Chapter 203 again

Seeing the mother leopard's performance after "treatment", Lin Xuan was also surprised.

Speaking of yesterday's crooked female monster pet.

It's not that exaggerated.


In addition to being surprised by the mother leopard's performance, I was also a little shocked by my own experience when using skills.


It seems that there is a feeling in the raised right hand.

It seems that out of thin air, I came into contact with something.


After Hua Jieyu's treatment response, he sincerely praised it.

Stand up and move after activity.

There is basically no pain, and there is no problem with walking or doing movements.


Hua Jieyu was overjoyed.

He rushed over and kissed Lin Xuan hard on the face.

"Thank you!"

"You are so kind to me!"

The words were moving and said, "Wow, shit, shit... In order to express my excitement and gratitude, I pecked Lin Xuan's face five or six times in a row.

It was rare for Lin Xuan not to dislike him.

He just wiped the female leopard's saliva casually, and then said, "I didn't lie to you, did I? Do you want to try again?"

Seeing the female leopard so excited and happy.

He wanted to make her happier.

Then, study how your raised right hand feels tactile when you use your skills.


Hua Jieyu immediately said excitedly.

Lin Xuan's healing skills can't help but make her wounds heal miraculously and quickly.

And the experience of being healed.

That flying feeling is not much worse than having sex...

So listen to Lin Xuan and try again.

Immediately wished for.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand again, and the mother leopard began to use God's blessing.


Hua Jieyu couldn't hold back again, and made a trembling sound.

The vibrato just now was actually extremely small.

The sound power is even stronger.

Hearing it a few times, I'm afraid it will make people's bones soft.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan's concentration is strong enough, and his attention is elsewhere.

It wasn't affected much.

at this time.

All Lin Xuan's attention was on his raised right hand.

After several experiments.

He actually discovered a new beauty.

That is, the raised right hand can sense the body parts of the treatment target during the treatment, and the parts change according to one's own thoughts...

in other words.

Feel where you want to feel.

After discovering the blessing from God, there is even this "wonderful thing".

Lin Xuan was a little stunned.

I wipe?

This is so special.

It is worthy of being produced by the wrong dog system.

It's just, something is wrong, fuck it, open the door for something wrong, something is wrong, it's home!

Dog system, why the hell are you coming out.

Are there any more inappropriate skills? !
In other words, what the hell, a healing skill can have so many tricks, male, female, male, female... and the right hand!
There is really no one left!

"Lin Xuan, what's wrong with you, are you stupid?" Hua Jieyu asked curiously seeing Lin Xuan's abnormal expression.

"No, no! I'm so happy..." Lin Xuan said.

"So happy? It's for me, what kind of healing skills of yours, I didn't expect to be able to heal my wounds!"

Hua Jieyu said excitedly, almost jumped up.

"Lin Xuan, you are so kind to me!"

Then he moved his delicate red lips closer, if Lin Xuan hadn't been able to hide quickly, he would have been slapped four or five times on his face if he didn't say much.

But the mother leopard missed.

He hooked Lin Xuan's neck directly, and forced it four or five times before giving up.

"Okay, okay, your injury is healed, hurry up and have breakfast." Lin Xuan wiped the drool on his face with a little disgust.It is said that it is breakfast, but it has been a long time in the afternoon.


Hua Jieyu was dumb again, and then skipped to the bathroom.

Soon after washing.

He came back quickly and sat in front of the plate of egg and ham sandwich made by Lin Xuan, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Let me try the sandwich made by my family!"

Hastily took a bite.

The originally expectant expression slowly became a little disgusted: "I understand now why there are two sandwiches. Be honest, did you not eat?"

"Uh, almost." Lin Xuan looked embarrassed.

He did not eat.

Because I tasted it, I didn't want to eat it, it was really hard to swallow.

"Ahem, that taste isn't very good, but it's full of ingredients, and the color of the ingredients is also good! It's my first time making it, so let me save face!" Although Lin Xuan didn't want to eat it, he worked hard anyway. After making something, I still hope that others can eat it...

"Tsk tsk, the ingredients are enough, and the color of the's really good!" Hua Jieyu looked slightly disappointed.

But then he asked, "Is this really the first time you did it?"

"That's right!" Lin Xuan immediately affirmed, "I don't really go into the kitchen at home."

"Okay then, since it's your first time making it, I'll try to eat it." Hua Jieyu said, picked up the sandwich and started chewing, and quickly ate up the two sandwiches.

Seeing Lin Xuan was a little relieved.

It was the first time to cook, and someone actually ate up the face!
At the same time, I feel a little guilty, because in the sandwich, I accidentally shake my hands, let alone put too much ketchup, and put too much mustard...

"Okay, finished eating!"

Hua Jieyu wiped her mouth and said happily.

"Lin Xuan, are you going to class this afternoon?"

Lin Xuan looked at the time and said, "You should go, or you will be absent from class for a day."

"Okay, you go to class, I happen to be going to work." Hua Jieyu smiled, now that the injury is healed, she still wants to go to the office, and hurry up to deal with that little matter.

"However, give me a blessing before you leave." She suddenly begged with a smile.

"In exchange, I will give another surprise!"


Lin Xuan's legs were inexplicably weak, I said mother leopard, didn't you punish me severely just now?Another surprise?
"Is this not good?" Some shirked.

"Do it again, do it again!" Hua Jieyu continued to beg, almost dying again.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to agree.

In fact, the blessing from God is a healing skill after all, and it still consumes spiritual power, and this is also related to the opponent's realm.

D-level and below, not very obvious.

But the mother leopard is a C-level, and has blessed many times.


Fighting all night last night...

Even with Lin Xuan's physique, it is impossible to say that it is true.


Man, how could he say no?

Even grit your teeth hard!

No matter how bad it is, there is no recovery fruit.


As a result, as expected.

After the mother leopard was blessed again and experienced an unparalleled feeling.

He rushed towards Lin Xuan again.

"Okay, it's my turn! I will give you the reward, I will do what I say!"


(End of this chapter)

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