Chapter 208 Angry

After the speeches of the leaders, representatives of outstanding students and class cadres spoke.

Bai Tao is the monitor of the second class of the Freshman College.

Because of eye-catching performance.

The first one to speak on stage.

Bai Tao was dressed in white at this time, his spirits were high, and his slender figure stood on the podium, as if he was a young boy.

It still attracted the attention of the crowd.

Although before, he came to "big aunt" in public twice, which made him famous, received all kinds of criticism, and lost all face.


He's still there.

Before coming to Zhongzhou Lingfu, he was a talented person from the sky.

After coming here, as the monitor of the second class, he was even more strict with himself and others. Although the rigid dogma caused complaints from his classmates, the style of study in the second class was not bad in the freshman college.

So after taking the stage.

The leaders and mentors nodded and praised Bai Tao.

The students below were amazed by his demeanor and demeanor.

The podium is located a little closer to the audience.

Almost a circle, surrounded by spectators.

I saw that Bai Tao had a calm expression.

Around the construction of class style of study, talk with eloquence.

In all fairness.

In terms of speech and typhoon alone, Bai Tao's performance was impeccable.

Students in the audience.

Everyone including Lin Xuan wanted to applaud Bai Tao.

It's just the content of the speech.

It's a little hehe.

The main thing is that there are no rules and no rules, orders and prohibitions, and a mouse spoils a pot of soup.


I don't know if it was because of the burst of applause at the scene, Bai Tao was a little flustered.

or something.

He suddenly pointed out without naming names that a student surnamed Lin usually has a procrastinating style, which seriously drags down the class's evaluation score. I hope this student will reflect on it in time, otherwise very special rescue measures will be taken...

This statement came out.

The students at the scene looked at Lin Xuan one after another. Needless to say, the student surnamed Lin must be Lin Xuan.

Even the mother leopard looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was immediately upset.

Damn, I said I didn't name names, but what the hell did I say about a classmate with the surname Lin.I am your uncle.

What's more, very special rescue measures will be taken...

Especially your sister!

Save your sister!

I didn't say anything, let me bless you first and then talk about it!
Lin Xuan immediately raised his right hand.

Almost right in the middle of the audience due to the podium.

So distance is not an issue.

The moment Lin Xuan raised his hand, Bai Tao who was standing on the podium was stunned, his voice trembled, and he almost knocked down the microphone, which made a harsh sound.


"What's the matter with Bai Tao? Is he not feeling well? Are you okay?" The tutor who was in charge of the venue nearby asked with concern.

"No, nothing!" Bai Tao waved his hand.

But in his heart he was extremely angry.

Damn it, it's this kid again!
Thanks to the labor and management's preparation in advance, the preparation was sufficient, and it was covered... Otherwise, it would fall into this kid's hands again!

He glanced at Lin Xuan inadvertently, the threat was obvious, boy, you wait, you can't escape this time!

After a moment.

His demeanor returned to normal, and he continued to speak, severely criticizing the "undisciplined" bad elements represented by students surnamed Lin for harming the class collective.


Bai Tao put the label of "bad element" on Lin Xuan's head.

What's more, it's just not pleasing to the eye.

Or maybe even jealous.

It is said that Lin Xuan is sleeping in class.

But did you delay your studies?Has it affected others?In the few quizzes at the beginning of the school year, Lin Xuan was the first, with perfect answers, while Bai Tao himself could only come in second.

Are you often late for class?
In fact, there was one and only one time when she was late, and then Bai Tao went online.

All others are on leave.

Do things for the Ability Bureau or do other things.

Facts are what they are.

But Bai Tao just can't get used to it, he just gets annoyed when he sees Lin Xuan, he thinks a good person is obedient and obedient, strictly observes discipline, goes east when told to go east, goes west when told to go west, never doubts, never refute.

But Lin Xuan is different.

Sleep in class and take the first place.

I often ask for leave because of irresistible factors, and the Ability Bureau personally came forward, which is much more face-saving than his class one...



Of course, Bai Tao was not welcomed by the students including Lin Xuan.

But his speech and performance.

In the eyes of the leaders and mentors on the rostrum.

That's another story.

At this time, the leaders and mentors saw that Bai Tao had encountered an unexpected situation, but they were able to continue to speak.

They all praised Bai Tao, the typhoon is stable, he is not surprised when things happen, he is a good material for a cadre!

But ignored Bai Tao's threatening tone when speaking in public.

And Lin Xuan in the audience.

He didn't care about the direct threat from Bai Tao.

I was just wondering.

What's the matter!

This kid was blessed once, why is he all right?In the past, blood flowed down...

Could it be that this kid has already found a way to fight?

Meow, if you can't do it once, then do it twice!

three times!

Ever since, Lin Xuan raised his right hand.

Without being stingy, he secretly sent blessings to Bai Tao again and again.

This time.

Bai Tao on the speaking stage was immediately blessed.

clack clack clack clack...

With a slight but desperate cracking sound, the familiar and suffocating feeling struck again!

Bai Tao suddenly turned pale.

His legs were trembling, his body was trembling, and beads of sweat were dripping out.

In his heart he was furious.

This damn bastard!
"Bai Tao, what's the matter? Are you sure you're alright?" the mentor in charge of the venue asked again with concern.

"If you can't hold on, just stop talking, no one will talk about you..."

"It's okay, mentor!" Bai Tao waved his hand again, he was unwilling to be defeated by that kid after being so well prepared.

At the same time, my heart was roaring.


That kid Lin Xuan is doomed!So what if he is a classmate, he must be beaten to death!

But before that.

We still have to finish this well-prepared speech.

Bai Tao stabilized his mood.

Continue to speak, no, continue to criticize what he thinks is the bad elements in the class represented by Lin.

Expressed in his very special, and severe rescue measures.

Bad actors will end badly.

And eventually wake up.

Because of his persistence, and his eloquent speech, "reasonable and well-founded", all the leaders and mentors once again praised him.

after that.

Under the reminder of the principal and dean.

The mentor in charge of the venue came to the audience specially.

He whispered to the students at the scene: "Come on, students, let us give the warmest applause to Squad Leader Bai Tao's persistence and dedication!"

clap la la...

There was a burst of warm applause immediately.

Because although the students don't know the reason, they also feel that Bai Tao's persistence is very hard and his spirit is commendable!

Bai Tao was moved by the applause.

I think my persistence is finally not in vain!

At this time, suddenly a classmate shouted in surprise.The tone isn't quite like Discovering a New World, but it's about the same.

"Squad leader Bai Tao, your aunt is here again?!"

There was an uproar at the scene.

Then there was another uproar, mixed with bursts of laughter from the students.

It's not that they don't have empathy.

Instead, it happened for the third time.

I can't bear it...

What's more, he is still the squad leader who makes them "respect and love"!

Seeing the unexpected situation, all the leaders and mentors on the rostrum stood up. It was the first time for them to see such a situation with their own eyes!

A big boy, suddenly came the big aunt? !
It's incredible.

Bai Tao couldn't take it anymore.

Embarrassment, anger, embarrassment, embarrassment... all kinds of expressions are staged in turn.


Labor and management are so well prepared, and so many sanitary napkins have been placed!


I still can't bear it!

Lin Xuan, I want your life!

Bai Tao became angry from embarrassment.

Turning his head to look at Lin Xuan's gaze, he almost wanted to eat people, spewed out fire, roared, and rushed towards Lin Xuan fiercely!

(End of this chapter)

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