Chapter 194 All Blow Up One by One
Healing skills, blessings from God!

Both men and women have unexpected healing effects, and the effect is better when combined with the recovery fruit...

Just listen to the name and introduction.

Lin Xuan felt a strong sense of something wrong.

However, if you think about it, the previous one is always a little bit stronger than you, so let's have a leg.

This is a blessing from God.

Even if something is wrong.

At least in terms of ability, it should be the same.

In the future, you can try it on the female leopard first. Although there is progress, at least the shashasha will not be injured, but there will still be minor injuries.

It is better to cooperate with the recovery fruit.

The dog system really thoughtfully gave three recovery fruits...

"Little brother, let's go and report to Director Hua!"

Li Yunchang in front was holding a black beard, and shouted back excitedly, with a mean smile on his face, and he was not worried that Lin Xuan would suddenly retaliate against him at this moment.

In other words, he was also surprised just now.

I always thought that Lin Xuan was quite serious.

I don't like places like clubhouses.

The first time I took him to the big sword, I didn't do anything.

Later in KTV, he was called by his nephew Li Kai to be a rescuer, knowing that Lin Xuan was actually quite good at playing, [-]v[-], better than him...

As for now.

I was so surprised that I was a little surprised.

Disdainful of the clubhouse, but finally started to play, and the shots were generous, 100 at a time, what kind of push-ups, one of the two girls did 48 times, and the other 58 times.

more positive than him.

By the way, this time, he hasn't even gotten to the point with an old fritter.

Li Yunchang thought.

He glanced at Lin Xuan again, and it was true that people were not good by their appearances.


Lin Xuan walked slowly behind, and naturally understood what the old man's smirk meant.

But too lazy to care about.

This task can be described as rewarding.

First, there is a Qiankun brick that can be large or small, deep or shallow.Afterwards, he got a healing skill, a blessing from God.

I was in a good mood, so I let old man Li go for now.


The building of the clubhouse is actually two front and back.

Since the fight was in the backyard, the buildings facing the street in front were basically unaffected, so there was a rumble inside. Although the outside was near the train station and the crowd was dense, it did not attract much attention.

Besides, there was a fight in the clubhouse.

Outsiders are not surprised either.

Li Yunchang was holding Black Beard in front, and Lin Xuan was behind.

At the entrance of the clubhouse, I hailed a taxi and went straight to the sub-bureau of the Ability Bureau of Shanghai.

On the way, Lin Xuan wondered if he could meet Hua Jieyu at the branch office.

I haven't seen you for two days.

Always feel something is missing.

So I sent a message to Hua Jieyu, introduced the situation of Blackbeard's arrest, talked a lot, and finally made an appointment for dinner.

Hua Jieyu quickly responded to the message with a compliment.

Then it's gone.

Lin Xuan was not without disappointment, thinking that your mother leopard didn't ask for four chapters of the law.

Will you punish me well?
The result is here? !

Because they were escorting prisoners, both Li Yunchang and Lin Xuan sat in the back seat, and in the middle was a man with a strong black beard who was handcuffed and tied up.

After the initial anger and powerlessness.

Blackbeard is also honest.

Sitting in the middle, motionless, surprisingly quiet.

Li Yunchang, who was on the other side, was a little strange: "I said Wang Hu, and I said that something is wrong with you! Why, aren't you arrogant and arrogant, and you resigned to your fate so quickly?"

Blackbeard's original name was Wang Hu.

Because of a conspicuous beard, black beard became his "Jianghu title".

Li Yunchang called his name, intending to stimulate him.

And Blackbeard.

At this time, the seal on the mouth has been removed.

Hearing Li Yunchang's words, he just looked at Li Yunchang and snorted coldly, without expressing anything in particular.

The more Blackbeard behaved like this, the more uneasy Li Yunchang felt.

Then deliberately said:
"Wang Hu, if my guess is correct, you still have your accomplices, right? They will come to rescue you soon. But I advise you to still have your accomplices, so don't bother, seeing the little brother next to you No, those accomplices of yours have come and been wiped out as many times as possible..."

"Really?" Blackbeard finally couldn't bear it anymore.

A hint of mockery curled up at the corner of his mouth: "If you really come and kill as many as you want, then just wait and see!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled lightly.

Li Yunchang's complexion changed.

I wanted to scam Blackbeard, but I didn't expect that this guy really has a helper!
Look at the calm look of Blackbeard.

Li Yunchang couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be that little brother Lin Xuan couldn't resist the black beard?
He glanced at Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan was playing with his mobile phone, seemingly not paying attention to the situation next to him.

