chapter 212

Lin Xuan was a little surprised when he saw the man.

Because it's really weird.

The extremely old voice, as if it had experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, and the gray hair showed that this was at least an old man.

But face.

But he is extremely young, in his early twenties, and quite handsome, comparable to himself...

Such a contrast between old and young.

Lin Xuan felt incredible.

"This handsome guy, hello..." Lin Xuan tentatively greeted, most people like to be younger.

The person opposite laughed.

Loud laughter, but still extremely old and vicissitudes.

"Handsome guy? Hahahaha... This little brother, you can still call me old man."

"I'm old enough."

The tone was very accommodating, and there was no meaning of hostility.After speaking, the man's expression fell into reverie, as if he remembered the endless years in the past.

"Old man, may I ask who you are?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"Who am I?" The man laughed again: "For 800 years, no one has asked me such a question."

"In these 800 years, you are the first!"

800? !

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, hearing that this person was not a fake.

Could it be that he had an adventure in the world of martial arts monument?Just like in some novels, by chance, I met a certain powerful figure in the legend? !
Couldn't it be the respected old man who died for the country who left behind the Martial Arts Monument?

If that's the case, wouldn't you be sending it yourself? !

There was a surprise in my heart.

However, I came out of the small world of the martial arts tablet.

Where are you?
It's so gray all around, I can only see this person in front of me.

"Don't worry about it, little brother, you are in my conscious world." The person in front of him said again, "In this world, there are only you and me."

After a pause, he took the initiative to introduce:

"Little brother, I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but let me introduce you to my old fellow, let's talk about it bit by bit. As for me, I am the real owner of the martial arts monument, and I am also the old senior you are talking about, Shi Qing!"

Sure enough, it was the old man from the Martial Art Monument!

The old man's name is Shi Qing?

On this point, neither the monitor nor the tutor mentioned it.

Lin Xuan thought to himself.

At the same time, I was a little shocked. I was really in the conscious world of this old man?
Such a skill is really powerful!
"Mr. Shi, there must be something wrong with you pulling me into your conscious world. Could it be that you want to pass on martial skills to me?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile on his face, and he couldn't help but feel a little wary.

I am in the other party's conscious world.

Wouldn't it be easy to be killed by the other party?
Although this senior Shi has no malicious intentions at present, there is no guarantee that he is not some old monster who specially chooses and devours people.

Lin Xuan tried calling the system.

The system responds:

【Ding! 】

[The system is always there!Please rest assured that the host is always on standby with a slightly stronger skill than you! 】

[As long as you are attacked, you can use it at any time! 】

Hear the system back like this.

Lin Xuan felt relieved immediately.It doesn't matter how powerful this old man is in the end.

Save your own life first.

Big deal, directly activate skills that are a little bit stronger than you.

Let's go out and talk.

Hear Lin Xuan's words.

That Shi Qing smiled again: "This little brother is really straightforward, he cut straight to the point when he came up, you are right, I do have something for you!"


Suddenly shot at Lin Xuan.

The overwhelming coercion suddenly roared towards Lin Xuan like thousands of mountains.

Lin Xuan was shocked.

I feel that in the face of such coercion, I will be turned into powder in an instant!
And this Shi Qing, could it be A-level?

Or is it above grade A? !

But your cultivation base is so high, why did you suddenly go crazy and kill me!

It was the time when the mind was terrified, [Ding!Detect the host's situation, and trigger a skill that is a little stronger than you! 】

This time.

There is no delay in the system, and the skills start directly!
And after the skill is activated.

Facing Shi Qing's attack that was like destroying mountains and valleys, he could deal with it calmly, and quickly dodged it.

Shi Qing's expression changed slightly.

"That's right, I managed to escape!"

Immediately, the offensive was accelerated, and seven or eight moves were already made in an instant.

Trick to lethal.

Along with the coercion like thousands of mountains, the space of this world fluctuates a little.

Lin Xuan sees the trick and breaks the trick.

Sometimes it is to wait for an opportunity to attack, this Shi Qing doesn't know the details, so it's better to be careful.

And with skills that are always a little bit stronger than yours, Lin Xuan's physique, speed and strength all surpassed that of Shi Qing, and he could always save the day.

After the initial panic.

Lin Xuan's mind became more and more calm, and he came up with killer moves one after another. No matter what, it's better to defeat Shi Qing as soon as possible. After all, skills that are a little stronger than yours have time and number of times.

Time and counts run out.

For this Shi Qing, he has become a chicken again!
After a moment.

Lin Xuan and Shi Qing punched each other.

With a loud noise, cracks appeared in the space of this world in an instant.

Because both of them are doing their best.

After the fist fight.

Lin Xuan stepped back a few steps, and barely stabilized his figure, while Shi Qing flew out...

"Not bad!"

Shi Qing quickly adjusted his body in the air.

Returning to Lin Xuan again, he praised Lin Xuan again and again.

"I didn't expect that little brother, at such a young age, his cultivation might only be around C-level, would actually know how to use the power of laws! It's rare, rare!" After finishing speaking, he stroked his white beard again and burst into laughter.

"This is probably the so-called chance."

Know how to use the power of law?
Lin Xuan didn't quite understand what he heard, saying that he has such a high level?

Are you talking about a skill that is always better than yours?

That's it.

Does that wrong blessing from God count as using the power of laws?

Lin Xuan thought.

Then he raised his right hand.

Immediately used the blessing from the gods.

Since this weird old man named Shi Qing just now indiscriminately wanted to take his life, he made a sudden killing move, if he didn't have a little stronger skill than you to protect himself.

It can't be said that it has hung up at this time.

What the hell, it's still the kind that disappears into ashes!
and so.

Lin Xuan was holding back his stomach.

What kind of bullshit is a senior with high morals and high prestige for the country and the people, the old monster is about the same, since you talk about using the power of the law, let me bless you first, let me give you a wave, try it...

no way.

Young Master, I am such a narrow-minded person!

That Shi Qing was thrown away by Lin Xuan's punch, and he was still immersed in the surprise and shock of Lin Xuan's performance just now.

There was even a big smile on his face.

Suddenly the body shook.

His face changed.

Then, he said to Lin Xuan with an extremely embarrassed expression: "Little brother, hold your hand high! You must forgive others and forgive others..."


(End of this chapter)

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