Chapter 217
When Hua Jieyu discovered this astonishing situation, he was so shocked that he couldn't help but gasped.

Xiao Qingyao is the head of Tianyi Sect.

She is the director of the Dragon Kingdom Ability Bureau, and she also visited Xiao Qingyao in person in Tianyizong.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Xiao Qingyao's number is stored on her mobile phone.

And about Xiao Qingyao's past.

Hua Jieyu is also very clear.

In the early stage of recovery of spiritual energy, Xiao Qingyao used to kill people like hemp, one person with one sword, and destroyed a huge hostile sect.

Earned the title of "Devil Head".

Although she is beautiful.

But because of her ruthlessness and unreasonableness, many people secretly called her an "old witch with steel and iron bones"!

How could such a female devil who had killed so many people call Lin Xuan?He even came up with an extremely affectionate sentence "Miss me?" Such a tone and content, just like the image of a silly, sweet little woman!
Hua Jieyu compared the two.

I couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Lin Xuan's aunt, when Hua Jieyu was at Lin Xuan's house, met Lin Xuan for the first time, and ran into her the next day.

So Xiao Qingyao is definitely not Lin Xuan's aunt.

Not aunt.

And acting so intimate, it can only be Lin Xuan's girlfriend.

Hua Jieyu was unwilling to think in that direction.

unwilling to admit it.

However, the facts are already very clear...

Hey, I thought I picked up a treasure, but in the end, someone else has already picked it up.I don't know, in the heart of the dead guy, who is more important and who is less, whether it was given to me for the first time...

Hua Jieyu couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Afterwards, my stomach was full of knots, I was in a daze, and I couldn't sleep all night.

"Lin Xuan! Lin Xuan!"

Seeing that it was already dawn, Lin Xuan was still sound asleep, sleeping very soundly, Hua Jieyu woke him up after a burst of anger for no reason.

Lin Xuan rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Then wake up.

"What's wrong? Why are you calling me?" Lin Xuan asked in confusion.

"What are you talking about!" Hua Jieyu said this when he was angry, and now he was even more fierce, looking at Lin Xuan with resentful eyes.

Hua Jieyu was also troubled.

Let's talk about a dead guy, he's still quite handsome, he doesn't want to look away, and he's interesting...

Of course I don't want to.


Unknowingly, he sighed again.

Hua Jieyu's face was fierce, and he muttered and sighed in his heart.

But in Lin Xuan's view, it was different.

It has been proved many times before that once the mother leopard has this expression, she just wants to ask for her...comfort.

did not say.

For such requests, we have always responded!
So, without further ado, Lin Xuan turned over and threw himself on his side, suppressing Hua Jieyu.

Under Lin Xuan's active comfort, Hua Jieyu quickly figured it out.

She stayed up all night.

She was entangled, and to a large extent also worried, because compared with Xiao Qingyao, she was still not very confident.

Although she has a good family background and looks good.

The cultivation base is also high.

But what about Xiao Qingyao.

His appearance is not worse than his own, and his identity is the head of Tianyi Sect.

His cultivation base is the only B-level in the world!
And, more importantly.

It seems that Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao are still ahead of her...

After thinking about it, I am still entangled.

Seeing Lin Xuan like this at this time, Hua Jieyu simply stopped thinking about it, forget it, let's get drunk today when he has wine.Carpe diem, there is nothing wrong with it!

When Lin Xuan arrived at the door of the class 10 minutes earlier, the monitor, Bai Tao, had already finished roll call.

Logically speaking, Lin Xuan was not late.

However, Bai Tao asked the whole class to come to school 15 minutes earlier on the pretext of maintaining a good style of study.

So according to the time set by Bai Tao, although Lin Xuan was 10 minutes early, he was still 5 minutes late.

Bai Tao saw Lin Xuan.

He didn't speak, but had a very friendly attitude. He waved his hand directly and let Lin Xuan in.

The first two periods in the morning are cultural lessons.

Later, I received a notice from the school saying that because Class [-] of the Freshman Academy had a good style of study and excellent performance, a martial arts class was specially rewarded...

This means that you can go to the Martial Skill Monument to comprehend it again!

The students immediately cheered.

After all, it is very effective to go to the Martial Arts Monument and comprehend the mysterious patterns and patterns left by the old predecessors.

It is several times as hard as usual.

So no one wants to.

There was jubilation all around, and Lin Xuan was also happy in his heart.

You can continue to talk to Mr. Shi again, no, to be precise, he is a master of picking up girls, and you can learn his martial arts!
That martial skill is the proud work of the god of picking up girls in his life, although it has nothing to do with high morals and high prestige, serving the country and the people.

But being able to meet 40 girls at the same time...

my God!
Think about it, it's amazing and exciting enough!


Lin Xuan was also very curious, what kind of martial art is this?
Can soak so many at the same time.

They are all well taken care of.

It's not going to make people, there are 40 sticks all at once, right?Well, if that's the case, once it is used, it can definitely be used as a weapon, or the kind that can kill people!

Lin Xuan thought all the way.

With the joyful students, we soon came to the Martial Arts Monument.

According to Bai Tao's roll call arrangement, everyone entered the epiphany position of the martial arts tablet one by one in order.

Since Bai Tao's "transition", Lin Xuan's ranking has been very high.

It's the same this time.

Then flashed in front of my eyes.

Everyone came to the small world inside the Martial Skill Tablet, a grotto of a hundred square meters with mysterious patterns engraved on the walls.


(End of this chapter)

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