Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 220 The future will be indefinite

Chapter 220 The future will be indefinite
"...Little brother, after what you said, it seems that one hundred thousand clones is not enough!" Shi Qing said with an embarrassed expression.

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt something was wrong.

No no no.

It is not all at once that labor and capital have 40 girlfriends.

Rather, it is divided into 3800 years.

There are only so many!
Taking a closer look, the kid was really smiling.

This is so...

Unexpectedly, this kid looked honest, but in reality he was a villain. Labor and management just pretended to be an X in front of him.

As a result, my mind was confused by what he said.

I was tricked by him!
However, the more this happened, the more delighted Shi Qing was.

this kid.

Interesting and appetizing!
Because he is also such a person, he can't look down on those who have no character and are not warm at all.

Life is all about love and hatred.

Repay kindness with kindness, repay grievances with grievances, chic and unrestrained, simply and neatly!
As long as I have a grudge against Lao Tzu.

Even if you are the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, I will pull you off the horse and chop you up.

As long as there is no enmity with Lao Tzu.

Even if you are a lowly slave, you are qualified to chat and laugh with Lao Tzu.

It has never been his character to look forward and backward, be afraid of the head and tail, and be afraid of wolves and tigers.

In Shi Qing's view, he was so meek and cowardly.

There is still a ball to live!
So from the first day, he pulled Lin Xuan into his conscious world, until now, the more Shi Qing looked at Lin Xuan, the more angry he became.

800 years.

It's not in vain to wait!
Could this be the legendary chance? !
"Okay little brother, this old man just pretended to be X in front of you just now, and now, you have made up for it, and we owe nothing to anyone!" Shi Qing said while looking at Lin Xuan with a smile.

"We're officially starting now!"

"Teach you my life's great achievement, the hundred thousand avatar technique!"

Lin Xuan saw that Shi Qing was not angry at all.

It was a bit unexpected.

But in his heart, his displeasure with Shi Qing was also swept away.

This old monster is interesting!
Shi Qing didn't delay. After Lin Xuan was ready, he stepped forward and put one hand on Lin Xuan's forehead.

For an instant.

Lin Xuan only felt a heat on his forehead.

Countless knowledge and information about the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique flooded into Lin Xuan's mind like a flood...

ten minutes later.

Shi Qing has passed all the knowledge about the [-] clone technique to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes and meditated.

Crazy in the mind, digesting the knowledge and information pouring into the mind.

It's just such a huge amount of information, Lin Xuanzong is a god-level cultivation talent, and has a hundred times the learning speed, but how can he digest it all at once?After all, this is the summary of Shi Qing's painstaking efforts for more than 3000 years!

"It's alright little brother, you are very talented and have a bright future."

"There's no need to be in a hurry."

Shi Qing said slowly, not without relief in his tone.

Lin Xuan no longer digested it.

Then he opened his eyes, but when he opened his eyes and saw what was in front of him, he was shocked immediately.

Because of Shi Qing.

The voice is still the vicissitudes of life, nothing has changed, but the appearance is different from before.

In this short ten minutes.


It's getting old!
"What's wrong with you, old man?" Lin Xuan asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, it's just what I should look like at my age." Shi Qing was very indifferent: "Immortality and maintaining a youthful appearance are originally against the sky. Now thousands of years have passed, but I have finally returned to my original appearance."

What Shi Qing said was an understatement.

But Lin Xuan knew that this must be the result of Shi Qing's excessive consumption of the [-] clone skills passed on to himself!

And at the same time.

Lin Xuan also found that Shi Qing's body... seemed to be a little lighter.

He is a ghost himself.

It's lighter now, doesn't it mean...

"You old man!" Lin Xuan unconsciously changed his honorific title. He never expected that after Shi Qing taught him martial arts, this would be the result!

Shi Qing smiled and waved his hands: "No problem!"

"I died, lived for 3800 years, had more than 40 girlfriends, and turned into a ghost after I died. I found an heir to my temper for my life's hard work. Although I waited for more than 800 years, I am now My wish has been fulfilled, and I have no regrets in my life.”

"I've passed on the martial arts of the Hundred Thousand Clone Body Technique to you, but it's a pity that I can't pass it on to you because of my lifelong cultivation."

"Life is nothing more than following the heart, but making a big fuss, so I should go."

"Little brother, we will meet indefinitely!"

Finish these few words.

Shi Qing waved his hand towards Lin Xuan, his body became more transparent, and as a gust of breeze blew by, his whole body was like a light smoke, instantly extinguished.

And with the disappearance of Shi Qing.

Shi Qing's conscious world also disappeared.

Lin Xuan returned to the grotto again, and saw the students who were comprehending and making gestures.

However soon.

The grottoes also peeled off and collapsed piece by piece, and a group of them returned to the real world.

Because it is unknown.

The students at the scene were shocked.

But immediately afterwards, they discovered even more shockingly that the martial arts tablet was also layer by layer, completely reduced to dust!

"What happened just now? The grotto is gone, and the martial arts tablet is gone?!"

"Is the old man angry?"

"Impossible! The martial arts stele has been handed down for more than 800 years..."

"It's unbelievable! I was trying to figure it out, and then I suddenly encountered this thing!"

"Me too, I feel like there will be a breakthrough today!

"Hey, who knows what's going on! Anyway, it's such a big deal, so hurry up and report it! Let's see what the school leaders say..."

The students in Class [-] of the Freshman College, in a state of astonishment, talked a lot.

He looked like he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

And monitor Bai Tao.

I have already brought people, and hurried to report to the school leadership.

Lin Xuan stared blankly at the stele of martial arts that had been turned into powder.

It's hard to believe what just happened.

Senior Shi Qing.

Did you just leave? !

I also suddenly thought of what the old senior said before leaving, life is nothing more than following the heart, but making a big fuss...

Feeling a little sad and sad.

After standing in place for a long time, facing the original position of the Martial Skill Monument, he finally said:
"Thank you, there will be no future!"


(End of this chapter)

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