Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 213 The Truth About the Martial Art Monument

Chapter 213 The Truth About the Martial Art Monument
Before that Shi Qing didn't attack Lin Xuan suddenly with his ultimate move.

Lin Xuan didn't know the details.

It is absolutely impossible to "bless" Shi Qing hastily.


After a fierce contest with that Shi Qing, Lin Xuan had a general understanding of the current situation.That is, if he wants to, he can still break through Shi Qing's conscious world by using a skill that is always a little stronger than yours.

in other words.

After the fight, Lin Xuan knew that there was no problem in saving his life.

So, since you can save your life.

Angry again.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but went to bless Shi Qing.

Originally annoyed, I just tried it more, thinking that I might not be able to bless success.


Shi Qing's performance surprised Lin Xuan.

He even said to Lin Xuan as if begging for mercy, raised his hands high, and forgave others...

I wipe?

Could it be that the blessing from God is also effective for this old monster who is likely to be above A-level?
Lin Xuan then walked around Shi Qing.

Take a look.

I didn't find out about my aunt either.

Shi Qing, who was wearing a toga with long sleeves, naturally understood what Lin Xuan meant, and his face was very embarrassed: "I said little brother, I really don't need to look... Your attack is effective!"


I sighed in my mouth: "Another law skill!"

"By the way, little brother, you are already so powerful, why are you looking for an old man like me!"

Because of Shi Qing's surprise attack just now, Lin Xuan held a lot of breath.

But after a wave of blessings.

Shi Qing personally admitted that it was effective, although for some unknown reason, he did not show it.

But he was somewhat relieved.

At this time, I heard Shi Qing say, another law skill... Is this a blessing from God?Like the one who is always a little bit stronger than you, actually used the power of the law?

In other words, the dog system is still quite powerful.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel happy.

Immediately, his attitude towards Shi Qing became a little better.

"Mr. Shi, there is a reason why we are looking for you."

"It is rumored outside that you are the patriarch of the boss of our Dragon Kingdom Skynet organization. You have a very high level of cultivation and high morals. You died for the country and the people in the end!"

"It is a role model for us to learn from."

"As for us, we all admire you as an old man, and want to learn a little bit of the inheritance you left in the martial arts tablet..."


Blessings from God, He always is a little bit stronger than you, very powerful indeed.

But it is produced by the system after all.

There's always something wrong.

And this Shi Qing, who claims to be the owner of the Martial Skill Tablet, is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, and his cultivation may be above A-level.And A-level, you can resonate with the world!

If you can get some martial arts inheritance from him.

Natural gray is very good.

"Haha, I made my little brother laugh!" Shi Qing laughed again.

I grabbed a few snow-white long hairs.

Then he said: "I don't know what my so-called descendants, or the world, have misunderstood me as an old man, what is the high moral and prestige, for the country and the people, and finally died for the country... Actually, I am a completely different person. "

"I have indeed lived for thousands of years, and I am an old monster with a very high cultivation base."

"But, I'm really... not respected at all."

Shi Qing shook his head and said with a troubled expression.

"How do you say that?" Lin Xuan asked curiously, thinking that this old monster is a person with a story, is there any other hidden secrets?
"You really want to know?" Shi Qing looked at Lin Xuan and asked.

"Yes." Lin Xuan nodded.

"Okay then, I'll give you an overview of my romantic and magnificent life. Anyway, it's been 800 years, so there should be an explanation here." Shi Qing then cleared his throat, sat cross-legged on the ground, and greeted Lin Xuan also sat down.

Just like some old men who have experienced vicissitudes in the village.

Prepare to tell your own story all at once.

No, blow it out.

"As for me, I have lived a total of [-] years. I have been gifted since I was a child, and I started to practice when I was in the womb."

"At the age of three, I officially joined the sect. At the age of eight, I defeated all the disciples of the same sect. At the age of 12, I surpassed my master."

"Afterwards, he traveled around the world. At the age of 20, he had already defeated the world's invincible opponent."

"At the age of 30, he founded the No. [-] sect in the world, opened up a brand-new cultivation path, and developed a brand-new martial art No. [-] in the world. When he had the largest number of disciples, there were as many as one million!"

"After that, my life fell into confusion..."

Shi Qing stroked his beard, and spoke seriously for a while, with an expression of nostalgia, as if he had really returned to that long time ago...

But hearing this, Lin Xuan was like listening to the Arabian Nights.

He joined the sect at the age of three.

At the age of 12, he surpassed his master.

Defeated the world's invincible opponent at the age of 20...

Lying in a trough, it is better than a systematic hang-up.

The key is not to mention after living [-] years, but to start cultivating when you are still in the mother's womb! ! !
Ah this...

There is only one feeling: Niu X!
"Your life has fallen into confusion, what happened after that?" Although Lin Xuan felt that Shi Qing was talking nonsense, he still asked curiously.

"After that, I was confused for 50 years. When I was 80 years old, I finally figured out the so-called true meaning of life and started my career." Shi Qing continued solemnly.

"It is also at this time that my life has officially opened a new chapter!"

"From now on, everything will be smooth sailing, life will be proud, and flowers will bloom like brocades along the way!"

"Because in the next 720 years, I made 40 girlfriends..."

Lin Xuan never expected that Shi Qing would be so good at bragging.


In the next 720 years, 40 girlfriends were made! ! !
Fuck, more than 40 girlfriends!
Are you busy?
Can you take care of me?

It is said that this old monster has to eat less peanuts to get drunk like this...

"So, Mr. Shi, you are really amazing. You have an average of 100 girlfriends a year, which is beyond the reach of my younger generations!" Lin Xuan couldn't help but sighed.

I used to feel like I was being forced.

But compared with this old monster, how can it be so good!Speaking of which, I only have a few girlfriends...

"No, no, little brother." Shi Qing smiled.

Lin Xuan: "What's wrong?"

Shi Qing earnestly corrected: "It is an average of 110 girlfriends a year, not 100!"

Lin Xuan was speechless: "!!!"

I rub.

I really can't stand this old-fashioned perpetrator who hangs on like this!
"Little brother, I know you have a lot of doubts about me. I have lived for so many years, and I have had so many girlfriends. Can my body handle it? Can I take care of it?" Shi Qing put away the arrogant expression just now, smiled and said:

"I was also worried at the beginning, so I studied a unique martial skill and solved this problem smoothly."

"This martial skill is the inheritance I left on the martial skill tablet, and it is also the most proud work of my life."

"Thousands of years, I just hope to find a suitable person to inherit."

Lin Xuan understood.

According to Shi Qing's meaning, what is highly respected, what is for the country and the people, he studied the martial arts carefully and left them to the martial arts stele for inheritance.

It's not that there is any lofty purpose.

Actually just to pick up girls? !
I have to say, it's really... awesome!

Speaking of the "truth" of such a martial arts monument, Lin Xuan was quite shocked.

" extremely powerful martial skill, Mr. Shi, why did you find me? I don't seem to be suitable for learning this martial skill of yours!" Lin Xuan couldn't help asking such a question.

To be able to solve the problem smoothly and let Mr. Shi hand over 40 girlfriends' martial arts skills must be extremely awesome!

But the problem is.

Lin Xuan felt that he really didn't have such a big ambition.

The head, the female leopard, or one or two more, it's almost the same.

I really didn't expect the number of hundreds of thousands...

"No, little brother, you are very suitable!" Shi Qing said very firmly.

"My feeling is unmistakable. After 800 years, I finally met someone who can pass on my martial arts. That person can only be you!"


(End of this chapter)

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