Chapter 200 Violent Punishment

Lin Xuan was bitten by the mother leopard.

When even throwing the female leopard down on the sofa, this close contact suddenly found that the female leopard was actually vacuum...

Originally, I wanted to punish him a little first.

Can suddenly encounter a vacuum.

Immediately became restless.

Hua Jieyu saw that Lin Xuan's expression was different, and the movements of his hands became more and more dangerous, his face turned red, and he quickly grabbed Lin Xuan's hand: "Oh, let's eat first! If you don't eat the food, it will be cold..."

She glared at Lin Xuan coquettishly.

Lin Xuan's response was to lower his head and hold her soft chun.

The danger continues...

Fortunately, Hua Jieyu should be more rational.

Although she wanted to.

It has been said so many times before that there are four chapters and double punishment, so it has to be fulfilled no matter what.

What's more, I was in a state of being overwhelmed by Lin Xuan in the office.


I've been waiting for so long, and it's not too late.

"Let's eat first, um... I have worked so hard to cook a table of dishes, candlelight dinner, I can't waste it..."

"Lin Xuan, did you hear that?"

"Let's talk about it after dinner, then you can do whatever you want... If you do this again now, the meal will be really cold!"

Hua Jieyu said out of breath.

Of course Lin Xuan heard it.

After completing a few actions quickly, just let it go.

Candlelight dinner is always to be eaten, so I can't live up to the mother leopard's intentions.


So the two cleaned up.

Candlelight dinner officially opened.

It has to be said that the mother leopard does have skills.

Eight dishes and one soup, crispy fried chicken wings, green pepper fried meat, tomato scrambled eggs, braised beef ribs, fried shrimp skin with rapeseed, black pepper prawn vermicelli, honey kiwi, cucumber crab meat sushi, and garlic enoki mushroom fish cake soup .

The plate is exquisite, with meat and vegetables, and it is not greasy.

There were also two bottles of Roman-Conti red wine on the table.

After lighting the candles.

The whole atmosphere is even more warm and romantic. Of course, there is a little bit of ambiguity with the beautiful woman.

In any case, it was an experience that Lin Xuan had never had before.

It surprised me that.

Under the usual fierce appearance of the mother leopard, there is such a good wife and mother.

It is really the upper hall and the lower kitchen.


Lin Xuan ate the delicacies carefully prepared by the mother leopard.

Inexplicably, he remembered that day at Tianyizong Mountain, the dark alchemy-flavored dish that the headmaster cooked for him...

have to say.

Compared with the female leopard, the head of the sect has the best figure and appearance.

It's too bad in terms of cooking skills.

But since he thought of being the head of the sect, Lin Xuan couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Because a few days before the head of the sect, he told him that he would come to Shanghai to see him, and the time was uncertain.

The key is this indefinite time.

With the intention of the head of the sect, he definitely wanted to give him a surprise attack. Moreover, with the means of the head of the sect, Lin Xuan would not be too surprised if he suddenly broke in from the outside at this time.

and so.

Once the head arrives in the magic capital.

It is very likely to meet a female leopard, and then discover the relationship between him and the female leopard.

It is impossible for a female leopard to camouflage.

In particular, the leader is already a B-level cultivation base, the only B-level in the world, once it is launched, the consequences will be disastrous...

As for Lin Xuan himself, he can only protect himself when he reaches Zenith.

Except the master.

My aunt will also come to Shanghai.

Fortunately, my aunt had seen a female leopard before.

Even if she knew about his relationship with the mother leopard, judging from her aunt's excessive tolerance and doting on him in the past, she probably wouldn't say anything.

The only unimaginable.

It was the scene where the head, the mother leopard, and the three daughters met together.

That scene...

Hey, just think about how sour it is.

I won't really fight...


Lin Xuan's thoughts wandered for a while, and soon he returned to the scene of the candlelight dinner.

He glanced at the mother leopard a few times.

It was found that the female leopard was wearing loose home clothes.

But even painted light makeup.

She was originally very good-looking, with picturesque eyebrows, a sandalwood mouth and a fine nose, skin as white as porcelain, and black hair like a waterfall.

At this time, light makeup was painted.

Under the candlelight, it is even more radiant, like a concubine with a figure.

"Eat when you eat, why do you always look at me?"

Embarrassed by Lin Xuan's stare, Hua Jieyu asked.

"It looks good on you, of course you keep staring at it." Lin Xuan laughed.

Hua Jieyu chuckled.

He asked again: "It looks good, can it be eaten as a meal?"

"Yes, you haven't heard of a word that is beautiful and delicious." Lin Xuan said with a smile while drinking the red wine in his hand when he had almost eaten.

Hua Jieyu blushed.

Of course she understood what Lin Xuan meant.

After a pause, he put down his chopsticks and picked up a glass of red wine.

Staring straight at Lin Xuan, he said in his mouth, "It's delicious, it seems to make sense for you to say that."

She didn't actually eat much.

Lin Xuan ate most of it, she ate too slowly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the food was almost gone...

Fortunately, she has always had a small appetite.

And the food.

Originally, it was mainly made for Lin Xuan, and she still had a great sense of accomplishment after Lin Xuan finished eating.

"To each other." Lin Xuan followed with a knowing smile.

Hua Jieyu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Looking at Lin Xuan, he asked, "Have you finished eating?"

"Eat well, I'll eat all the food, can it be okay." Lin Xuan said, leaned back on the sofa and stretched his body.

I feel very comfortable and comfortable.

That is, my stomach is a little full...

There's no way, the mother leopard's cooking skills are too good, there are still eight dishes and one soup, if you don't pay attention, you will eat too much.

Lin Xuan checked the time.

It was only 07:30 in the evening.

I was thinking about whether to ask the mother leopard to go for a walk, so as to take the opportunity to eat.Anyway, there's a moon outside, so before we get down to business, it's good to go for a walk in the moonlight in the garden of the community.

But what caught Lin Xuan off guard was that after the mother leopard put down the wine glass, she seemed to be a different person suddenly.

I was too shy just now.

At this moment, the eyes looking at Lin Xuan were full of fierceness.

The little tiger teeth were also exposed.

In a fierce tone, he said:

"Now that you're full, let's get started!"

"You bastard, don't you think about it? Don't you want my old lady to punish you severely? There are four chapters in the agreement, double punishment, my old lady will definitely keep her word!"

"Come on, everything is indispensable..."

Following the sound, the female leopard rushed over aggressively.

If before eating.

Maybe Lin Xuan counterattacked directly.

But this time.

I just got full.

Lin Xuan was a little panicked, and it was too late to hide.


Just had a hiccup.

The mother leopard had already come to her, and she couldn't help but throw Lin Xuan down.

"I just had a full meal, and I'm full, can I stop for a while?"

"No! People only do things when they are full. I have never heard of it. Is it to defeat the Peigong army?"

"...Then, can you blow out the candle first?"

"Why? Candlelight, don't you think it's very romantic? You're not afraid that I will see your ugliness clearly!"

"Ahem, that's not it... I'm just afraid that once the war starts and the battle is fierce, if you knock down the candle, your house might be burned down!"

"Just burn it, I've already burned it anyway! Also, I must see your face begging for mercy in failure!"



(End of this chapter)

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