Li Yunchang was secretly thinking about countermeasures.

The taxi suddenly turned into a small alley, suddenly accelerated and hit a wall, knocked the wall down, and the taxi stopped.

Li Yunchang's expression changed, but he still hadn't reacted.

Then there was another boom.

A huge iron cage fell from the sky, completely covering the taxi inside!

"You old man, didn't you just ask my accomplice? Look, this is it!" Although the black beard in the middle was about to spit out another mouthful of blood because of the violent impact just now, he looked at Li Yunchang with a serious expression. proud.

Li Yunchang's expression changed, and he saw that the taxi driver in front of him had passed out due to the impact.

Apparently just an ordinary guy under duress.

"Little brother, let's get out of the car first!" Li Yunchang held a black beard in one hand, said to Lin Xuan, and got out of the car first.

And go outside.

Li Yunchang suddenly found the iron cage, and more than 30 people had gathered around it.

Everyone has bad eyesight.

Judging from the energy fluctuations on their bodies, they are at least above D rank.

Lin Xuan put away his mobile phone and got out of the car. Seeing more than 30 D-classes around the iron cage, he also frowned.

Just chatted with the mother leopard.

The mother leopard said that she has never been free, and she was in a bad mood before she knew it.By the way, it's only been two days, why are you so eager to punish the mother leopard even more?Hey……


Since there are so many short-sighted people, let's get closer.

It also happens to exercise the muscles and bones...

Compared with Lin Xuan's calmness, Li Yunchang with an old beard almost lost his composure.

After all, I still know Blackbeard too well.

More than 30 D-level, head-to-head.

He and Lin Xuan are two C-levels, basically invincible, even if they can't take Blackbeard away, they can escape without any problem.

It's just Blackbeard's arrangement, obviously it doesn't end there.

Li Yunchang's mind sank.

Walking up to the iron cage, he stretched out his hand to lift the iron cage, but found that it was not moving at all.

Use your whole body strength again.

The iron cage remained motionless, as if it had been restricted!
"Don't bother, you can't lift it!"

Blackbeard sneered at the side: "This iron cage is made of a special alloy, and it is specially customized for cultivators. Unless you are a B-level, otherwise you don't want to go out."

After finishing speaking, he smiled complacently.

"Wang Hu, believe it or not, I will kill you first?"

Li Yunchang couldn't bear to see Heibeard's face, so he stretched out his hand to pinch Heibeard's neck.


More than 30 cultivators with D or above outside also showed their weapons in unison.

There are crossbows, iron swords, and spears.

They all pointed to Li Yunchang and Lin Xuan in the iron cage.

Although the iron cage is huge.

But it’s not that big of a deal, there’s basically no space to move around in it, and after a long time, it’s exhausting.

"Why, come and kill me!"

"It doesn't matter if I die, but it's not good for you to be buried with me."

Blackbeard smiled more and more complacently: "To tell you the truth, the iron cage really has a certain restraint effect, that is to say, even if you are C-level now, if you really do it, you may not be able to do it better than the D-level outside... "

"Actually, it's not that you can't go out."

"Continue to practice, you can break the iron cage after reaching B level, hahaha..."

Li Yunchang tugged on an old beard.

Frown and listen.

There was nothing he could do for a while, because what Blackbeard said was not empty words, he really felt that his cultivation base was inexplicably affected by some kind of restriction, and it actually declined.

Lin Xuan was in a bad mood at first, but when he saw the situation at the scene.

It was even more depressed.

It's so meow, I wanted to catch a group of D grades and give them a hard K meal.

Let out the depression in your heart.

But now, trapped in an iron cage, not to mention that he can't get out, his own cultivation has been affected all over, and a group of D-ranks outside are watching...

This is still a few hairs!

Lin Xuan muttered in his heart, and suddenly thought of the new skill, a blessing from God.

Although it is a healing ability.

It can be said that the dog's urinary system is not serious, maybe there will be some kind of moth...

Want to try it?

Once Lin Xuan thought about it, he did what he said. Anyway, the test subjects were not his own, and he had nothing to lose.

So he raised his right hand.

Secretly used a new skill to a group of D-class outside, a blessing from God!

After a moment.

Just listen to bang bang bang bang...

With a continuous dull sound.

No, to be more precise, it should be a slight cracking sound.

That group of D-class bodies.

All of them had unexpected changes, clutching their bloody backs, their expressions were beyond shock.

They looked at each other, dumbfounded.


Meow, their asses are all blown up...


(End of this chapter)

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