Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 219 Pretend to be X, who doesn't like it!

Chapter 219 Pretend to be X, who doesn't like it!

One hundred thousand avatars!
Amid tens of thousands of Shi Qing's extremely loud laughter, Lin Xuan heard this most crucial message.

Is this the name of that awesome martial art?
No wonder so many Shi Qing...

One hundred thousand!
But damn, you Shi Qing is an old monster, if you teach martial arts, you can teach martial arts, and if you want to show off, you can show off, why are you taking my life to show off!
If it weren't for the fact that labor and management happen to have a skill that is always a little bit better than yours, you can sign up.

They all died a thousand times early!
Lin Xuan was astonished at Shi Qing's [-] clone technique, but still felt a bit of slander in his stomach.

Shi Qing saw that Lin Xuan was exhausted.

It might still be able to hold on, withstood an attack from tens of thousands of me.

Another surprise.

Another surprise.

This kid is much more powerful than he imagined, as expected he found the wrong person!

However, it is said that Shi Qing did this.

There is also a reason.

800 years.

Since he died, he turned into a wisp of ghost, hiding in this martial arts tablet.I have never been so refreshed before, re-executed the Hundred Thousand Body Clothing Technique, and fought with others.

The end is hearty.

Extremely happy!

And it was the first time we met, fistfighting with Lin Xuan, because Lin Xuan knocked him into the air, I didn't feel it at the time, but I still felt a little bit bitter about it.

Therefore, he has the heart to destroy this kid's prestige.

Let him know that there are heaven and man outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky.

Lao Tzu's martial arts skills are number one in the world!

Pretend to be X, who doesn't like it?

That Shi Qing laughed, and after showing off in front of Lin Xuan, she was satisfied and put away all other Shi Qing's avatars.

"Little brother, are you feeling alright?"

Shi Qing felt that Lin Xuan's breath was disturbed at this time, and asked with concern.

Lin Xuan is the successor he has waited for for 800 years.

He didn't want to, because of his own showing off.

Tired the kid.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan replied with difficulty, because his body was extremely exhausted, and suddenly he thought of the skill that is a little stronger than yours. If the opponent exceeds two levels of his own, after he uses it, he will into a state of weakness.

I understand that I should be exhausted at this time.

Already in a weakened state.

It's just that if this old monster is more than two realms higher than himself, there is a high probability that it will be above A-level.

"It's really good, you want me to help you?" Shi Qing looked at Lin Xuan talking hard to him, and smiled cheerfully. If Lin Xuan asked him to help, he would definitely help.


After waiting for 800 years, it was hard to wait for one.

If he was really destroyed just now.

He must not regret to die...

But Lin Xuan ignored him, and instead took out a recovery fruit.

Eat it in one bite.

With a wave of heat flowing through the limbs and bones, the exhaustion of the body was swept away in an instant.

The whole person was full of energy immediately.

The dragon is fierce and the tiger is fierce!

Although there are some wrong usages of the recovery fruit, its essence is still mainly used for healing and restoring the state of the body.

"Little brother, what kind of fruit is this, it's so amazing!"

Shi Qing was surprised when he saw that Lin Xuan recovered completely after eating a fruit.

"The recovery fruit is for healing," Lin Xuan said.

"Is it delicious?" Shi Qing couldn't help but raise his throat.

"It's delicious, but you can't eat it! Aren't you a ghost?" Lin Xuan said again.

"Uh... yes!"

Shi Qing scratched his head with an annoyed expression.

Not eating or drinking for 800 years.

Why do I suddenly want to eat...

"Grandpa Shi, the one hundred thousand clones technique you used just now, but why do I feel that there should be less than 10 clones?" Lin Xuan asked proactively after recovering his condition.

When Shi Qing heard it, he first smiled triumphantly: "Why, you want my hundred thousand clones to hit you together?"

"That's not it."

Lin Xuan then asked: "There are less than [-] avatars, is it because the old man has not yet reached the peak state?"

"of course!"

"If you use it to the highest state, it will naturally be a hundred thousand clones, it will be a hundred thousand clones!"

As long as he talks about his unique skills in life, Shi Qing is full of interest.

Very exciting.

If we really talk openly, we can't finish talking for three days and three nights.

"Little brother, don't think about it, it's been 800 years!"

"Even though I could have 10 clones before, after so many years, now I'm a ghost again. It's not bad to be able to transform into tens of thousands of clones!"

"Besides, my avatar possesses 100% of the fighting power of my main body!"

"My little brother! If you go to the outside world, you will be number one in the world walking sideways, let me tell you!"

"Why is this, you still seem dissatisfied?"

Shi Qing looked at Lin Xuan with a smile.

What about him.

I just like to see other people look stupid because of his unimaginable skills.

It's also one of his hobbies.

Pretend to be X, don't you just pretend to be happy physically and mentally, and I am the only one.

Ke Linxuan.

The expression turned out to be a little disgusted...

So he had to come to a new interest.

"Master Shi, you had more than 40 girlfriends before?" Lin Xuan asked.

"That's right." Shi Qing said.

"Your 10 clone technique can create up to [-] clones, right?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"That's right." Shi Qing said.

"That's the problem, Mr. Shi!" Lin Xuan said curiously on the surface, "How did you use 10 avatars to have more than 40 girlfriends?"

"An average of one avatar against four girlfriends, referred to as [-]v[-]... Tsk tsk, it's really amazing!"

"It's just your 10 clones."

"Obviously not enough points!"

Shi Qing's extremely proud expression just now was suddenly stunned.

He stared with blank eyes.

By the way, is there such a question?On average, one avatar is paired with four girlfriends, referred to as [-]v[-]... The idea is really wonderful!

Tell me...

What the hell, can't I just brag!


(End of this chapter)

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