Chapter 221
The fact that the Martial Skill Monument suddenly turned into powder caused an uproar in Zhongzhou Lingfu.

The Martial Art Monument is the B-level god of Skynet, a treasure passed down in the family for thousands of years and left by the ancestors.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a family sacred object.

Originally, the Martial Arts Stele was used as a sacred object of the family, and it was only used for the cultivation and understanding of the members of the family of the B-level master. Later, after the B-level master established Skynet, he suffered from the lack of talents, so he donated it and donated it to the top training school in Longguo , Zhongzhou Lingfu.

It is used to train practitioners of the Dragon Kingdom.

After several years, the students of Zhongzhou Lingfu also praised the "efficacy" of the martial arts monument.

Claims to have improved a lot.

The martial arts stele has thus changed from a family sacred object to a national treasure.

There are always special caregivers.

It is precisely because of this that the martial arts class for comprehending the martial arts stele has become a hot spot for all classes in Zhongzhou Lingfu.


How long has it been since the start of the new school year, and the martial arts monument has turned into powder!

The principal and dean of Zhongzhou Lingfu and other leaders rushed over quickly.

Hua Jieyu from the Ability Bureau also brought people over.

Even the B-level god organized by Skynet came in person.

Ladies and gentlemen, surround the stele of martial arts that has been turned into powder, carefully investigate and study it carefully.

I haven't figured out why for a long time.


All of them are self-conscious and have no such ability.

Only the B-level god.

After pondering for a long time, I didn't know why and said to myself: "Could it be that the ancestor really left?"


The second class of the Freshman College, because the martial arts tablet was gone, they couldn't take the martial arts class, so they had to go back to the classroom.

Everyone is very sorry.

Lin Xuan also felt unspeakably sad for Shi Qing's sudden departure.

Although he has inherited the martial arts skills from Old Master Shi Qing, he can't beat the Hundred Thousand Body Split Technique.

But it turned out later.

What a pity!

It's just that he didn't look very interested, unlike Lin Xuan before, so that Bai Tao kindly asked him what's wrong and if he wanted to ask for leave.

Fortunately, it was near noon.

When it was time for dinner, everyone went to eat too.

Lin Xuan also forced himself to stuff his stomach with all kinds of food.After the food is full, the sense of loss is better.

After thinking about it again, Mr. Shi has no regrets, not to mention what others have said, just from the heart.

So yourself, you are not happy!
Who are you showing it to!

Immediately the mood rose again.

The last two classes in the afternoon are self-study.

Lin Xuan pondered, anyway, Bai Tao gave himself the right to choose freely, and he could arrange the time for self-study by himself.

It happened to be alone, to practice the Hundred Thousand Body Clothing Technique.


After explaining to Bai Tao.

Lin Xuan went to the school's private practice room alone.

After entering, he locked the door behind him.

The one hundred thousand split body technique is related to the martial arts tablet, and it is such a great martial skill, you can practice it secretly by yourself, it is better not to let others know.

The one hundred thousand split body technique is divided into nine realms.

That Shi Qing is naturally at the ninth level.

However, what was passed on to Lin Xuan was just knowledge and information. If he wanted to achieve something, Lin Xuan had to practice it step by step.

The first is the first level of realm.

Lin Xuan has to practice from the beginning.

Having seen Shi Qing change tens of thousands of clones in one go before, and with Shi Qing's dedication to teach, Lin Xuan felt that it should be very easy.

Who knows that when you practice by yourself, you will realize that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Even with a god-level cultivation physique, the learning speed is a hundred times faster.

Also until about three hours later.

It was a long time after school that Lin Xuan finally transformed into his first avatar.

But when the first clone appeared.

That feeling is amazing.

Although there is one thought, there are two selves, two perspectives, the main body and the avatar can see each other.

Hehe, that's outrageous...

Lin Xuan then tried to make the main body and the clone fight.

It turned out that the avatar also feels pain and can use skills, but it only has half the strength of the main body.

of course.

According to the information Shi Qing imparted to him.

At the elementary level of the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique, the body and body are clearly separated. If the body dies, it will have no effect on the body. If the body dies, the body will disappear.

And wait until the advanced level.

Especially a full level like Shi Qing.

It doesn't matter if the main body is dead or not, as long as one of the [-] avatars is alive, he can't die!
The more Lin Xuan practiced, the more amazed he became, and his understanding of the Hundred Thousand Clone Body Technique became more profound.

When working hard.

Suddenly the phone rang.

It was Hua Jieyu who called, and said in a complaining tone: "Lin Xuan, why haven't you come back, the food I cooked is almost cold!"

In fact, Hua Jieyu just started cooking.

However, Lin Xuan returned home a lot later than usual today.

This is the initiative to ask.

Ever since I found out that Lin Xuan still had Xiao Qingyao last night, I felt extremely uncertain and uneasy.

Not for fear that Lin Xuan would run away.

Just because Xiao Qingyao was afraid, he suddenly snatched Lin Xuan away.

On Lin Xuan's side, even though she didn't know that the mother leopard had discovered the head of the sect last night, she could still hear the resentful tone on the phone from the mother leopard.

Then he laughed and said:
"I'm practicing martial arts at school! Alright, alright, I'll go back right away!"

Hang up.

At the same time, my heart moved.

It is said that the sect master is coming to Shanghai soon, and when the time comes, I will definitely have to accompany both the mother leopard and the sect master.

Definitely lacking skills.

But Shi Qing taught himself the Hundred Thousand Body Clothing Technique, didn't it happen to perfectly solve this problem?
Want to accompany?
Alright, just send a clone over there.

No wonder old man Shi Qing can get so many girlfriends...

Lin Xuan thought about it.

Doppelganger is also a way.


What the hell, labor and capital can't green themselves!

Although the avatar is also himself.

The same goes for consciousness.

After all, after being separated, it's okay to fight and pretend to be X, but it's absolutely impossible to pick up girls like Shi Qing!
Forget it.

It's better to go back to satisfy the mother leopard first, and wait for the head to come.


(End of this chapter)

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