Chapter 204 Give it a try!
After being blessed again, Hua Jieyu was in a happy mood, so he couldn't help but reward Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan, who has experienced many battles.

Suddenly, I was a little "flattered".

Speaking of the mother leopard, she really keeps her word...

But nothing was said.

If you want to fight, then fight!
Without further ado, get on the horse.

Fortunately, Hua Jieyu didn't plan to fight for a long time this time, instead, all the main forces faced off. The battle was quick and fierce, and the battle ended in less than half an hour.

After that, the two bid farewell.

Hua Jieyu tidied up, went to the Magic City branch of the Ability Bureau, and continued to handle official business.

Lin Xuan went to Zhongzhou Lingfu to attend classes.

Lin Xuan was leaving.

Looking at the time, although the sun was already westward and it was already late, he still chose to go to school. According to the time, when he arrived at school, he reckoned that he could still take an extra-curricular martial arts class.

no way.

He has always been such a child who loves to learn...


Since Lin Xuan entered Zhongzhou Lingfu, since the beginning of school, he has basically lost interest in various courses, except for martial arts.

Because compared to others.

The martial arts class in Zhongzhou Lingfu is much higher than that of Bailu Academy.

It can arouse Lin Xuan's interest.

Class [-]'s martial arts class this day is in the school's martial arts stele, where they learn and practice.

The Martial Arts Monument of Zhongzhou Lingfu.

It is said that it was handed down from the ancestor of the B-level god of Skynet. Over the years, although no one has comprehended it thoroughly, including the B-level god, but as long as you study it with your heart, regardless of the level of cultivation, there must be a lot of people. Receipt.

It is this beauty.

That B-level god specially contributed the martial arts tablet.

Send it to Zhongzhou Lingfu.

Its intention is naturally to cultivate a generation of outstanding cultivation talents for the Dragon Kingdom.

And because there is only one Martial Skill Monument.

There are too many monks and too little porridge.

Like the second class of the Freshmen College, there are only two classes in a week.


When Lin Xuan arrived.

It happened that the martial arts class had just started, and class leader Shi Tao was leading everyone to introduce in front of the martial arts monument.

"This stele of martial arts is a priceless treasure left to us by an old cultivator of our Dragon Kingdom."

"This old senior, everyone must have heard of it, is the patriarch of the B-level god of our Dragon Kingdom. It is said that his cultivation should be above A-level. The era when he was an old senior was also thousands of years ago. It's not the same as we are now."

"The old man has high morals and high prestige, regardless of personal grievances, he spent his whole life serving the country and the people. It is said that he died fighting for the country when resisting the invasion of foreign enemies."

"Before he died, the old man integrated his most proud martial arts into the martial arts tablet in front of us in the way of teaching and narrating."

"As long as you listen to the sentiment, you can practice the martial art."

"It's just a pity, due to the short time."

"The old man just finished the Martial Skill Monument, and passed away... He didn't explain how to comprehend and learn."

"So everyone will enter the Martial Skill Monument later, and just feel it by yourself."

"As for how much you can understand and how much you can learn."

"It's all about my own creation..."

Bai Tao stood in front of him, introducing him eloquently.

No embarrassment at all.

It seemed as if he had completely forgotten yesterday that he suddenly came to his aunt in public and was so embarrassing that he couldn't be more embarrassing.

Most of the students also listened very seriously.

After all, he is also a classmate.

As a pure man, the squad leader came to see his aunt in public, although it was embarrassing and humiliating enough.


A dark joke will do.

You can't just laugh at people all the time.

"Now everyone enters the comprehension position one by one according to the order..." Bai Tao said, his expression was as calm as usual.

But suddenly his skin twitched.

The voice trembled.

***Follow closely.

Because, he saw Lin Xuan coming.

Yesterday, his ass suddenly exploded, and Bai Tao thought it was inexplicable that he came to his aunt, and besides, he was a man of labor and management, usually with a normal orientation, and had never practiced at all, how could it be!
But judging from the situation at the time, Lin Xuan must be involved!
This kid must be behind the scenes.

Although I don't know what he did secretly.

