Chapter 225 Auntie Came Too

When in Jiangcheng.

It turned out that Xiao Qingyao and Lin Xuan had reached a very, very close relationship, and they were only one step away from the door.

Xiao Qingyao was in an inconvenient condition.

He also helped Xiao Linxuan several times to solve the problem of abnormal swelling.

After Lin Xuan went to Shanghai to go to school, the two of them had a video call, which hadn't been broken for a long time.It still happens once a week, and sometimes Lin Xuan makes excessive demands, and she tries her best to satisfy them one by one.


Xiao Qingyao came to the magic capital this time.

It was finally time to see Lin Xuan again.Tangtang, the head of the sect, suddenly became shy again, no, he became arrogant.

Xiao Qingyao herself knew that she shouldn't.

But I can't control it.

Otherwise, when he called Lin Xuan that day, he said an unusually intimate "Did you miss me?" Then he hung up the phone after finishing talking about going to Shanghai.

It is also in this hotel.

In fact, Lin Xuan didn't think so.

Finally, when the person came, she wanted to be arrogant again, but in the end, she was exposed without any problems.

"You came right after school?"

Xiao Qingyao asked while holding back the fever on her face.

"Yeah, or you've finished reading both magazines." Lin Xuan held back a smile.

"You, still say!"

Xiao Qingyao glared, and Xiao Fen was about to hit her with a dangling fist, but was caught by Lin Xuan.

"Come on, head, sit here."

Lin Xuan pulled Xiao Qingyao to sit on the sofa.

Xiao Qingyao blushed.

Can you not understand Lin Xuan's routine? She is sitting on a chair now, which is no match. The two of them are sitting on the sofa together, which is convenient for doing things.


Still sat down very obediently.

"Did you take the train? Are you tired on the road?" Lin Xuan hugged Xiao Qingyao's slender waist very naturally.

"It's not bad, it will take more than three hours."

Xiao Qingyao said with a slightly dissatisfied expression: "It's just from the train station to the hotel, there was a traffic jam, and it took an hour to get there."

"Modu, this is normal." Lin Xuan said.

Afterwards, I looked at Xiao Qingyao's pretty face from a close distance, with a curvy head and crescent eyebrows, autumn water in her eyes, delicate cherry lips, and an extremely mature, ready-to-come-out body.

He couldn't help but pecked lightly on the soft lips.

Before Xiao Qingyao had time to react, he immediately asked, "Didn't you say tomorrow on the phone? Why are you here today?"

"Didn't I want to surprise you!" Xiao Qingyao was pecked and had to suffer from being dumb.

"Why, you don't want me to come?"

"Do you think I want to?"

"You... uh!!!"

Lin Xuan held Xiao Qingyao's face this time, and unexpectedly kissed her hard. Unable to struggle, she had to lightly hammer the sofa with her small powder fist.

After a hard slap.

Only then did Lin Xuan let go of Xiao Qingyao, and said with a smile, "You guessed the answer now."


Xiao Qingyao was speechless.

It seems that the devil city will fall into the clutches of this kid.

But my heart is still flattered.

Speaking of coming to Magic City, isn’t that what I’m planning for...

after that.

As I chatted with Lin Xuan, I slowly let go, and I got closer and closer to Lin Xuan, and gradually found the feeling of tacit understanding and incomparable understanding when I was in Jiangcheng.

After that.

Wang Chunshui's eyes stared at Lin Xuan.

Breathing is getting faster and faster.

Both hands even hooked Lin Xuan's neck, and a pair of cherry lips pressed against it actively.

After Aunt Lan opened the door for Lin Xuan.

So consciously, I hid in the bedroom in the suite.

But I could hear the silence in the living room outside.

The net is an elusive variety of sounds.

There is a chance that the gun will go off, and it will be unstoppable...

As the flames of war raged, even if I was by the side, I just listened and didn't affect it, but it was still a big light bulb, wasn't it?If the head of the sect reacts later, he might even punish himself.

Aunt Lan simply decided to go out and make a pot of tea for the two of them for entertainment afterwards.

Then leave the hotel.

Wander around by yourself.

In order not to affect the two of them, Aunt Lan was very careful when making tea, for fear of making a little noise and disturbing their interest.

Be very careful.

When putting the teapot, it still made some noise.

Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao are getting better and better.

Suddenly there was a sound, and the two immediately got up and looked at Aunt Lan together.

There was a little accident.

Aunt Lan panicked too.

Extremely embarrassed: "It's okay! Go ahead, I'll make a pot of tea..."

After listening to Aunt Lan's explanation, Lin Xuan and the two still stared at Aunt Lan, which clearly meant that you are here, how should we continue?

Aunt Lan is not stupid.

Immediately, he slapped his head and sighed angrily.


I blame myself for being too considerate, what kind of after-event tea should I make?

What a waste!
slip away...

Aunt Lan opened the door directly and went out quickly.

As the door of the room was closed again, Xiao Qingyao's pretty face blushed again, but Aunt Lan was one of her own after all, and she was very familiar with them.

So, sexiness is still...


before coming.

Xiao Qingyao had a fierce ideological struggle, and she also asked Aunt Lan for advice.

After coming to Shanghai.

Do you want to surrender yourself?

The conclusion is: yes.Think of a way and hand yourself over.

Young couple, young lovers, isn't it just that little thing, besides, it's not bad before, and this last step is still missing?
So nothing to be ashamed of.

Everything is fine as it is!
With Xiao Qingyao's enthusiastic cooperation.

Lin Xuan is naturally familiar with the road, attacking cities and territories.The mountains and peaks are all under control!

The two were so in love that they suddenly remembered the knock on the door.

dong dong dong...

The bodies of the two people on the sofa froze.

Could it be that Aunt Lan is back again? !
Like what, I forgot something again, and suddenly remembered an important matter to report?
Anyway, this time.

Xiao Qingyao's face was also extremely ugly.

Lin Xuan stood up helplessly.

Pack up and go open the door.

Opening the door, he was about to have a good talk with Aunt Lan.

You can take a closer look.

Lin Xuan was taken aback and said in surprise, "Auntie? You, why are you here?!"

Zheng Li saw that it was Lin Xuan, shirtless and wearing big underpants...

Also stunned.

"Lin Xuan? Why are you here!"

"You, this is... what did you just do?!"


(End of this chapter)

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