Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 210 Please bless me a few more times tonight

Chapter 210 Please bless me a few more times tonight

Seeing Bai Tao getting up just now, he bowed respectfully and apologized to Lin Xuan.

For a moment, I thought I was wrong.

Lin Xuan hit you and fell to the ground, shouldn't it be Lin Xuan who bowed and apologized?
Why is it the other way around?

Before the fight, you Bai Tao spewed out fury, your almost cannibalistic expressions and movements, and your ultimate move at the beginning, didn't you want to put Lin Xuan to death?

But now this is nonsense.

Has it changed so quickly?
"Uh, it's all right." Facing Bai Tao's bow and apology, Lin Xuan was a little uncomfortable.

The changes before and after are too weird.

By the way, is there any conspiracy here?
"It's good that student Lin Xuan is fine, but can student Lin Xuan forgive me? Forgive what I did to you before?" Facing the confusion and doubts of the people around him, Bai Tao still maintained an extremely respectful demeanor, and then asked road.

"Forgive you? Yes, yes!" Lin Xuan was puzzled.

But looking at the other party's serious attitude, so sincere.

I have to forgive him...

"Thank you, classmate Lin!" Bai Tao thanked, then straightened up, turned around and left very calmly.

of course.

There were large bloodstains on the back pants and clothes.

Still shocking.

"What's the matter? Did I just watch an absurd drama, and the one who was beaten apologized to the one who was beaten?"

"Could it be that Brother Lin is a legendary bandit bully, and squad leader Bai Tao has no choice but to apologize?"

"Get lost! Didn't you see that Bai Tao apologized sincerely?"

"That's true!"

"Could it be our Lin Xuan who used some kind of magic secretly?"

"It's possible..."

The students at the scene talked a lot.

Then, a group of people surrounded Lin Xuan, inquiring about the situation.

"Really not! I don't know what's going on!" Facing the curious eyes around him, Lin Xuan shrugged helplessly. He really didn't know this time.

"Brother Lin, did you use some kind of magic? It's like that, let our class monitor come to be your aunt."

Another classmate asked unwillingly.

"What kind of magic, no, really no this time!" Lin Xuan shook his head: "If I can make our squad leader like that, I won't be a god!"

Lin Xuan's answer dissatisfied everyone.

"Brother Lin, aren't you a supernatural horse now? Tell our squad leader's aunt to come as soon as you say it... Isn't that supernatural enough?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

Suddenly feel very tired.

I can't explain to you people that labor and management are actually a coercion, right?


After Bai Tao's incident happened.

Afterwards, the freshman academy, after a few casual transitions, the conference ended hastily.

Bai Tao, who left alone, went straight back to the dormitory.

took a shower.

After changing clothes.

Then, as usual, I started to prepare for my future study and practice.

It was as if what happened at the meeting just now, including embarrassment, humiliation, and being kicked out, had never happened.In fact, Bai Tao was going to do just that, when everything that happened at the conference didn't exist.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to bow and apologize to Lin Xuan at that moment.

and ask for forgiveness.

If someone else saw Bai Tao like this, they would be extremely surprised and would not understand why he did this.

Even Lin Xuan himself did not understand.


Bai Tao knew and was convinced that what he did was right.

This feeling came from, I tried my best to attack, but was hit twice in a row by Lin Xuan lightly, and was knocked out effortlessly.

just started.

It turned out that he considered himself the proud son of heaven.

Freshman Academy's first.

In front of the classmates, including Lin Xuan, they all have a sense of superiority.Although Lin Xuan is also very good, he must be inferior to him, and he still has to hold his own in all aspects.


At the moment when he was hit by Lin Xuan.

Everything has changed.

At that moment, while he was extremely surprised, the sense of superiority he had maintained for a long time was instantly shattered!
At that time, he woke up like a dream, and then he understood.

It turned out that Lin Xuan was in front of him.

There is indeed crazy capital!
And before, I deliberately targeted Lin Xuan's behaviors, it was too ridiculous...


"Lin Xuan, tell me honestly, what did you do to make your squad leader... like that?"

After the freshman college meeting.

In view of Lin Xuan's extraordinary performance at the conference.

Hua Jieyu used his personal power and called Lin Xuan into the office to "remonstrate".

The office, or the principal's office.

The principal of Zhongzhou Lingfu knew that Hua Jieyu wanted to borrow the office, so he couldn't ask for more.Although he is on the same level as Hua Jieyu, in terms of relationship, he still often asks for help from the Ability Bureau in Zhongzhou Lingfu, so why not please Director Hua at this time.

"Actually nothing."

Lin Xuan knew that the mother leopard was actually a selfish person, so he smiled cheerfully: "It's still the blessing! You knew it before..."


Hua Jieyu was naturally surprised: "Isn't it a healing skill? How can it make a man..."

Thinking of the embarrassing and shocking amount of bleeding on the back of Bai Tao's pants at that time.

I couldn't help feeling a chill in my heart.

There are also some surprises and horrors.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but smile when he saw the mother leopard's awkward and weird expression.


Then I briefly introduced the blessings from God and the characteristics of skills that distinguish men and women.

Naturally, it is impossible to mention the system.

"That's amazing, isn't it?"

"Women can heal injuries, and men can... come to my aunt." Hua Jieyu said the word "aunt" with difficulty, still with a surprised expression.

"But the magic is the magic, it's just that I always feel..."

"I feel that this skill is too unscrupulous!"

Lin Xuan said nothing after hearing this: "..."

But in my heart, who said no!

That's right!
What a weird dog system, and what kind of skills are rewarded, if it suddenly becomes serious, it would be a weird thing!
After that, the two chatted casually for a few more words.

This is the end of this "discipline talk".

Although there was no one in the office, when Lin Xuan came in, Hua Jieyu locked the door behind him.

But it was in the principal's office after all.

No matter how thoughtful Hua Jieyu and two people are, they dare not do anything too outrageous.

before leaving.

Hua Jieyu lowered his voice, blinked his eyes and said, "How about it, give me a few more blessings tonight?"

Although the skills are not serious at all.

But be blessed...

It's still cool, don't want it, just thinking about it makes me feel itchy!
"But are you done with your work? I remember that there is still a lot of work to be done in the office." Lin Xuan said intentionally.

"Take care of some more in the afternoon, and I should be done." Hua Jieyu said.

"Then, what about your body?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"Your body must be fine." Hua Jieyu blushed a little, what he didn't say in his heart was how many times he was blessed by you yesterday, so there is no problem.

"Alright then." Lin Xuan said.

"For the sake of your sincere invitation, I will go to your place after school and try to bless you more times!"

"You..." No matter how Hua Jieyu listened to Lin Xuan's words, he felt something was wrong.

He had no choice but to give Lin Xuan a hard look.

He restrained his expression.

I tidied up my clothes again.

Only then did he open the door and go out, Lin Xuan followed closely behind, and followed him out of the office.


(End of this chapter)

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