Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 201 The Inextricable Battle

Chapter 201 The Inextricable Battle

Before the official battle started.

Hua Jieyu boasted to Lin Xuan that he would fulfill all the previous promises, four chapters, double punishment, and one by one.

And we must see clearly Lin Xuan's face of begging for mercy in failure...

Such an arrogant and ferocious aura.

Lin Xuan was almost stunned, I'm sorry, the mother leopard is taking advantage of others' danger!

have to.

So what if I'm full?
What about being taken advantage of?

I just finished cooking, and I'm afraid I can't do you, a mother leopard!
With a thought, I want to get on the horse.

The female leopard resisted fiercely, and her fighting power was so strong that she wanted to get on her horse.

The two fought together.

They touched each other and fought endlessly.

Lin Xuan basically attacked with all his strength, without reservation, but unexpectedly, he couldn't completely suppress the mother leopard for a while, but was attacked by her repeatedly.

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled.

What's wrong with the mother leopard, it's so fierce!
It can't be drugs.

But actually.

Hua Jieyu is like this, it's just holding back a lot of energy...

There are probably three reasons for this.

The first is dissatisfaction.

Thinking back to the first time I met Lin Xuan, on a stormy night, the two had a ridiculous first fight by accident.

At that time, although I was surprised by this kid's cultivation.

But from my own observations, it's only D-rank.

And his cultivation base is C rank.

C-level and D-level, the difference between the two is not a star and a half, there is almost a gap between them.

The result can be...

Although it was the first time I was excusable.

But after the fierce battle, is it a situation where you can't walk your own way? !Was he almost made a joke by the female bodyguard of his own family? !

What about the C-level physique that is unparalleled and capable of resisting heat weapons?

What about the strong and rapid recovery ability?
It made me wonder if what I broke through before was a fake C-level...

The next time was in the ruins on the outskirts of Modu.

Still a ridiculous night.

The result was even worse than the first time, the pain was so painful that he couldn't even walk, and in the end he was carried out by this kid, still in front of his subordinates.

The relationship between the two was almost broken.

The most recent time was in my own small home in Shanghai.

Although the battle was dark and dark, it was much better than the previous two times, but compared to that kid, even if he made progress, it was still very limited...

and so.

I am a C-level powerhouse.

Can't compare to a little boy?

The second is to be angry.

This anger was naturally a few days ago when Lin Xuan was called and taken away by himself because he fell asleep in class, and then the kid left his small home to go to school the next day.

When I arrived at school, I was surrounded by a group of classmates, asking questions.

Then the kid ran the train with his mouth full.

Bulls fly all over the sky.

He said a lot of unpleasant things to himself, and it was at that time, after he heard it, that he threatened Lin Xuan to offer four chapters of the law.

Although it's been a few days.

But nothing.

Hua Jieyu thought to himself, he is such a narrow-minded person!
The third is... revenge.

That's right, it's revenge!
As for the revenge, of course it was the matter in the office of his Ability Bureau that day.

This kid is happy to patronize himself.

Go to school after you have a good time, don't care about yourself.

Those who keep themselves stuck in the office are paralyzed, as if on fire, and can't do their work.

I just got home a few hours early.

and so.

There must be revenge for this matter!


It is precisely because of these three reasons, one is dissatisfied, the other is angry, and the other is revenge.

The fighting power of female leopards is very strong.

Much stronger than before.

If Lin Xuan hadn't gone all out without reservation, he really couldn't withstand the continuous attacks of the mother leopard.


The beginning of the battle.

The mother leopard attacked wildly, Lin Xuan defended again and again, and the mother leopard had a slight advantage overall.

However, as the battle gradually escalated.

The war entered the second stage.

The scope of the battlefield is constantly expanding, from the sofa, to the floor, to the bedroom.

After that, even the kitchen, bathroom, and even the balcony were all within the coverage of gunfire.

this stage.

It is a strategic stalemate, with mutual offense and defense.

Lin Xuan finally stabilized his position under the frenzied attack of the mother leopard, and made every step of the way. While counterattacking, he even organized one or two partial strategic counterattacks.

And achieved fruitful results.

As the battle continued, the Great War entered its final phase.

At this time.

Before he knew it, it had entered the middle of the night.

After fighting for many hours, Lin Xuan and the mother leopard were a little tired.

It's just that no matter what, the two are still gritting their teeth and persisting.

The mother leopard refused to admit defeat.

Lin Xuan also refused to bow his head.


Compared with the previous two stages, Lin Xuan's situation is much better.

Basically suppressed all the attacks of the mother leopard and completely eliminated the possibility of the mother leopard turning defeat into victory. On this basis, Lin Xuan began to actively organize large-scale key attacks.

Concentrate all heavy artillery fire.

Light and heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, sniper guns, mortars, howitzers, cannons, rocket launchers, recoilless guns, etc., were all pulled out.

The bullets are full, and the shells are enough.

Focus on attacking the defensive positions of the female leopard.

For a moment, the female leopard's position was filled with gunpowder and gunfire!
Finally at this time, Lin Xuan finally made a major breakthrough, and made persistent efforts to pursue the victory!

Taking advantage of the trend, the horn of an all-out attack was sounded.

Hundreds of millions of bullets and shells poured down on the mother leopard's position like a storm.

The war thus came to an end.

Lin Xuan swept, crushed, ravaged, and impacted in an all-round way, completely gaining control of the battlefield.

The female leopard is still struggling with the trapped beast.

After several times of resistance, they finally threw away their helmets and armor and were defeated!

Had to take the initiative to lie on the ground, panting heavily.

Hands up!


(End of this chapter)

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