Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 196 Extra rewards for the female leopard

Chapter 196 Extra rewards for the female leopard
Lin Xuan looked at the black beard in the deep pit, and was a little surprised, that is, can the Qiankun brick be deep or shallow?

It's not like the style of the dog system.

I thought……

However, it is also very awesome.

Before the hammer was so deep, it had to be manipulated once and for all, but now basically it only needs to be silently recited, and the Qiankun brick can be completed automatically.

In short, a lot of peace of mind.

"How is it? You understand now." Lin Xuan asked Blackbeard.

"Understood...understood!" Blackbeard nodded again and again, joking, dare not understand?If you don’t understand, you will definitely be “educated” again.

"It's good if you understand, then let's continue on our way?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"Okay, okay!" Blackbeard nodded hastily again.

Hurry up, of course, send his black beard to the bureau!
"Li Daochang, I leave it to you." Lin Xuan said, motioning for the other party to pull the black beard out.


Li Yunchang responded immediately, he wished to have such an opportunity.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Blackbeard out of the deep pit.

"Wang Hu, let's go! Hehehe..."

It was still Li Yunchang who stopped the taxi with his black beard in his hand.

Because the mother leopard is busy, she may not be in the branch office.

Lin Xuan didn't want to go, but thought again, what if he was there.

So he also sat up.

The taxi headed for the Modu sub-bureau, and this time the journey went smoothly.

After handing over the matter of Blackbeard, Li Yunchang ran away in a hurry after being rewarded. Needless to say, he must have gone there again.

He didn't enjoy himself catching a black beard.

It is natural to make up for it.

However, Lin Xuan looked at the back of the old boy leaving, and was a little puzzled, saying that the Ability Bureau really doesn't know the old boy's hobbies?

Wouldn't it be turning a blind eye and closing one eye?

Lin Xuan sent another message to Mother Leopard.

After no return.

Go directly to the mother leopard's office.


The mother leopard is really...

"I said Director Hua, my wife, is there anyone like you? If you don't reply to the message, if you don't reply or if you don't reply..." Lin Xuan went in, closed the door and locked it, and complained to Hua Jieyu Said.

Hua Jieyu behind the desk is busy.

Seeing Lin Xuan coming in, his eyes lit up, and he immediately explained: "I'm not kidding you, I'm really busy! I'm also the director of the Ability Bureau, and I really didn't have time to check my phone..."

As he spoke, he picked up the phone on the table and looked through it.

"Oh, so you sent so many messages!" He smiled in surprise while watching, "I don't even know, call me again."

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes helplessly.

Put it on, put it on...

I didn't call you except to send a message?
Hua Jieyu also felt that it was too much.

So he stood up and came to Lin Xuan, and smiled apologetically: "By the way, is that why you want to see me?"

"That doesn't sound right." Lin Xuan was unhappy, and immediately said: "You said it yourself, just yesterday, no, two days ago, whoever said it, I will be punished twice, and there are three chapters in the contract." Upgraded to Chapter Four of the Covenant?"

"Then, aren't you on a mission?" Hua Jieyu argued.

"But I've completed my task!" Lin Xuan said, "If I don't come to your office, you just ignore me."

Hua Jieyu looked at Lin Xuan's dissatisfied expression.

Can't help but smile sweetly again.

Putting his hands on Lin Xuan's shoulders, he suddenly pecked Lin Xuan's face lightly: "Then tell me, what do you think of me?"

"I can think about what you are doing!"

After being kissed by the mother leopard, Lin Xuan's expression softened a little: "I don't mean anything else, I just came to your office to ask you face to face, whether the agreement is three chapters, no, the agreement is four chapters, is it still valid? !"

Hua Jieyu blushed in embarrassment: "Oh, oh, I made a joke for really take it seriously!"

"Of course I take it seriously, I must take it seriously!" Lin Xuan said sternly, "You are also the director after all, do you know that you are not joking? You can't count your words!"

When Lin Xuan said this on purpose, Hua Jieyu's pretty face turned even redder.

All red to the ears.

If at this time, it is seen by other colleagues in the Ability Bureau.

It will definitely surprise you.

The eyeballs fell all over the place, is this their fierce Director Hua? !

There was a pause.

Hua Jieyu suddenly remembered something and asked, "Did you catch that black beard?"

"I caught it, otherwise why would I come to the branch office." Lin Xuan said.

"How is it? Is it easy to catch? Are you injured?" Hua Jieyu asked with concern.

"Easy to catch, no injury." Lin Xuan replied bluntly, and then said: "I said Director Hua, can we not change the topic? Please answer my question just now."

Hua Jieyu was embarrassed: "..."

This dead guy, you can't let me play tricks.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to, but she feels that the progress is too fast...

And now.

She didn't even think about how to tell her family.


Under Lin Xuan's questioning.

I had no choice but to let go: "It works! What I said, of course works!"


Seeing Lin Xuan's weird smile, he leaned towards her a little bit.

Can't help stepping back, nervously said: "Huh?"

" don't want to be here, do you?"

"Although this is my office, people often come to me, and there will be a video conference later... Or is it still at night?"

Hua Jieyu had a troubled expression and explained for a long time.

Lin Xuan was speechless.

How about night?

What did I say?or what to do?
It seems that just looking at the way the mother leopard has to admit it, I want to laugh a little bit.

He smiled and said, "Director Hua, what are you thinking about!"

Hua Jieyu was confused: "Just now, didn't you want to..." Then he realized that he had misunderstood, and his face turned even more blushing.

But after all, it is a female leopard.

Being ridiculed by Lin Xuan like this, he simply let go.

"The fourth chapter of the Covenant is valid. I'm free in the evening, and I'm still in the old place. My little home in is it? Are you happy now?"

"This, how could it be." Lin Xuan smiled: "You should be the one who is happy, I clearly remember someone, but on the phone, he gritted his teeth and said viciously, he wants to punish me severely, double the punishment ..."

Hua Jieyu: "..."

The dead guy still has an inch!
So Xiao Huya immediately showed his teeth, and said with a fierce expression: "Since you say that, don't regret it at night!"

"What do you regret? No regrets!"

Lin Xuan responded casually.

I looked at my watch, it was still early, and I could still go to class.

Seeing a lot of documents on the mother leopard's desk, she is really busy.

I can't bear to bother.

"Then keep busy, I'm going to school." Lin Xuan said, turned to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Hua Jieyu hesitated for a moment, but still chased after him.

Lin Xuan stopped, thinking that the mother leopard was going to bite him hard before leaving just like before.


In a daze, the female leopard hooked her neck.The delicate red lips sealed his mouth in the next second.

Only the mother leopard said vaguely:

"This... just treat it as an extra reward for catching Blackbeard!"


(End of this chapter)

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