Chapter 209 Forever Dropping God
Bai Tao's anger reached the extreme.

Before attending the Freshman Academy Conference, he had already made sufficient preparations.

At the meeting, they will declare war on the "bad elements" of the class.Then deal with the "bad elements" in an aboveboard manner.

The means of dealing with it naturally include violence.

In other words, Bai Tao was determined to attack Lin Xuan.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

So as to better "manage" the class collective.

Therefore, Bai Tao really made enough preparations, he even prepared in advance to deal with Lin Xuan asking him to come to his aunt suddenly.

There are more than a dozen layers of night-use sanitary napkins underneath...

Before and during the convention.

Bai Tao unconsciously disgusted and irritated Lin Xuan, and then let the other party do it first.

To give yourself an excuse to do it yourself.

Lin Xuan's attack came earlier than he expected.

But it didn't surprise him.

What surprised him was that Lin Xuan's indiscriminate attack could be so awesome!More than a dozen layers of sanitary napkins for night use can't resist...

Public embarrassment once again.

Bai Tao was so angry that he lost his head immediately.

Unleashed all his strength.

He rushed towards Lin Xuan recklessly, making fierce and deadly moves, intending to put Lin Xuan to death!
Everyone saw this scene.

They were all shocked, saying that this could be the third time!Besides, it has nothing to do with Lin Xuan, I wouldn't believe it even if I beat him to death!

But at the same time.

The big guy was surprised again.

Although the scene is intense.


This is the revenge of a man who is bleeding down below, is it right?
This is Squad Leader Bai Tao, who is here with his aunt, and the peak duel with the Great God Lin Xuan, is there any?
This is a life-and-death contest between two masters from the Freshman Academy, is there any?

Damn it, squad leader Bai Tao is bleeding a lot.


Why can't it be a blood collapse?

"For a long time, it turned out that Brother Lin really did it! Hey, the glorious image of Brother Lin in my mind suddenly collapsed..."

"You collapsed, Lin Xuan is venting his anger for the big guy! His image continues to shine!"

"I agree! Brother Lin's image is still shining!"

"I agree……"

"Don't worry about agreeing, can't you? Don't you find the scene awkward? Our lovely monitor Bai Tao is crazy, but his aunt is here!"

"It's not only embarrassing, it's also funny! By the way, our squad leader's bleeding is a bit unusual..."

"That goes without saying, it must have been defeated yesterday!"

"Bah, bah, what nonsense! Hahaha..."


The audience was lively watching the battle.

The leaders and mentors on the rostrum panicked.

Obviously a good freshman academy meeting.

How could they fight!

There is also this squad leader Bai Tao, who has been performing very well before, suddenly "here comes the big aunt", and then fights desperately.

What a system this is!

Hastily ordered people to stop the fight.


In fact, the fight between Lin Xuan and Bai Tao ended faster.

When Bai Tao rushed over like a mad dog.

Lin Xuan backed away from Bai Tao's previous attacks, and only after realizing that there was nothing special about it, did he attack.

Once with feet, once with fists.

All are played in an instant, like lightning and flint.

Bai Tao couldn't escape at all!

He is the proud son of heaven, a promising young man, he has already broken through to the late D-level at a young age, and he is almost half a step away from C-level.

Ke Linxuan is a C-level early stage.

He is more proud than him, and younger and more promising.

Crushing a D-level late stage is like playing casually!
So the result is no surprise.

Bai Tao didn't dodge Lin Xuan's kick and punch successively.

Two consecutive heavy blows directly sent Bai Tao flying. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, his body was like a kite with a broken string. He fell more than ten meters away before falling heavily to the ground.

There was silence at first.

Everyone was shocked and surprised.

The students in Class [-] of the Freshman College were even more stunned.

It never occurred to him that Lin Xuan, who acted sloppily, could defeat Squad Leader Bai Tao, and it would be so easy!
Under Lin Xuan's attack.

Bai Tao had almost no power to fight back!
Before, everyone kept saying that Bai Tao was number one in the Freshman Academy.

But watch it now.

Lin Xuan is the number one!

"It's amazing! Brother Lin defeated our monitor?!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"But don't you think it's because our squad leader came to be my aunt..."

"Go away, didn't you see Brother Lin was crushed, okay?"

"Brother Lin in society, I don't talk too much about people! Could it be that Brother Lin is the eternal god?"

"What is it? It's what it is!"


After the silence, the scene was like boiling again.

The place was boiling.

The leaders and mentors on the stage quickly asked people to help Bai Tao up. At this time, Bai Tao's face was pale, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his teeth were full of blood when he opened his mouth. It seemed that several ribs were broken.By the way, this Bai Tao is also a late D-level.

Of course it is more shocking.

Still behind him, there was the same amount of bleeding.

The mentor who helped him was a woman, so it was not easy to ask Bai Tao what was going on.

This is embarrassing for a woman.

Let alone a man...

"Lin Xuan, you are too much, you are all classmates, how can you be so cruel?" At this time, Hua Jieyu suddenly came over and "severely reprimanded" Lin Xuan.

She comes first.

The main thing is to see how Lin Xuan is doing and see if he is injured.

The other leaders and mentors were all shocked because Lin Xuan defeated Bai Tao, because before, everyone thought that Bai Tao was actually number one in the Freshmen Academy.

But just now.

If it wasn't for Lin Xuan's intention to give in.

Under Lin Xuan's hands, Bai Tao might not be able to make one move!
For such a newly discovered super talented student, the big guys are actually a little pity and overjoyed, and can't bear to reprimand him for hurting Bai Tao.

Therefore, Hua Jieyu's voice was suddenly sharp at this time.

Take them by surprise.

But they didn't know that Hua Jieyu was just putting on a show.

And Lin Xuan.

Why didn't understand what the mother leopard meant, so he said sincerely and sincerely: "My fault, I shouldn't have hit so hard... But I didn't do it on purpose."

Hua Jieyu looked at Lin Xuan with the expression of a primary school student bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

Can't help having fun.

This damn guy is quite good at acting.

"Since we know we've made a mistake, shouldn't we apologize to Bai Tao?" Hua Jieyu wanted to laugh, but he still had a serious appearance on the face of the Director of the Entertainment Bureau.

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

Xindao, good you mother leopard, just let me admit my mistake, and let me apologize to others?
Too much!
It's just that Lin Xuan hasn't responded yet.

Over there, Bai Tao tidied up and stood up. Breaking a few bones is not a big deal for a late D-level powerhouse.

I saw him coming straight to Lin Xuan.


He bowed respectfully.

"I'm sorry, student Lin Xuan, I apologize to you for what I did before!"

This time.

Everyone on the scene was dumbfounded and shocked.

Lin Xuan was a little confused.

What the hell, I just beat you up, and you apologized to me instead!
Head show funny? !

(End of this chapter)

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