Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 207 It's so cool that I can't describe it

Chapter 207 It's too cool to describe
Facing the good greetings of a few crooked nuts, and the good wishes of making friends.

Bai Tao's nose was going to crooked with anger.

Holding back his strong anger, he said, "You want to make friends with me?"


A few crooked nuts quickly replied.

Looking at Bai Tao, he couldn't help but smile.

The particularly tall and mighty crooked nut in the middle continued:
"We also heard about your deeds, so we drove here specially."

"I also heard that you are a high-achieving student from the Lingfu of Zhongzhou, and you have a very high level of cultivation, and we happen to have an alliance of joining us and making friends with each other is very beneficial to everyone! "

"Welcome, Bai Tao!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Bai Tao.

He looked at Bai Tao expectantly with a smile on his face.

Bai Tao immediately turned pale with anger.

What the hell, the world is really big, there are all kinds of birds... It didn't take long, and even foreign ghosts ran over!


Add your sister!Give it to your sister!Welcome sister!
I am a pure man!

Bai Tao couldn't take it anymore.

Immediately opened his posture, fisted and kicked a few crooked nuts.

bang bang bang...

His own late D-level.

A few crooked nuts were no more than E-level, so in an instant, those crooked nuts were sent flying out like sandbags.

Then his face turned livid.

Turning to Lin Xuan, he said, "See? Don't challenge my patience! Lin Xuan, you'd better remember what I just told you!"

After speaking, he was about to leave.

"and many more!"

Lin Xuan stopped him again: "Bai Tao, I also have a message for you, that is, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others! If people offend me, we will cut the grass and root out!"

Bai Tao was taken aback.

Then he snorted coldly: "You! I will warn you for the last time, don't toast and eat fine wine! Otherwise, let's wait and see!"

Angrily left.

There were quite a few students outside the school, and they all stopped and watched when they saw Bai Tao, with unstoppable smiles in their eyes.

This is no problem.

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

Even Bai Tao himself probably didn't realize it, because of the matter of coming to his aunt, he has already become a well-known celebrity both inside and outside the school.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, looked at Bai Tao's angrily leaving figure.

Helplessly shrugged.

Want to threaten me?

Ha ha!

You can try it if you have the ability.

Anyway, for you, Bai Tao, there is nothing that cannot be solved by God's blessing.

Once is not enough.

Then one more time, one more time...

until satisfied!


Lin Xuan before dinner at night.

Hua Jieyu sent him a message, saying that he had to work overtime at night to handle official business.Keep him from going to her house.

Lin Xuan thought Mother Leopard was really busy.

It's not easy to go to her office to find her.

So I had to eat alone and returned to my dormitory.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Lin Xuan got up early to take a shower.

Simply ate breakfast.

Just go to school.

Having said that, since the beginning of school, it was the first time for Lin Xuan to go to school so early.

I heard that the school's freshman college held a meeting in the morning.

Summarize the learning and experience since the beginning of school.

Everyone gets it.

Lin Xuan came to the classroom.

Finding that the seats were almost full, Bai Tao was doing roll call on the podium as usual.

Lin Xuan was not late this time.

So he ignored Bai Tao and returned to his seat swaggeringly.

Unexpectedly, Bai Tao stopped him.

"You Lin Xuan, you're late again!" Bai Tao said with an unfriendly expression on the podium.

"I'm late? No way, how do I look at the time, is it still 10 minutes early?" Lin Xuan was a little surprised, why did he wake up so early at last, or was he late?
"As usual, you are not late." Bai Tao said.

"However, when there are activities and conferences in the school, everyone must be half an hour in advance, which I asked before."

"So, in this way, you are 20 minutes late!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but want to laugh.

Dear squad leader, it seems that two blessings are not enough, and I still want to make things difficult for myself.

Scratching his head, he said, "Then why didn't you say it was half an hour earlier yesterday?"

"This is a rule. Do I have to remind you every time?" Bai Tao asked coldly.

Lin Xuan snorted.

Looking at Bai Tao, he smiled and said, "Then tell me, since I'm late, as the monitor, how do you want to punish me?"

"Old rule, deduct 3 points from the normal score!" Bai Tao said with a blank face.

Lin Xuan: "..."

He figured it out,

This Bai Tao just wanted to disgust him on purpose.

"Also, due to the limited space at the school freshman college meeting, Lin Xuan, since you are late, you should stay at the end." Bai Tao added.

"no problem."

Lin Xuan said lightly and returned to his seat.


10 o'clock exactly.

The school's freshman college assembly officially began.

In fact, this conference, on the one hand, is a summary of the students' learning situation in the Freshman College since the beginning of the semester, and commends outstanding students and class groups. On the other hand, it also means to take this opportunity to welcome the new students.

There are six classes in the Freshmen Academy.

The meeting was held in the school's martial arts arena.

There are seats in the front row, but there are no seats in the back row.

Because Lin Xuan was late, Bai Tao arranged for him to stand behind.

Standing with him, there were several male students who were also "late" and asked Lin Xuan for his experience on how to deal with the monitor.

Or ask the squad leader's aunt again if he did it.

If he did it.

"Then do it so well!" One of the students said so excitedly.

Several students kept venting their resentment towards the monitor.

Lin Xuan was like a normal person.

At this time, all his attention was on the rostrum, because he found that the female leopard was also there!

Since the mother leopard is free to attend the meeting.

That is not to say.

Official documents have been processed?

The four chapters of the agreement at night, can I continue to fulfill it?
"Okay, it's time, our freshman academy meeting officially begins now!" With the dean's shout from the rostrum, the freshman academy meeting officially kicked off.

First of all, as usual, the leaders will speak.

There are principals, deans, and senior directors.

Of course, there are also female leopards.

The female leopard still occupies a relatively central position on the rostrum.

Her speech is also more important.

This shows that the school attaches great importance to her.

In fact, in terms of professional title and status, the mother leopard, the director of the Dragon Kingdom Ability Bureau, is at the same level as the principal of Zhongzhou Lingfu.

The mother leopard's speech.

The main focus is on the cooperation between the Ability Bureau and Zhongzhou Lingfu.

On and off stage.

Many teachers and students listened very carefully.

After all, it is related to the employment rate of Zhongzhou Lingfu.

Of course, as long as you enter the Zhongzhou Lingfu, you will not have to worry about finding a job after graduation. However, the focus of teachers and students is how many graduates can enter the Ability Bureau or even Skynet every year, and what is the median ratio.

And everyone on the scene.

It shouldn't have been expected that, in fact, the director of the bureau of supernatural powers who talks eloquently on the stage, holds real power, is extremely handsome and has an extremely fierce temper.

Talk to a student from their freshman academy.

It's actually a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship.

So it is conceivable that Lin Xuan's mood in the audience at this time, hey, it's really cool, it's hard to describe in words!

(End of this chapter)

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