Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 205 Went to the Sheraton Hotel

Chapter 205 Went to the Sheraton Hotel

As soon as the voice came out.

Immediately, the scene boiled up, and the tense atmosphere between Lin Xuan and Bai Tao was swept away.

"The squad leader is here again! My God, what the hell is going on..."

"Could it be that the squad leader loves to play and knows how to play, and then he's playing off?"

"It might be possible, but what a coincidence!"

"It happened every time when I had a conflict with Lin Xuan. It's really a coincidence. Is there something strange in it? Or some hidden secret?"

"Are you implying that it is Lin Xuan?! No way, no way..."

"Bah, bah, bah! I mean, what kind of trick did Lin Xuan secretly use to get the squad leader to be his aunt!"

"This statement makes sense! But what method is used? Is it magical magic?"

"Yes, yes, maybe it's the squad leader's own magic!"

"Indeed, hahaha..."


The discussion of the students.

It can be said that Bai Tao, the class leader, didn't give any face. Although his voice was already very low, please, everyone is a cultivator, so you can't look down on anyone.

Bai Tao listened to every word.

That's clear.

If it were Bai Tao, he would be conscientious and conscientious as the squad leader.

But it's too rigid, controlling the students too rigidly.

Frequently suppress people with class collectives.

As for the students, they were all lively and active young people. At first they didn't have any complaints, but after a long time, they couldn't do it anymore. They complained a lot to the class monitor.

At this time, I saw the squad leader came again "big aunt".

Although there is no hatred.

But a few words of laughter and a few words of ridicule are still what most people do.

In a burst of laughter and discussion.

Bai Tao's face was red and white, and he was very angry with Lin Xuan.Although I don't know the reason, but who else could it be? !

at the same time.

I was still a little puzzled.

Say he meows.

Obviously, I have already used my spiritual shield to protect my body.

In addition, the main force and the focus of protection are put behind.

But somehow.

I saw that kid Lin Xuan raised his right hand.

The expression is half-smile.

Then there was a slight cracking sound, and I was... hit again!


Blood flowed down.

The spiritual shield was broken in a second...

However, the spiritual shield was of course removed by Bai Tao himself.

This is also impossible.

In terms of harm, it's not that big at all, but the key point is that it's too embarrassing and extremely insulting, especially in public, it's almost embarrassing!

If you are recruited.

The back exploded, and the blood was dripping down, and he was awesome, releasing the spiritual shield.

To be seen.

Isn't that a proper stupid X!

Bai Tao was furious in his heart.

The angry flames jumped upwards, and they wanted to curse at Lin Xuan, and then smashed the other party with a hammer, hacking him to death with a knife to relieve his anger.

But the words come to the mouth.

swallowed again.

Especially when he saw Lin Xuan's innocent expression, his heart exploded with anger.

But inexplicably...

In the end I was timid.

So he clutched his buttocks, tightened his legs, and ran out quickly in small steps.

Just like the first time.

There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

"Lin Xuan, tell me the truth, what kind of magic did you use?"

"What kind of magic, it's clear that Lin Xuan used the immortal method! Only the immortal method can achieve such an effect!"

"I agree, it is indeed a fairy method!"

"Then Lin Xuan, no, Brother Lin! Introduce me, what kind of magic method did you use? I didn't read it, and the squad leader will make you cry..."

"Hey, the squad leader is so pitiful!"


After Bai Tao left, a group of people immediately surrounded Lin Xuan.

Very enthusiastic and curious, he chirped and asked how Lin Xuan did it.

For Yu Linxuan.

This is of course the dog system and the blessings from God.


The system is of course impossible to expose.

"Well, you guys really wronged me, how can I know any kind of fairy art or magic!"

Lin Xuan pretended to be innocent.

He spread his hands and said.

"Lin Xuan, who are you fooling! Forget it the first time, but come again, it doesn't matter who you believe!"

"That's right, Brother Lin, tell the truth!"

"Hurry up, don't hide it! We are all classmates. If you really did it and someone called you Brother Lin, I will directly worship you as my teacher!"

"Master, just admit it!"


Just as Lin Xuan denied it, he was almost overwhelmed by the spittle of his classmates.

Those who are unscrupulous can just call him brother.

And call him master...

Lin Xuan was in a burst of sweat.

We're all classmates, why don't we be so nasty?But even so, a showdown is impossible.

"Ahem, I said that if you don't believe me, I can't help it. Didn't I tell you yesterday? It's really not me!"

"Last time I discovered it ahead of time."

"This time, I happened to discover another situation yesterday. I think it will happen today. Who knows, the squad leader really came to my aunt again! Do you think it's a coincidence..."

Everyone listens.

Then continue to gossip: "Lin Xuan, tell me what you happened to discover yesterday?"

"I happened to find out yesterday..." Lin Xuan scratched his head.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and say:
"I didn't find it by chance, but just happened to meet. Our squad leader was with some men. Those guys were sissy, with red lips, aiming at eye shadow, orchid finger, and eyes. Looking at the squad leader, there was a bit of coquettishness." ..."

Lin Xuan didn't want to make it up like this either.

But the kindness of the students is hard to turn down, and they don't want to expose the system, and besides, who made this Bai Tao not to deal with him.

The one who pretended to be aggressive in front of him and picked his leather money.

That's it.

Then I have to be sorry...

When the students heard it, they became even more interested.

"Those guys who are with the squad leader are obviously GAY among GAY!"

"Yeah, what happened to them after that?"

"After I bumped into them," Lin Xuan paused, "If I'm not mistaken, they went to the Sheraton."

"Ah, Sheraton?"

"So, a few of them went to a five-star hotel together?!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words around him, his eyes lit up and his expression was surprised

Lin Xuan's expression was also convincing.

"Oh..." Surprised by the surroundings, suddenly.

"Then I understand it!"

"That's right, in this way, there is a reason why the squad leader deliberately targeted Brother Lin!"

And a few girls who like rotten dramas heard it.

The eyes are wide open, the eyes are shining, and the eyes turn around, and the expression becomes colorful in an instant.

A handsome monitor, a GAY guy among the GAYs.

Went to the Sheraton Hotel together.

In that scene, even if the squad leader is a small subject, so what.

Wow Kaka...

However, there are also voices of doubt: "But Brother Lin! Even so, this cannot be explained. Both times happened when you had conflicts with the squad leader!"

Lin Xuan was almost stopped by the question.

He scratched his head again and said:

"This, I don't know, anyway, that's all I know."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, many students beside him smoothed things over: "Forget it, we Lin Xuan said it wasn't his fault. This is only two times. If there is a third time, then it will mean that we have nothing to do with Brother Lin. Can't get rid of it..."

"That's true!"

The questioning students followed suit.

"Okay, okay, we still have martial arts class!"

Lin Xuan reminded in time: "The squad leader is not here, so everyone should be more conscious. You still have to go to class, let's go, let's learn together!"


"no problem!"

The surrounding students agreed one after another.

Followed by a burst of laughter.

By the way, you just "kicked" the squad leader away, and you yelled at yourself...


(End of this chapter)

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