Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 230 Auntie's Unexpected Request

Chapter 230 Auntie's Unexpected Request

Maybe Zheng Li didn't understand Lin Xuan's avatar...

Staring at it for a long time, the eyes became more and more hot.

Couldn't help but started.

Squeeze here, touch there.

It's really tiring to regard the avatar as a "doll".

But where did she expect that this clone is another Lin Xuan, whose body, touch, expression, and even abilities are all real!

Lin Xuan was extremely embarrassed for a moment.

Fearing that Zheng Li would make more excessive moves, she simply took back the avatar.

"Lin Xuan, what are you doing? Can't you tell my aunt to watch it for a while?" Zheng Li said dissatisfied.

Lin Xuan was speechless, you just watched for a while.

You're good to go.

"It's just another me, what's so good about it. You've been watching me for more than ten years..." Lin Xuan said intentionally.

"That's different!"

Zheng Li immediately retorted, "You are you, and the avatar is the avatar!"

Lin Xuan had no choice but to shut up.

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't speak, Zheng Li suddenly thought of something and blushed a little.

Paused for a moment.

Then he probed Lin Xuan again: "Lin Xuan, has my aunt treated you well all these years?"

"Okay, okay!" Lin Xuan replied.

"Since it's good, can my aunt make a request." Zheng Li looked at Lin Xuan expectantly, "Can you give me one of that clone!"

What did Lin Xuan think it was?

The result is this...

Give a clone?No matter how you send it, it is also a living self.

"This, auntie."

There are three black lines on Lin Xuan's forehead: "Maybe you have misunderstood, my avatar is different from others, he has flesh and blood, he is a human being... You said I can't give it away."

"Why can't I give it away? You just divided it up, so why don't you give it to me?"

Zheng Li was puzzled, but still asked.

Lin Xuan felt dizzy for a while.

I had to continue to explain: "I really can't give it away, because it's another me, just like a clone, no, it's a little bit more than a clone. Because, this clone not only has the same appearance as me, but also has the same personality, and, I You can also feel all the sensations of the avatar and control his behavior."

"It's not a separate entity."
"I gave it to you, which is equivalent to sending the other me out..."

"Give the other you away? Isn't that better!" Zheng Li's expression was pleasantly surprised, her eyes lit up, and she almost jumped for joy.

The appearance and personality are the same!
Another Lin Xuan... isn't that my wife? !
Lin Xuan: "!!!"

After talking for a long time, how could it be more exciting.

"No, I can't send it anyway, Auntie, I really can't agree to your request..." Lin Xuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and refuse.

"I don't mind." Zheng Li couldn't give up.

"But I don't mind." Lin Xuan said.

"OK then."

Zheng Li was slightly disappointed.

But after a while, I also felt that I was a little too excited just now, too that I almost revealed my feelings!
No matter how I say it, my current identity is still this kid's aunt.

It's better not to get too excited.

Zheng Li quickly restrained her emotions.

Then he changed the subject: "Then Lin Xuan, since your avatar can't be...used, what about your head and bureau chief, what are you going to do?"

"I'm worried too."

Lin Xuan unconsciously sighed and rubbed his brows.

Both the master and the mother leopard are masters in cultivation, the master is at the B level, and the mother leopard is at the C rank, once they fight...

It didn't end well.


The master will crush the female leopard.

But with the nature of the two of them, especially the methods of the sect leader, they might not be able to die endlessly, and it is possible to kill someone.

"Auntie, help me think about it too, those two are not vegetarians." Lin Xuan said to Zheng Li.

How could Zheng Li not understand Lin Xuan's situation.

Those two people can be said to be the two big bosses of the Dragon Kingdom.

One is the head of Tian Yizong, and the other is the director of the Dragon Nation Ability Bureau.

Think with your toes.

I knew that if the two of them met, it would be due to the narrow road between enemies, and sparks hitting the earth... At that time, Lin Xuan would not only be playing splits, but if something happened, the impact would be huge, and the entire Dragon Kingdom would be affected .

"Well, I'll help you figure out a way later. If it's really not possible, you can accompany Xiao Qingyao. She is a guest after all when she comes to the magic capital. Hua Jieyu, let me think of a way to stabilize her. " Zheng Li thought for a moment.

"Then thank you, auntie." Lin Xuan said.

"Thank me for what, who let me be your aunt."

As Zheng Li said, she couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Afterwards, he glanced at Lin Xuan who was still on the bed: "What time are you still lying on the bed, get up."

"If you don't eat it, the breakfast I brought you will be cold."

"Okay, thank you, auntie!" Lin Xuan jumped out of bed and came to the morning meal brought by Zheng Li. It was very filling, including steamed dumplings, steamed buns, wontons, and two tea eggs.

"You child, wash up before eating!"

Zheng Li couldn't help explaining, and waved her hand, "Okay, I'll see you too, I'll go first, and leave it to me to stabilize Hua Jieyu for the time being."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Auntie, wait!" Lin Xuan suddenly shouted from behind.

Zheng Li stopped in her tracks.

Is this kid because I helped him solve the problem.Suddenly his conscience realized that he finally agreed to give himself a clone of him? !
So happy in my heart.

"Auntie, you brought too much breakfast, I can't finish it, why don't I eat it together." Lin Xuan said.

Zheng Li couldn't help being disappointed: "..."

"You... eat it yourself, I came here after eating."

He pretended to be relaxed and said it.

Quickly opened the door and went out.


(End of this chapter)

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