Chapter 218 One Hundred Thousand Clones

After entering the grotto.

Everyone lost the twittering of the previous two times.

Soon he came to the design and pattern he had chosen, and began to comprehend or make gestures with a serious face.

The scene was much quieter than before.

Lin Xuan went in and walked around the grotto.

Looking at the patterns and patterns on the stone wall, and those students who are serious about understanding, I can't help shaking my head or pity.

They all told how the "old predecessors" were highly respected and how they died fighting for the country.

The patterns and patterns in this grotto are the last painstaking work of the "old predecessors".

How to make them progress and understand a lot.


Where would they have thought that the so-called old man who was "highly respected and died for his country" was just a prodigy who found the true meaning of life from picking up girls.

The so-called painstaking work of the "old predecessors" on the stone wall.

It's just that the gods of picking up girls think that the surrounding walls are too monotonous, and they just scribble and doodle.

And as for the so-called martial arts that he has devoted his whole life to.

Sincerity has nothing to do with "serving the country and the people".

It's really just for picking up girls...

It's said that after dating 40 girls, this martial skill is really awesome!
Lin Xuan muttered in his heart.

I don't know how his cute and serious classmates will feel when they find out the truth about the martial arts tablet one day... probably their views will explode.

Think so.

He came to a relatively secluded corner and began to try to "enlighten himself".

This time, it was very simple.

It only took a second to enter Shi Qing's conscious world.

"Little brother, we meet again, hehehe..." Shi Qing said with a smile on his face as soon as they met.

"Yes, Mr. Shi."

Lin Xuan also greeted him.

It's just because last time, after thoroughly understanding the truth about the Martial Art Monument, Lin Xuan's incomparable awe at the beginning towards this girl-picking god disappeared.

Instead, it was admiration that couldn't be added.

"Did Mr. Shi not rest?" Lin Xuan suddenly asked curiously.

Because he found that although the old man's face was still very young, in stark contrast to his pale hair and vicissitudes of life, he was still much older than last time.

"No!" Shi Qing shook his head.

Then he smiled: "Let the little brother find out, in fact, after waiting for 800 years, my skills are almost exhausted."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Why? Your little brother is a good question. Didn't you realize that I'm just a ghost!" Shi Qing laughed.

A ghost?
Lin Xuan was taken aback at first, but then understood.

I was taken aback for a moment, it was a god and a ghost before, and I had never been in contact with it.He suddenly heard the old man on the opposite side say that he was a ghost, of course he didn't quite get used to it, although he thought he should be.

Clearly, since it is a ghost.

It's easy to explain before that, why when I blessed him, it obviously worked, and why my aunt didn't look for him.

It's just ghosts.

It is not necessary to eat or drink.

"Let's not gossip, since the old man has chosen you as my successor of martial arts, let's start now."

Shi Qing restrained his expression and said solemnly.


A voice suddenly came from behind Lin Xuan: "Little brother, let's compete."

Lin Xuan was startled.

Because it is Shi Qing's vicissitudes of life voice!

As soon as Lin Xuan turned around, he suddenly found that it was indeed Shi Qing, just another one!
Why all of a sudden, two Shi Qings? !

Lin Xuan was puzzled for a while in surprise.

But he was still astonished.

Shi Qing in front had already punched out, and immediately there was a strong wind, and the incomparable coercion hit Lin Xuan at the same time like overwhelming!
Lin Xuan broke out in a cold sweat.

Feeling the incomparably powerful coercion, I want to crush myself into powder in an instant.

【Ding! 】

[Detecting the current situation of the host, it will automatically trigger a skill that is a little stronger than you! 】

almost simultaneously.

The system has automatically triggered Lin Xuan's skills that are always a little stronger than you.

Lin Xuan immediately slowed down.

He narrowly escaped Shi Qing's punch.

I was very puzzled.

What the fuck?

What does old man Shi want to do!To teach martial arts is to teach martial arts, how come up to show off, but also to kill yourself? !
But Lin Xuan was still in shock.

Just listen to the vicissitudes of life on the left: "Little brother, let's compete."

It was still Shi Qing's voice.

Lin Xuan took a look, and it really was Shi Qing again!
That Shi Qing punched again, carrying incomparable coercion, and struck again.

Lin Xuan escaped.

Suddenly, Shi Qing's voice came from the right: "Little brother, let's compete."

Followed by another punch.

Then behind, left, right, behind...

One by one.

The speed is also getting faster and faster.

Within a few breaths, dozens of identical Shi Qings appeared in this gray world of consciousness.

After each one appeared.

That is to say the same thing, and shoot Lin Xuan once.

Lin Xuan relies on skills that are always a little bit stronger than yours, and is struggling to cope.Although these Shi Qings did not swarm up one by one, what is the difference between swarming one after another like this!
It suddenly occurred to him that he could knock Shi Qing away when they met for the first time.

It's just Shi Qingliu's hand.

And with more and more Shi Qing, Lin Xuan was also shocked.

What is this old monster going to do?
After learning the skills of Sun Monkey, he changed a lot and made a lot of money!Or he is a ghost, and after showing off, he wants to take away his body? !
Or, is this the martial art that Shi Qing wants to teach himself? !
But what the heck.

Since it is to teach martial arts, why are you so merciless when you strike!
How to beat yourself to death?
Lin Xuan couldn't help feeling dizzy.

But in the face of repeated dangers, he frantically mobilized his whole body's skills to deal with the newly appeared Shi Qing one by one.

However, that stone is clear.

There are still more and more people watching, as if juggling, it has been hundreds of thousands in a short while, and there is still no intention of stopping!
Half an hour passed.

There are already thousands of Shi Qing on the scene.

Since the skill time is up, the system automatically triggers a skill that is always slightly stronger than you for Lin Xuan again.

If this time runs out.

In the face of such a terrifying coercion, Lin Xuan basically had no choice but to get caught!

Fortunately, this time in the 10th minute.

Shi Qing finally stopped.

at this time.

Lin Xuan was sweating profusely.

His face was pale, his skills were overdrawn, and his whole body seemed to be washed with water.

And Shi Qing.

But they are densely packed, almost occupying the entire space. According to Lin Xuan's estimate, there are at least tens of thousands of people!
"Little brother, how do you feel?"

At this time, all Shi Qing asked with a smile.

Because there are tens of thousands of Shi Qing together, one can imagine how shocking the deafening sound and scene are!

Before Lin Xuan could answer.

Tens of thousands of Shi Qing then said deafeningly: "Little brother, feel the shock, hahahaha... This is the martial art I want to teach you, the one hundred thousand avatar technique!"


(End of this chapter)

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