Chapter 223: Major Events in Life
Wake up in the morning.

Lin Xuan suddenly thought of the head, and then thought of the avatar.

In the end, is the avatar himself?

same mind and consciousness.

The main body can also feel the avatar and take back the avatar at any time.

To put it simply, one bottle of water is poured into two bottles, one god and many bodies.

Although in reality, it is a bit of an argument.

For example right now.

I woke up in the morning and wanted to exercise with the mother leopard in the morning.

So when the exercise is over, is it the future self exercising with the female leopard, or the previous self exercising with the female leopard, or is it someone of my own who exercised with the female leopard?
The questions are rather boring.

You are yourself, and since a guy grows on himself, he did it himself.


Lin Xuan still couldn't get over his inner obstacle, that is, using the avatar to pick up girls, he was suspected of being green on himself...


It's the easiest way to learn from Mr. Shi Qing.

One girl is paired with one avatar, and there is no fear of 100 masters coming.

"Lin Xuan, what are you thinking about in the morning?" Hua Jieyu woke up, seeing Lin Xuan in a daze, rolled into Lin Xuan's arms and asked.

"'s nothing." Lin Xuan said.

"Nothing?" Hua Jieyu didn't believe it, pouted and said: "Mingming is frowning tightly, looking like he's thinking hard, hasn't..."

"Then, do you really want to know what I was thinking just now?"

"Think about it, let's talk."

"Then I said it, I was thinking just now, should I exercise with you in the morning?"

"Ah? But when you... think about this, do you need to be so devoted and think hard?"

"Use it, it's a major event in life after all!"

"You wait! Last night, I still..."

"It's okay, I'll just bless you!"


Following the female leopard's soft mouth, the routine morning exercise began again.


Ever since he met the mother leopard, Lin Xuan didn't know why he was so keen on driving.

Just can't stop.

It may be the taste of food marrow.


It may also be, for the sake of not being confused in life.

As Mr. Shi said when telling his past stories, he was confused for 50 years, and finally at the age of 80, he figured out the so-called true meaning of life, and then made 40 girlfriends in one breath ...

After the war.

The two rested for a while, and Hua Jieyu suddenly asked.

"By the way, Lin Xuan, does the disappearance of the martial arts stele in your school have anything to do with you?"

The fact that the Zhongzhou Lingfu Martial Arts Monument suddenly turned into powder in the morning was still too sensational.

When a large number of bigwigs heard about it, they immediately rushed over to investigate the cause.

Hua Jieyu is no exception.

After all, it is because the Martial Arts Monument is so important, it is a national treasure.Although I don't know the reason, but in its small world, if you comprehend it casually, you will make a lot of progress, which is really amazing.

"Here, the Martial Skill Tablet is gone, so what does it have to do with me?"

Lin Xuan said in a surprised tone.

In fact, the Martial Skills Monument disappeared because after he was taught martial arts by Shi Qing, a wisp of old man Shi Qing's ghost was wiped out.

But it's a secret, it can't be said at all.

"What's the matter, why do you ask this?" Lin Xuan asked again on purpose.

"It's okay, it's nothing, I'm just asking casually." Hua Jieyu said.

Lin Xuan was very dissatisfied with this answer: "Just ask me? It's not you, Director Hua, why do you doubt me!"

"Why do you doubt you, don't you know?" Hua Jieyu had no choice but to say helplessly, "Who else has this ability except you! Besides, it's not my suspicion, it's the B-level god organized by Skynet... ..."

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment.

That B-level god from Skynet? !

In other words, I have never dealt with him before, so why did I get targeted?

But soon.

It didn't matter.

Shi Qing is the ancestor of that B-level great god family, so he can be considered Shi Qing's apprentice no matter what.

So come on.

His seniority is much higher than him.


After that is a day of classes.

Ever since Bai Tao subdued him and was very polite, Lin Xuan also sold his face.

Try to follow his rules as much as possible.
No trouble, no pretending to be X, and more "hardworking" in class.

You still need to sleep and you need to sleep.

After school in the afternoon, Lin Xuan received another call from the head of the school.

At Mother Leopard's house, Lin Xuan deliberately muted his cell phone, just in case the boss suddenly called.But except for the first time, after that at Mother Leopard's house, the head didn't call again.

As a result, the call came at this time.

"Hey, Master! Are you coming tomorrow, let me prepare in advance?" Lin Xuan came up and asked.

"It's not tomorrow, I'll be in Shanghai today." The head over the phone said.

"Already in the magic capital?"

Lin Xuan was taken aback: "Didn't you say that the day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow? Tickets are already bought. According to the time, it will be tomorrow."

"It was originally tomorrow, but I wanted to give you a surprise, so I changed the sign to today..." the head explained.

"Then... are you at the station now, I'll pick you up?" Lin Xuan said hastily, wanting to take the head of the shop to a hotel far away from the mother leopard first.

"No need, Aunt Lan and I have already arrived in Shanghai at noon." The head over there said with great interest: "After Aunt Lan booked the hotel, we went to your school for two afternoons. , I wanted to surprise you, so I didn't disturb your class."

Lin Xuan: "???!!!"

There was a sudden thump in my heart.

Arrived in Shanghai at noon, and went to school for a stroll in the afternoon? !


(End of this chapter)

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