But no matter what.

It's still in front of the big guy to let the f*cking labor-management man come to the big aunt.

It's too bad!

"Lin Xuan, you didn't come in the morning and you were late in the afternoon, what did you do?" Bai Tao asked with a stern face, suppressing his anger.

"Well, I... I slept late last night and woke up late." When Lin Xuan saw Bai Tao, he thought of the scene yesterday and couldn't help laughing.

Just a little bit of a surprise at the same time.

Squad leader, what are you trying to do here?So fast, the scars heal and forget the pain? !
"Getting up late? Lin Xuan, if I remember correctly, you have been late many times since the beginning of school." Bai Tao looked businesslike.

Lin Xuan patiently said: "Others should have asked for leave. It should be the first time for me to be late, right?"

Bai Tao said: "I don't care about other things, I just know I'm late again."

"So what do you want?" Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing a little. Could it be that the monitor who is too cute wants to be blessed again?
"I don't even think about it?"

Bai Tao turned cold, and said decisively: "You don't have to take the martial arts class this time, just stand outside the martial arts monument."

In fact, in his heart, he really wasn't afraid of Lin Xuan.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan's cultivation seems to be not bad, and he is a genius.

But so is he.

Before coming to Zhongzhou Lingfu, he was already a leader among young cultivators, and he was hailed as the proud son of heaven.

Otherwise, I can't be the class monitor.

He is proud and arrogant, and thinks he is handsome and a promising young man.

Can be called "big aunt" in public.

It is nothing less than a great insult to him!

"Then what if I want to take this martial arts class?" Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"My answer is, you can't." The corner of Bai Tao's mouth twitched, his eyes turned cold, "If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

in tone.

Already quite threatening.

Lin Xuan frowned: "Squad leader, did you just say let me try?"

"That's right, if you don't agree with me and you still want to take martial arts lessons, then you can try." Bai Tao took a step forward and smiled coldly again, the coldness in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

Originally, he had endured Lin Xuan for a long time.

It made him unable to step down several times, and yesterday made him extremely embarrassing...

Take this opportunity.

It's not bad to teach him a lesson!


As soon as Bai Tao's words came out.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze.

Seeing this, the students next to them also focused all their attention on Lin Xuan and the two of them.

There were discussions in low voices:
"Hey, there's another good show to watch!"

"What a good show, I think it's the squad leader who wants to gain power and deliberately revenge on Lin Xuan!"

"That's right, no one can bear to be called to my aunt in public!"

"But it's hard to say, it's the squad leader... Well, didn't Lin Xuan talk about the reason yesterday!"

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about, hahaha..."


Although the discussion was quiet, it was still audible, and Bai Tao was even more annoyed.

Even more determined.

No matter the cost, Lin Xuan must be taught a lesson!
Lin Xuan's side.

Then he looked at Bai Tao and sighed slightly: "Okay then, just try it!"

"Okay!" Bai Tao responded immediately.

Afraid that Lin Xuan would regret it, he immediately put on a stance.

Secretly run the spiritual power in the body.

Then, a circular spiritual shield appeared faintly around the body.

"Spiritual Shield?!"

The surrounding students saw it and exclaimed.

"My God, the squad leader actually has a spiritual shield?! Isn't this something only C-level can have?"

"How do you know that the monitor doesn't have a C grade?"

"Now Lin Xuan is finished, it seems that he will inevitably be beaten!"

"Yeah! The spiritual shield is automatically released, reducing the damage by almost 50%. It's almost like having an extra life!"

"Yes, Lin Xuan is miserable!"


All the discussions around were not optimistic about Lin Xuan, thinking that Lin Xuan would be beaten this time.

Bai Tao could not help being proud of what he heard.


He was about to attack Lin Xuan.

With a slight cracking sound, Bai Tao's expression changed, his figure paused, and the spiritual shield around him instantly dissipated into nothing...

Followed by.

Then there was another voice that sounded like a discovery of a new continent, a trembling voice, extremely surprised, and suddenly shouted.

"What... what's the situation?!"

"Squad leader, are you here again as an aunt?!"


(End of this chapter)

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