Chapter 191
A block of bricks suddenly became larger, appeared abruptly on the scene, and slapped Blackbeard on the ground.

Li Yunchang and everyone else at the scene were shocked.

Lin Xuan was also very surprised.

Throw it out and hit the back of the head 100% of the time. This is the inherent skill of the original magical brick.

But now it suddenly grows bigger, and then slaps people on the ground.

Haven't seen it before.

Could it be that this black brick, since it fused with Qiantian Stone, also automatically fused with the skills of Qiantian Stone? !


The black beard who was photographed on the ground.

His whole body was in severe pain, as if he had been shot to pieces, and he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood again.

He had just been chasing Li Yunchang and bumped into Lin Xuan in the private room.

Immediately there was a panicked group.

The last time I was in the suburbs of Jiangcheng, I was about to take down the director of the Ability Bureau by relying on Qiantianshi.

It was this kid with unknown cultivation, who suddenly appeared.

He actually resisted the dry sky stone, and he succeeded in resisting it.

Not only saved Hua Jieyu, but also took away his dry sky stone.

If it wasn't for running fast by myself.

I just captured this kid...

With such an experience, one can imagine how Blackbeard felt when he saw Lin Xuan, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, run!
He ran, but the kid still used a black brick.

It hit the ground twice.

Seeing the brick hit again, Blackbeard didn't care about the severe pain all over his body, he tried his best to dodge the blow, then gritted his teeth, and sacrificed his magic weapon.

Kun Dishi!
Since you are not allowed to escape, let's fight!

The Nakun Earth Stone and the Qiantian Stone are originally a pair of magic weapons.

After Qian Tianshi was taken by Lin Xuan that day, Kundi Stone became Blackbeard's last trump card.

And rely on Kundi stone.

Blackbeard has repeatedly escaped the pursuit of him by the Ability Bureau.

In terms of power alone, the Kundi Stone is slightly stronger than the Qiantian Stone.

Therefore, Blackbeard still has a lot of confidence in the Kundi Stone and the giant brick that is suspected to be the Qiantian Stone. Even if he can't hold it, just buy him a moment, enough for him to escape.

Only on the field.

The Kundi stone also suddenly became larger and expanded.

Then quickly attack out.

Li Yunchang saw that it was the stone that made him suffer, and hurriedly reminded Lin Xuan: "Little brother, that is the Kundi Stone, you have to be careful!"

Lin Xuan also tried to manipulate the bricks, and threw them out before to save the matter.

Unexpectedly, after a little experimentation, he could manipulate that brick.

He rammed directly towards Blackbeard's Kundi Stone.

The two behemoths suddenly moved and attacked in the clubhouse, and the collision inevitably destroyed a lot of things.Sister Liu, who was watching from the sidelines, had pain in her face.


The Kundi stone and the brick collided fiercely.

There was a wave of air around.

Like a strong wind, it immediately made the clubhouse feel like a disaster.

when the collision occurred.

Listening to the sound, everyone at the scene thought it was a close collision.

But the result was surprising.

Only after the collision.

Kun Dishi immediately shrank to its original size like a punctured balloon, trying to escape back to Blackbeard.

And the giant bricks behind are not willing to let it go.

Bully the small with the big.

Catch Kun Dishi and beat him to death.

bang bang bang...

Kun Dishi kept running towards Blackbeard.Blackbeard wanted to escape again, and his speed was at its peak, but he couldn't get rid of the Kun Dishi with all his might.

The huge bricks behind are like a shadow.

So joint.

bang bang bang...

One was beaten by a giant brick for a while, and it was smashed badly.

Hearing that creepy voice, everyone was dumbfounded.

However, this is not the end.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the black beard was then slammed by a giant brick. As a C-rank strongman, he was smashed into the floor, and his whole body was embedded in it.

A deep pit was formed with the surrounding ground!
If it weren't for his strong C-level body, he might be smashed into meatloaf at this time.

There was no sound at the scene, a silence, full of gasps.

Li Yunchang came over first.

Cheerfully flattering Lin Xuan.

"Little brother, it's really you! Blackbeard is going to be destroyed by you."

"By the way, what kind of treasure is your brick? It's amazing!"

He already knew that Lin Xuan was powerful.

Have been interested in making friends.

But I didn't expect that it would be so powerful. The C-level Blackbeard was almost one-sidedly tortured throughout the whole process. You know, Blackbeard just beat him with the Kundi Stone...

"It's not bad," Lin Xuan retracted the brick, and replied lightly, "But as for the sword, Li Daochang is still very powerful!"

"A moment is worth a fortune, every second counts!"

Li Yunchang listened.

Immediately, he was ashamed, Lin Xuan's words were obviously talking about him just taking the opportunity to grab the black beard as an excuse to use the sword.

So he laughed:
"Where is it, it has become natural..."

Blackbeard, who was completely embedded in the floor, was beaten to death by Lin Xuan's bricks.

My heart collapsed to the point of crying.

Ma De, was beaten up by this brat for the second time...

But also a little depressed.

He meows.

Obviously that kid's tiles are mediocre.

Obviously skills are also very similar to his previous Qiantianshi, at most it is a copycat version of Qiantianshi.

But why, the Kundi Stone, which can surpass Qian Tianshi, was beaten helplessly by that kid's brick? !

(End of this chapter)

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