Chapter 192
"Brother, this brick of yours looks black on the surface... What kind of treasure is it? It's amazing!"

Black Beard, who was lying in the big pit, spat out a mouthful of blood, and asked with difficulty.

Lin Xuan was surprised by Banzhuan's sudden coquettish operation.

Didn't expect this thing to play like this.

Of course, I haven't explored it well before.

"It must be powerful." Lin Xuan said casually, and then asked back: "What is the origin of the Kundi stone you just used?" Judging from his feeling, it seems that this Kundi stone is better than the dry sky stone before Blackbeard Still great.

Blackbeard coughed and spat out two mouthfuls of blood.

Just about to answer.

Li Yunchang was the first to say: "Little brother, I know this! Kundishi and Qiantianshi before his black beard are a pair, one male and one female, Qiantianshi is the male, Kundishi is the female..."

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, shit, there are magic artifacts and parents?

Haven't had time to ask yet.

The black beard over there suddenly became angry: "Li Niubi, why don't you talk, no one thinks you are dumb! Why are male and female so ugly, they are obviously yin and yang, okay?!"

Then he said to Lin Xuan: "Little brother, don't listen to that bull-nosed old Taoist's nonsense! Kundi Stone and Qiantian Stone were originally a pair, but Qiantian Stone is Yang, and Kundi Stone is Yin." After a fierce beating, the tone of his speech became a lot more polite inadvertently.

"You say yin and yang, what's the difference between male and female?" Li Yunchang muttered in dissatisfaction.

"The magic weapon of labor and management, labor and management say that there is a difference, so there is a difference!" Blackbeard did not show any weakness.

Li Yunchang was angry: "You..."

Blackbeard refused to let go: "What are you, you have the ability to kill me in front of this little brother! The woman who robs labor is also justified..."

Li Yunchang listened to the first half of Blackbeard's sentence, and he really did it.

Lying in the pit, you are still awesome.

What if I kill you?

However, after hearing the second half of the sentence, "Stealing a woman's magic horse", he immediately stopped, with a embarrassed expression on his face.

He often hangs out in the clubhouse.

There are many situations like this. First, there are few high-quality resources, and everyone is rushing to get them. Second, high-quality resources are always thinking of paying more for more work, so they often rush to the market.

So, things like robbing women happen from time to time.

He, Li Yunchang, also snatched someone else's.

was also robbed.

At that moment, when Blackbeard entered his private room angrily, he immediately understood what was going on.

The top card Yunyun Cuicui is in a hurry again.

Originally, when this happened, Li Yunchang wanted to argue with Blackbeard.

But in front of Lin Xuan, I was really embarrassed.

after all.

He kept telling Lin Xuan that it was to catch Blackbeard, not the real sword.

But it turned out that he was a real sword.

He also competed with others for the sake of the two foot-washing girls...

Because of this attack in front of Lin Xuan, I still can't afford to lose that person.


"Brother, I remember you took away my dry sky stone last time, and your brick skills seem to be a bit similar to dry sky stone."

"Dare to ask, what is the relationship between your brick and my Qiantian stone?"

Seeing that Li Yun had grown up, Blackbeard looked happy, and then asked Lin Xuan.

Of course, Lin Xuan knew that his bricks, so the skills are a bit like Qiantianshi, because of the fusion of Qiantianshi.

But he wasn't going to tell Blackbeard either.

Of course Blackbeard understood what Lin Xuan meant.

He smiled sarcastically.

Try to sit up from the pit, after all, C-level powerhouses recover quickly.

After sitting up, he took out the Kundi Stone and first waved his hands to explain: "It's not a fight, I can't beat you..."

Then he said to Lin Xuan: "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, but my kun earth stone is stronger than Qiangqian Tianshi in every aspect, but in the end I was beaten to pieces by your dark bricks. I really admire it!"

After finishing speaking, he coughed two mouthfuls of blood again.

Ever since Lin Xuan's brick was smashed into the floor, Blackbeard has been vomiting blood, almost half a liter of blood.

Based on the tyrannical body of a C-level cultivator, one can see the powerful attack power of the brick.

"What are you blackbeard blowing, what is the earth stone, in front of the little brother's brick, you were beaten like a grandson. No, considering that your earth earth belongs to the mother, so it should be the granddaughter! Hahaha..." Li Yunchang Don't miss any chance to hurt Blackbeard.

Blackbeard did not immediately refute this time.

Instead, he stood up.

He shook his head and smiled lightly.

Instead, he handed the Kundi Stone in front of Lin Xuan, "My little brother, I'm sorry to be defeated in front of you, why don't you show me, is my Kundi Stone still useful?"

The tone is very polite.

It's just that there are still evil intentions in my heart.

As soon as Lin Xuan approached, the Nakun Earth Stone would suddenly explode a layer of skin, and the skin would shatter into pieces, attacking the enemy instantly.

Due to the close distance, it is almost impossible to guard against.

Although the power is not fatal, it can instantly injure the opponent.

This can be regarded as Kun Dishi's last life-saving trick.

Blackbeard relied on this before, constantly avoiding the pursuit of the Ability Bureau and the pursuit of his enemies.

At this time, repeat the old trick.

Naturally, he was still dissatisfied and wanted to continue to escape.

Li Yunchang didn't see it.

Lin Xuan didn't know it was a fraud. Although he had a more magical brick at hand, he had no interest in Kundi Stone.

But when Blackbeard handed the Kundi Stone towards him.

He was also defenseless.

An imperceptible cunning flashed across Blackbeard's face.


The surface of the Nakun Earth Stone exploded in an instant and shattered into pieces!
Because the fragments fall off from the body of the magic weapon, they contain great spiritual power, and their power is much stronger than that of ordinary hidden weapons. In terms of cultivation, only B-level ones can barely avoid it.

Judging from Lin Xuan's current cultivation base.

It is impossible to escape.

As long as he was hit, the injury was certain, and this was enough time for Blackbeard to escape.

As for Li Yunchang on the side.

Even if he can't beat him, he can still escape...

Blackbeard has such a wishful thinking.

I feel more and more proud.

However, what happened in the next instant made him extremely astonished.


The black brick on Lin Xuan's body jumped out again.

At a faster speed than the Kundi stone fragments, he rushed towards the Kundi stone and fragments.


With the incredible voice and speed in the eyes.

The brick actually ate up the pieces one by one!To be precise, it should be fusion, or eating, but the live action is too similar.

"Eat" the pieces.

Brick automatically rushed towards the Kundi Stone in Blackbeard's hand.

If it weren't for the fact that Blackbeard loosened his hand quickly.

The dark bricks would eat up the Kundi stone and his hand together.

So, almost in the blink of an eye.

The brick not only wiped out the surface fragments of the Kundi Stone for a piece of damage, but also ate the body of the Kundi Stone.

There's no slag left!

Blackbeard and Li Yunchang were stunned: "!!!"

Lin Xuan was stunned when he saw it.

Because, this is a completely spontaneous behavior of Ban Zhuan, as if seeing delicious food, he pounces on it, and eats up the other party in an instant!

Does this brick still have the habit of "eating" magical artifacts? !
At this time, the voice of the system also sounded in my mind.

【Ding! 】

[More magical bricks are fused with Kundi stones, congratulations to the host for getting the Qiankun bricks! 】

[Zhuankun Bricks can be large or small, deep or shallow, 100% of the long-range throws hit the back of the head, and 300% of the damage does not burst out in melee from time to time! 】


(End of this chapter)

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