Chapter 195 Can Be Deep or Shallow
Faced with such a situation, the group of D-levels outside, the pain is second, but it is actually not painful.

Mainly unbelievable.


The eyeballs popped out.

What the hell!

What the hell, somehow, why did my ass explode?

Blackbeard and Li Yunchang were also shocked.

What is the situation.

Aunts are coming one by one? !
Of course, Blackbeard, because of his previous arrogance, his expression became more exciting, and the smile froze on his face.

Facing the previous scene, how embarrassing and embarrassing it must be.

Even the instigator Lin Xuan.

Also more than surprised.

Blessings from God, what a true God...

Dog system, why are you coming out to make it clear that this is their healing ability? !

You know something is wrong with you.

But it can't be so wrong!


This coquettish operation of the dog system is really exciting...

A group of D-levels outside were holding various weapons, because the ground below exploded and bled, and they were embarrassed to attack Lin Xuan and the others for a moment.

Very meow.

Who of you has seen a group of big men come to the big aunt.

Still able to fight? !

"Wang Hu, by the way, your subordinates are really a group of men, I don't look like them, are they actually women?" Li Yunchang didn't know what happened to the group of D-levels outside, but he guessed, except for Lin Xuan, no one else had such a thing.

Seeing that Black Beard's face was deathly ugly at this moment, how could he miss a good opportunity to sarcasm.

"Hey, your group of subordinates are loyal, but I didn't expect that they were all mothers."

"But it's rare."

"Auntie is here, she dares to save you... Tsk tsk!"

After Li Yunchang, he laughed again.

Blackbeard was about to explode when he heard that.

But it's hard to refute it, it's not the mother's, why is there bleeding down there...

I had no choice but to shut up.

His face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

Lin Xuan marveled for a while at the operation of the system and the blessing from God, and suddenly thought of the Qiankun Brick. Since the Qiankun Brick can be large or small, deep or shallow, why don't you try it too?

Thinking about it, he took out the Qiankun Brick.

stand on the ground.

Try to manipulate the Qiankun Brick with consciousness.

Before, Lin Xuan used the Qiankun Brick to fight against Blackbeard's Kundi Stone, which was controlled by consciousness.

I didn't expect it to be very useful.

Now Lin Xuan is using consciousness to control, since it can be big or small, let's do it!
Li Yunchang and Heibeard didn't understand what Lin Xuan was doing with the brick at first.

Li Yunchang thought that Lin Xuan wanted to smash the iron cage with a brick.

But the iron cage seemed to be restrained.

According to what Blackbeard said, only B-level powerhouses can break through it. Can this small brick do it?

After a while, Blackbeard's expression changed.

Whether it is a dry sky stone or a Kundi stone, it can be turned into a boulder to attack the opponent.

The blackboard brick that swallowed the Qiantian stone and the Kundi stone can naturally become a giant brick.

Could it be that this kid wants to use bricks to grow bigger?

Used to break the iron cage? !

Blackbeard guessed right, Lin Xuan really wanted to use the Qiankun Bricks to make it bigger and break the iron cage.

But not in the way Blackbeard thought!

The original Qiantian stone or the Kundi stone became larger because of its own shape, and the same was true for the giant brick controlled by Lin Xuan at that time.

However, the Qiankun brick at this time.

But it is another way.

It's not that its own shape becomes bigger, but it grows bigger like a golden cudgel while maintaining straight edges and right angles!

It may seem like a long time, but it is actually very short.

between a few breaths.

The Qiankun Brick has become extremely slender, reaching the top of the iron cage.


The iron cage was easily pushed open!
After being pushed open, the restriction of the iron cage was lifted.Li Yunchang was shocked by Qiankun Brick's coquettish manipulation, and immediately kicked the iron cage away.

The more than 30 D-levels were originally bleeding because of the explosion behind them.

Cowardly and embarrassed, he dared not step forward.

At this time, a brick that had grown in length and size was lifted up from the iron cage, and was kicked away by Li Yunchang.

It was like seeing magic again.

There is no fighting spirit.

Moreover, thirty D-ranks have no chance of winning against two C-ranks.

So they dispersed in a hurry, and the unlucky ones who walked slowly were chased by Li Yunchang.

Give me a good beating.

Firmly installed an X.


"You, how did you do it?"

Heibeard was completely at a loss right now, with many questions in his mind, he couldn't help asking Lin Xuan.

His tone became visibly timid.

Compared with the arrogance and composure just now, they are obviously different.

For Lin Xuan.

His cognition of Blackbeard is being refreshed again and again.

He has a D-level cultivation, and he considers himself to be a top-notch expert at present.But when I met this kid, it was completely different, and I stumbled again and again.

Not to mention the first time we met.

Just this time, first he was smashed by the kid's brick until it hit the floor, and then he saw the kid's brick swallow up his Kundi stone, and then a group of loyal brothers helped him trap it. over them.

But it's so inexplicable, a group of younger brothers all came to the aunt...

Qiankun bricks are like golden cudgels.

It grew longer and bigger, and directly opened the iron cage!

Fuck, it's just unbelievable.

Operation of God...

"What you're asking is, auntie, should I open the iron cage?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile, of course he was happy that the Qiankun brick was so hanging.

"Iron cage?" Blackbeard asked tentatively.

Immediately seeing that Lin Xuan's expression was not right, he hurriedly continued: "Why don't you be a big aunt..."

"Don't worry, seeing how curious you are, if you open the iron cage and Auntie, there will be one!" Lin Xuan said with a smile again, "Okay, according to your intention, come to Auntie first."

Blackbeard looked at Lin Xuan.

Why does it feel that something is wrong, there is no fraud, right?Just when I want to regret.

But Lin Xuan raised his right hand.

With a slight cracking sound.

Blackbeard immediately paused, his eyes widened, and he covered his back with an extremely embarrassed expression... What the hell? !

Li Yunchang was puzzled at first.

Then he glanced at Blackbeard.

Immediately overjoyed, he pointed at the black beard and laughed loudly: "Wang Hu, why are you here as an aunt too?! Hahaha..."

Blackbeard wanted to die at this moment.

Think of yourself as a C-level powerhouse.

She has been calling the wind and calling the rain all her life, and what the hell is in front of people... Bleeding from the back! ! !

"Black Beard, how did the iron cage open below?" Lin Xuan continued to talk to Black Beard with a smile on his face.

in fact.

He has no particular ill feeling towards Blackbeard.

Without him, he and the mother leopard would not be able to get along, so to some extent, I have to thank him.

It was just the arrogance and complacency of Blackbeard the moment before.

Lin Xuan was really disgusted.

You black beard, don’t you like to pretend to be X, okay, then labor and capital will let you pretend to fly...

"No no no..."

When Heibeard heard how the iron cage was pushed open next, he panicked and waved his hands again and again.

"It's okay, it's okay, aren't you curious? Do you want to know what's going on? I'm nothing but helping others." Lin Xuan smiled, and then picked up the Qiankun Brick.Just opened the iron cage, it can be regarded as big or small.

As far as deep or shallow, I haven't tried it yet...

Seeing this, Blackbeard almost cried.

Just haven't cried yet.

The heavy blow of Qiankun Brick came oncoming.

bang bang bang...

The slightly larger and longer Qiankun Brick, like a pile driver, hammered Blackbeard into the ground in one breath.

Fortunately, the ground is soft.

The black beard of the C-level powerhouse did not suffer any new serious injuries.

It was just that the black beard who was hammered into the ground was in so much pain that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

I kept regretting in my heart.


Labor and capital have suffered bad luck for eight lifetimes, so why did they fall into the hands of this great god!

(End of this chapter)

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