Chapter 224 This Man Is Necrotic

What a surprise.

Lin Xuan originally thought it was tomorrow, but who knew that the master would come at noon, and the hotel had already been booked!
In order to give a surprise, I didn't bother myself in class...

But please.

Your surprise, I'm afraid it will turn into a shock.

"The head, where are you now?" Lin Xuan asked.

Now that the head has come ahead of time, no matter how surprised he is, he must show his gratitude to the landlord.But he was really scared. At this moment, the head of the sect jumped in front of him: I am here!

Just listen to the master said again:

"Aunt Lan and I walked around your school and then went back. We are in the hotel right now. If you want to find me, you can come to the hotel to find me."

When Lin Xuan heard that they were in the hotel, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you send me the address, and I'll go find you right away!"


The headmaster seemed to be more interested and hung up the phone.

After that, he sent Lin Xuan the address of the hotel.

After Lin Xuan looked at the address, he found that it was very close to his mother Leopard's small home in Modu.

The hotel is near the community.

The straight-line distance is less than 1 kilometer, and it takes only a few minutes to walk.

This can't be a coincidence, can it? !

However, now Lin Xuan can't think so much.Immediately made a decision, go directly to the hotel where the head is.

As for the mother leopard, she had no choice but to send a text message, saying that she had something to do and couldn't go.


in the hotel.

Xiao Qingyao changed into a water-blue dress and walked up to Aunt Lan.

"Aunt Lan, do you think this looks good?"

"It looks good." Aunt Lan glanced at it twice and replied, looking a little tired.

"Does it look good?" Xiao Qingyao said in her mouth, and she walked to the mirror again, holding the corner of her skirt, and kept changing the angle to look at it. It was completely the demeanor and movements of a little girl. After looking at it for a long time, she said to herself: " It’s okay, but that’s about it!”

Then he told Aunt Lan: "Aunt Lan, why don't you take out one more piece and try it out."

"Still trying?"

Aunt Lan suddenly looked embarrassed: "My lord, you have tried a dozen of them, and everything is okay..."

"But I think... I still don't think it looks good!"

After changing more than a dozen times, Xiao Qingyao was also a little embarrassed: "But Aunt Lan, you also know that we finally found time to come to Shanghai. I haven't seen him for a long time. It's not because I want to give him a good impression. Well!"

When Aunt Lan heard this, she couldn't help but want to roll her eyes with her.

have to.

It's been a long time since I saw him again, and I want to give him a good impression...

Such words.

Since she decided to come to Shanghai with the head of the sect, she has heard it countless times.

But the master is still talking.

Changed clothes, changed more than a dozen sets, still not satisfied.

In fact, according to Aunt Lan.

The boss is too much trouble.

Anyway, when she came to visit Lin Xuan this time, something was bound to happen, it didn't matter what she was wearing or not, she could just wear whatever she wanted.What's important is that the head's figure is there, protruding forward and backward, proudly stalwart.

Simply the best of the best.

At night, when the lights are turned on and the clothes are taken off, the scenery is completely natural and beautiful. It looks like hills and peaks from side to side, and this kid is so greedy to death...

Therefore, clothes are all floating clouds.

That thing is the big killer, the trump card!

of course.

Aunt Lan thought so in her heart, saying that it was impossible to say it.

Seeing that the headmaster was struggling with what to wear.

I couldn't help but help choose.

It took a lot of effort to help the head choose a sky blue suit,
"Aunt Lan, you said he will change his mind when he comes to Shanghai to go to school alone?" Xiao Qingyao was worried again at this time. In fact, I asked Aunt Lan several times on the way.

Aunt Lan was also very helpless.

The head of the sect has always been shrewd in his affairs, he can be called calm and wise, but when it comes to matters related to Lin Xuan, his IQ plummets, and it is not certain whether he will be successful in the end...

But no way.

Who told miraculous love to turn a woman into an idiot!
"Don't worry, Sect Leader, he won't! That kid is not the kind of half-hearted person..." Aunt Bai replied.

"But..." Xiao Qingyao still wanted to say.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't," Aunt Lan said with certainty, "Take a step back and tell me, didn't that kid not succeed in you in the end? He changed his mind at this time and refused to eat the big white steamed bun. He is stupid." !"

Xiao Qingyao: "..."

Lier is that Lier, why does it sound weird.

Then he said: "He won't change his mind, but doesn't he hook up with other little girls?"

Aunt Lan immediately shook her head.

"I don't think he will. If he seduces, it's another little girl who seduced him."


Xiao Qingyao's face was startled: "So, there will be other little girls hooking him up?"

Aunt Lan pondered for a moment: "There is a possibility."

"Is this possible?!" Xiao Qingyao stood up immediately, her face darkening: "Then what should I do? Do you want to see which girl it is, and I killed her with a sword!"

Aunt Lan was speechless for a while again: "Master, this is the city of magic, killing people is not good! Besides, it's only possible, not necessarily true!"

Xiao Qingyao thought, that's the reason too.

Just messed up.

Unconsciously a little anxious, walking back and forth in the room: "But what if? What if a little girl hooks him up?"

"Actually, if there is, it's easy to handle." Aunt Lan said.

"How easy?" Xiao Qingyao asked immediately.

"Fair competition." Aunt Lan said calmly.

"Fair competition?" Xiao Qingyao was stunned.

dong dong dong...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"He's here!" Xiao Qingyao immediately returned to her seat, restraining her expression: "Aunt Lan, you go and open the door." She picked up a magazine and flipped through it.

Aunt Lan responded and went to open the door.

It really was Lin Xuan.

"Aunt Lan, long time no see!"

At the door, Lin Xuan saw Aunt Lan and greeted her with a smile.

"It's Lin Xuan! Please come in, the head is waiting inside!" Aunt Lan smiled, looked at Lin Xuan, and hurriedly called Lin Xuan in.

Lin Xuan walked into the room.

The next thing that came into view was Xiao Qingyao sitting on a chair, flipping through a magazine.

A very dignified and serious look.

Lin Xuan came to him.

He smiled lightly and said, "Sect Leader, are you reading a book?"

Only then did Xiao Qingyao raise her head, and said casually, "Yes."

Lin Xuan said again: "Looking so fascinated, is this magazine good?"

"It's just to pass the time." Xiao Qingyao said in a leisurely tone, "I called you for so long, but you didn't come. As a result, I almost finished reading a magazine."

As he spoke, he turned a page.

"Sect Leader..." Lin Xuan hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong? Tell me straight."

"Your magazine is upside down."

Xiao Qingyao was suddenly embarrassed, "..."

But still stubborn: "I like to read books backwards, do you have an opinion?"

"No, it's just that the head is like this, which is really admirable!" Lin Xuan almost laughed out loud.

Xiao Qingyao's pretty face flushed.

Unable to hold it any longer, I threw the magazine aside.

Hey, this man is really necrotic!

(End of this chapter)

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