mouthfuls of blood.

"Who is the calf!" Black Beard came in with a cold laugh.

Seeing that Li Yunfei was injured, no one else came out to help after beating for a long time. Of course, he was taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

Forget the old and new grudges together!
"Li Yunchang, it's time to settle the accounts now."

Blackbeard looked at Li Yunchang with a sneer, and was about to make a move when he suddenly saw Lin Xuan next to him.

His face changed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, like a mouse seeing a cat, it ran away!
But how could Lin Xuan let him escape?

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a black brick appeared in his hand.

a whistle.

thrown out.

It hit the back of the black beard's head, and the black beard was immediately sent flying.

Black Pearl was hit hard.

He swayed, spat out a mouthful of blood, and ran for his life as a matter of urgency.


The black brick, as if cast a spell, instantly became huge, with a length and width of more than two meters.

Then he threw it at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard couldn't avoid it, and he shouted in horror: "No way, Qian Tianshi?!"

The voice did not fall.

With a bang, it was photographed on the ground by the huge black brick!


(End of this chapter)

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