Chapter 231

Close the door.

Zheng Li leaned against the door for a while before completely calming down her disappointed and sour emotions.

Just when I went out.

Because Lin Xuan didn't mention sending her avatar at all.

Zheng Li was so disappointed that she could hardly bear it anymore.

I want to reveal Lin Xuan's life experience, everything I know, and I don't want to be Lin Xuan's aunt anymore.

Really bad.


Now is not the time yet.

Zheng Li was disappointed for a long time, but somehow she held back.

Then he settled down again.

Thinking about how to help Lin Xuan stabilize Hua Jieyu.

No matter what, it was impossible for Xiao Qingyao to stay in the magic city forever, and he happened to be in the magic city on a business trip.

Help stabilize Hua Jieyu today.

Ming'er helped stabilize Xiao Qingyao.

And so on.

As long as the two women don't make trouble, they don't fight.

Anyway, the two girls have met her before, and they respect her a lot. In a few days, one of the two girls will definitely leave the city.

By the time.

Lin Xuan's splitting problem was temporarily resolved.

Retire by yourself...

However, Hua Jieyu is the director of the Longguo Ability Bureau, with a high position and authority, how can she be stabilized?

Zheng Li pondered for a moment.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead due to the hot weather.

Suddenly my heart moved.

Have it.

On a hot day, I can invite Hua Jieyu to swim together.

She is Lin Xuan's aunt.

Interaction invites her.

That Hua Jieyu looked very sensible, so he probably wouldn't refuse.

Be sure.

On the way back to my hotel, I sent messages to Lin Xuan and Hua Jieyu respectively, at about ten o'clock in the morning, and booked a private swimming pool in a rather high-end fitness club.

Lin Xuan was unable to accompany his mother Leopard.

To apologize.

He forwarded Zheng Li's message to the mother leopard.

To show sincerity.

After waiting for a long time, the female leopard over there lazily replied: "Okay, I will spare you this time!"


in the hotel.

Xiao Qingyao and Aunt Lan woke up lazy in the morning.

of course.

Xiao Qingyao looked a little more lazy because of the messy dream all night.

Aunt Lan went out for a while.

Brought hotel breakfast for two.

"The master is having breakfast." Aunt Lan greeted him.

"it is good."

Xiao Qingyao came to the dining table, still thinking about the messy things in her dream last night.

I tried unsuccessfully with Lin Xuan yesterday.

Although she helped Lin Xuan solve it through other old methods, it was not the right way after all, and she couldn't solve the fundamental problem in the long run.

After Lin Xuan left, she was depressed.

Another disappointment.

Anyway, messy.

After talking to Aunt Lan, Aunt Lan decided that it was the reason why she practiced Bing Qing Yu Jie Jue.

That ice-clear and jade-clean body-strengthening tactic.

She started practicing since she was a child, and after decades of practice, it really has the effect of strengthening the body.


Suddenly Aunt Lan said.

This is what caused the...disharmony between her and Lin Xuan!

She was naturally very surprised.

If it's really like what Aunt Lan said, then...wouldn't it be like being put on a pair of chastity pants that even Lin Xuan couldn't open?If this is the case, she would rather abolish that icy cleanness and body strengthening formula...

It is for this reason.

Last night, she had a whole night of miscellaneous dreams, such as Lin Xuan disliked herself, such as running away with other women...

"Sect Leader, don't think about the Bing Qing Yu Clean Body Strengthening Art, there must be a solution."

Aunt Lan at the side saw Xiao Qingyao listless.

So I couldn't help it.

"Who said I was thinking about it." Xiao Qingyao blushed, "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Okay, you didn't sleep well." Aunt Lan helped open the breakfast boxes one by one, and pushed them in front of Xiao Qingyao.

But in my heart I muttered.

Let's say you are B-level.

Still can't sleep well?
Even if you don't sleep all night, you shouldn't be so depressed.

"Master, what should we do most today? There should be arrangements for Lin Xuan?" Aunt Lan asked while eating breakfast.

"There should be."

Xiao Qingyao said absently, "But he hasn't said it yet."

"It's coming soon without saying anything." Aunt Lan said, "Maybe someone else will come soon!"


Suddenly Xiao Qingyao's phone vibrated.

received a message.

It was sent by Zheng Li, very tactful and polite, as Lin Xuan's aunt, inviting Xiao Qingyao to go swimming.

"Master, Lin Xuan's aunt invited you?"

Aunt Lan immediately said joyfully, "Then we must go! I'm sure that kid will follow. I brought several swimsuits of yours in the suitcase I brought, just in time to show off your figure to that kid..."

"I'm sure he'll be hungry when he sees it!"

Xiao Qingyao heard it.

Aunt Lan rolled her eyes.

Several swimsuits, too greedy...Before you came, you were sure that I would swim when I came here?

I'm afraid it's not what you want to see.


I didn't pay attention to Aunt Lan any more, but replied a very polite message to Zheng Li and agreed to her invitation.


Aunt Lin Xuan's face still needs to be given.


Because of my aunt's help, Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.


One person faces two difficult masters.

There must be trouble.

At this moment, he had already chatted with the headmaster through WeChat. Surprisingly, the headmaster's arrangement in the morning was also to go swimming, and asked Lin Xuan to prepare his swimsuit in advance.

Lin Xuan didn't think much about it.

At worst, I will take a tour with the head today.

Let's have another game with Mother Leopard tomorrow.


Then he thought of the extremely mature and extremely curvy body of the head.

Long time no see.

Wearing a swimsuit must have a special flavor!
When I was feeling happy, I suddenly received a call from my aunt.

"Lin Xuan, something is wrong!"

"I... I sent it by mistake. I sent the message originally sent to Hua Jieyu to Xiao Qingyao!"

"By the time I found out, it was already too late!"

Zheng Li said anxiously over there.

After Lin Xuan understood it, he didn't feel anything at first, and then comforted him: "Auntie, it's okay to make a mistake. Isn't it just early 9 o'clock now? Let the two of you tell each other that the plan has changed, it's okay?"

"If you can, that's great!"

Zheng Li continued to explain anxiously: "I came to the clubhouse immediately after I realized that I sent the wrong message. I wanted to stop one of the two first, but I didn't expect it to be too late."

"Xiao Qingyao and Hua Jieyu both came early!"


"Both of them are already in!"

Only then did Lin Xuan realize the seriousness of the matter.

It's too late, both of them have already entered in advance? !

What the hell, if the mother leopard and the head are in the swimming pool, they will hit each other with the ball.

It's a big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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