Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 222 The biting mother leopard

Chapter 222 The biting mother leopard
"You came back so late, are you really practicing martial arts at school?"

As soon as Lin Xuan returned to Hua Jieyu's small home in Shanghai, Hua Jieyu unconsciously asked doubts.

"Sure." Lin Xuan sat down next to the mother leopard with a smile, "Director Hua, if you don't believe me, let me practice for you now?"

"It's all home, who wants to watch you practice!"

Hua Jieyu rolled Lin Xuan's eyes coquettishly, but when facing Lin Xuan who was approaching, he still obediently leaned his little head on Lin Xuan's shoulder: "Do you know that I am waiting for you at home again?" More than an hour! Hey, you bastard, why do you keep making me wait lately!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked fiercely at Lin Xuan.

According to the usual practice, it's time to show the little tiger teeth.

Lin Xuan took the initiative to pass his arm over: "Come, take a bite, relieve your hatred!"

Without saying a word, Hua Jieyu took a bite while holding his arm.

Silver teeth.

Immediately there was a big blood mark.

"You! You really bite, I just let you..." Lin Xuan said speechlessly.

"Who asked you to give in! If you give in, I will really bite!" Hua Jieyu looked like he had a plan.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to say, "You really are a mother leopard who likes to bite people! Let me give you a suggestion, how about biting again when you sleep at night?"

"not good!"

Hua Jieyu immediately refused, and then blushed, "Are you asking me to give you that again? Tell you, you think it's beautiful!"

Then he bared his teeth at Lin Xuan and said:
"I don't like to bite at night, I like to bite now!"

Open your mouth.

Holding Lin Xuan's arm, he wanted to bite down again.

"It's fine if you don't like it, why are you still biting me?" Lin Xuan quickly pulled out his arm and quickly escaped from the female leopard's attack range.

Then I saw a table full of home-cooked food.

The combination of meat and vegetables is full of fragrance.

Can't help but praise: "It's still Director Hua who treats me well! This time, I will have steaming hot food to eat. Tsk tsk, there are eight dishes and one soup again, and it's completely new!"

"As long as you know!"

Hua Jieyu said angrily, then stood up and brought over the bowls and chopsticks.

"I wanted to make it earlier, but I was afraid that you would come back late and the cooked food would be cold, so I made it a while later, but you really came back late!"

"So are you."

"You came back late and didn't tell me!"

Filled a bowl of rice and handed it to Lin Xuan.

"Okay, I will send you a message next time when I am late!"

Lin Xuan agreed and took over the job.

Then he picked up the chopsticks to eat the vegetables, first tasted a plate of fish-flavored shredded pork, and after one bite, his taste buds exploded: "Not bad, delicious!" He praised repeatedly.

Hua Jieyu's face looked much better now.

Seeing Lin Xuan's turbulent eating, he couldn't help but chuckle: "Eat more if it tastes good, no one will grab it from you!"

He also started eating.

However, there are only a handful of rice in the bowl, and there are only a few green vegetables to eat.

Even so, it was too soon to eat.

"Why don't you eat?" Lin Xuan asked.

"I'm full at noon, and I'm not hungry at night, you can eat." Hua Jieyu said casually.

in fact.

Hua Jieyu ate very little at noon.

There is only one reason. Ever since she found out that Xiao Qingyao was coming to Shanghai, she was under a lot of pressure...

She still knows what Xiao Qingyao is like.

B-level cultivation base, it is impossible to catch up in the short term.

But in terms of body and appearance, although Hua Jieyu is also top-notch, no worse than Xiao Qingyao, women will never be satisfied with this aspect.

Therefore, Hua Jieyu pays more attention to his body management than before.

On the basis of keeping the key parts full.

Want to be slimmer.

Dieting is one aspect, and she even wondered if she should practice yoga or something while she was practicing.

Improve your body's flexibility.

and the skills of some difficult movements.


after eating.

The two sat on the sofa for a while.

Watched TV for a while.

But not long after, under the provocation of Hua Jieyu, the two started a routine battle.

The flames of war spread from the sofa in the living room to the bedroom.

But just as the two rode their horses and whipped their whips.

Sharing the prosperity of the world, especially when Hua Jieyu is getting better and better, making all kinds of strange sounds.


Lin Xuan probably ate too much and was forced to get up: "I have to go to the toilet..."

After leaving one sentence, he hurried out of the bedroom.

In fact, he didn't want to either.

It's not that the mother leopard wants to go on a diet, compare her figure with Xiao Qingyao, and let Lin Xuan eat all of the eight dishes and one soup she made herself.

This stomach is supported, and I will exercise vigorously immediately.

The result is really sour...

Hua Jieyu over there was suddenly pulled away, and his heart was suddenly empty.

Going to the bathroom at this time?

Come on, do you have any professionalism? !

Can't help but complain for a while.

She can't help it, this sudden stop, the feeling of being unable to get up and down, is still my wife... uncomfortable.


After this little episode.

Lin Xuan came back soon.

With a more violent fighting posture and attitude, as well as skills, quickly enter the battle.

This made Hua Jieyu complain endlessly and feel empty.

Filled up again.

happy up.


(End of this chapter)

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