Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 199 The Biting Mother Leopard

Chapter 199 The Biting Mother Leopard

Faced with a group of young people who surrounded and blocked the road to grab money.

Lin Xuan could not hold back a burst of anger.

Before putting it aside, Lin Xuan wouldn't be so angry. For this kind of little bastard, just beat him up.

But this time, Lin Xuan went to Hua Jieyu's house.

Somewhat impatient.

It is said that the mother leopard is still waiting to punish him, so how could he not hurry up...

"You want money, right? Okay!"

Lin Xuan tried his best to calm down and said that he originally wanted to take out the Qiankun Bricks and just catch this group of people and give them a blow.

On second thought.

Why is it so troublesome, what a blessing from God!

Those young people thought that Lin Xuan had given in.

The leader was about to step forward and threaten a few more words.

Suddenly Lin Xuan raised his right hand.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

A series of slight cracking sounds.

A group of young people were all stunned, their legs tightened, their eyes were bewildered, embarrassed, and unbelievable.

What the fuck? !
Pi ass exploded, bleeding? !

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, knowing that it was Lin Xuan's tricks, and when they were about to scold.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

There was another series of slight cracking sounds.

These little youths were blown up again, and the blood was dripping down.


It was Lin Xuan who was so angry that he couldn't let go, so he tried God's blessing again.

did not expect.

It can also attack repeatedly...

Those young people didn't feel much pain at first.

Now fry it again.

It hurts a bit, but not too much.

But suddenly howled, the reason is that Lin Xuan tried again.

Three consecutive blessings from God.

Let the young man explode three times.

Completely overwhelmed, all bloody, horrified, with buttocks in between, fleeing wildly.

Together with the group of young people brought a few monster pets.

They also exploded.

He didn't dare to attack Lin Xuan at all, and fled away in a bloody mess.


Not only humans, but also monsters? !
Lin Xuan was surprised for a while. It seems that beating these idiots was not in vain. He discovered a new situation.After that, when you go to secret places, ruins, etc., and meet monsters, wouldn't you be happy to fly up?


and many more……

Just as Lin Xuan was about to continue walking forward, he suddenly discovered an unexpected situation.

There was even a monster pet left at the scene!
grinning at him...

I wipe, what's the matter?
This monster pet has a special physique, or what?
Without further ado, Lin Xuan immediately raised his right hand and used God's blessing on this monster pet.

Counting the previous three times, this is the fourth time.


In the end, there was still no explosion, and the monster pet was fine, but it seemed to be very comfortable and let out a cry.

Turned over and lay on the ground.

rolling around……

Of course, although he still grinned at Lin Xuan, he didn't take the initiative to attack Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment.

Upon closer inspection, the reason was soon discovered.

The reason is not that this monster pet has a special physique.

Rather, because it's a female...

According to the system's explanation, blessings from God are healing skills, and both men and women have unexpected healing effects.

After first use.

I thought that since it was a dog system that was wrong, the blessings from God were of course also wrong.

It is said to be a healing skill.

The result can only be used to fry pi butts...

But now it seems that the blessing from God is a real healing skill, but it is only for the mother!
After discovering a new situation.

Lin Xuan was elated, so he raised his right hand and tried four or five blessings from God in front of the female monster pet.




That monster pet is so cool that I can't stand it.

Under the yelling of the master in the distance, he scrambled and ran away...

Lin Xuan was amused.

Continue to walk towards the mother leopard's community.


Soon after arriving outside Hua Jieyu's apartment, Lin Xuan didn't ring the doorbell, but called Mother Leopard first.

In case the mother leopard is not off work.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to stand alone outside someone's house?

Connected quickly.

The female leopard's lazy voice came over the phone: "The door is unlocked, come in."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Pushing the door open, he found that the door was indeed ajar, so he pushed the door open and walked in.

He closed the door again.

The house is very clean and tidy, it looks like it has just been cleaned.

The female leopard, Hua Jieyu, is dressed in home clothes.

Lie on the sofa.

Boring watching TV.

Seeing Lin Xuan coming in, he just glanced at it and continued to look at the soap opera.

Lin Xuan looked at everything in the living room with a smile.

Not to mention cleaning up again.

The key point is that the dishes on the table are full of meat and vegetables. They are full of color, fragrance, and taste, and they are mouth-watering. Moreover, they look steaming hot, and they have just been prepared.


And wine candles...

"All these are specially prepared for me?" Lin Xuan smiled and sat beside Hua Jieyu.

"You think it's beautiful." Hua Jieyu snorted: "I'm in a good mood and want to reward myself. You're just getting some light."

"So you prepared a candlelight dinner for yourself?" Lin Xuan did not refute, but followed Hua Jieyu's meaning.

"Isn't that right?"

Hua Jieyu then looked back at Lin Xuan and rolled his eyes.


This white eye...

Coquettish, resentful, as if there are thousands of styles, Lin Xuan's heart moves when he sees it, and he can't help but want to kiss the mother leopard's cheek hard.

"It will take a long time to prepare so much."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Of course, I prepared it three or four hours in advance." Hua Jieyu then complained as if remembering something, "However, it's all your fault!"

"Blame me?" Lin Xuan was puzzled.

After a while, he immediately stretched out his hand to wrap the female leopard, and said deliberately with a smile: "I said Director Hua, you have prepared so much, and said that it is not bad for me, how can you blame me?"

"I blame you!"

Hua Jieyu still said in an angry tone.

The little powder fist also lightly hammered Lin Xuan twice.Then I wanted to say something, but my mouth moved, but there was no exit.

"Okay, I'm just blaming me." Lin Xuan couldn't help being amused when he saw the mother leopard's duplicity.

in fact.

Lin Xuan really thought it was wrong.

He thought that Hua Jieyu's words were duplicity, and he obviously cooked a big table and prepared a candlelight dinner, but he said it was not for him, and blamed him instead.

Typical little girl mind.


In Hua Jieyu's heart, she really blamed Lin Xuan.

At that time, in Hua Jieyu's office in the Magic City branch of the Ability Bureau, Lin Xuan came to visit unexpectedly.

Hua Jieyu gave him an extra reward.

after that.

Lin Xuan didn't think it was enough, so he did it himself, no, he used his mouth.

Gnaw and bite.

all the way down.

In the end, I was satisfied and left to go to class.

But Hua Jieyu.

However, he stayed in the office in a mess for a while, his heart couldn't get up and down, he couldn't stop, his body was like a vast ocean, and he seemed to be on fire.

Work is not working anymore.

Thinking of the promise made at night, I can no longer pigeon Linxuan.

So I had to leave work early...

So Hua Jieyu prepared so much and fully, it was indeed for Lin Xuan, but as for the reason, he also blamed Lin Xuan for having to do this.

The key reason is not easy to talk about.

If you really say it, how can Lin Xuan think of him.

Hua Jieyu had no choice but to hold back, and glared at Lin Xuan angrily.

Really angry.

I just had to bite him on the shoulder.


Lin Xuan was bitten abruptly, and his head was covered with black lines: "Are you a leopard or a dog, why do you like to bite people so much!"

All right, mother leopard.

You love to bite, don't you?

I'll let you have a good bite later!

(End of this chapter)

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