Chapter 233

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan was dumbfounded.

I almost popped my eyeballs out.

The two women didn't fight, but what were they doing?Compete in various types of swimming?Competing in stature?
Or just grudge?
But vindictive...

And so neat? !
Before I came, I was apprehensive, always worried that there would be a fight.

It would be too bad if there was a casualty, or if something happened.

But now.

Although I don't understand what's going on, the two women are wearing sexy bikinis, competing for beauty, and acting like this in the swimming pool.

It's also thrilling!
Lin Xuan hid by the pool.

While temporarily breathing a sigh of relief.

He held his breath and focused his eyes, for fear of disturbing this wonderful and beautiful scene.

Especially the leader.

I've known her for so long, why have I ever seen this side of her before?

"Lin Xuan, come out."

After resting by the swimming pool for a while, Xiao Qingyao found Lin Xuan, and was the first to lose her temper.

"Lin Xuan, come out."

Hua Jieyu followed suit.

Seeing the two girls calling him together, Lin Xuan couldn't hide anymore.

Had to walk over.

Embarrassed, he scratched his head and said, "The two of you just now, the competition was very intense, why... no more competition?"

Both women have no good looks.

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.

"Sit down and talk." Hua Jieyu said expressionlessly.

"Sit down and talk." Xiao Qingyao said expressionlessly, seeing that Lin Xuan didn't move, she said again: "Hurry up."

"Hurry up." Hua Jieyu followed.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Suddenly three black lines appeared on his forehead.

The two said in unison, I'm sorry, what is this for? !
You can't be playing with me.

"What orders do you two have?"

Bite the scalp and walked to the front, sat between the two women, Lin Xuan put on a smile and said: "It seems that the two of you are very familiar, so I don't need to introduce you."

The two women did not speak for a while.

Just staring at Lin Xuan in the middle, staring at him with hairs.

"Lin Xuan, what do you think of me?" Hua Jieyu asked first this time.

"Very, very good." Lin Xuan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Jieyu hooked Lin Xuan's neck and slammed into his bear's mouth.

That's right.

The target is exactly in the middle of the two balls in Xiongkou.


The touch was soft, but Lin Xuan was still hit... dizzy and couldn't find Bei for a while.

"How do you feel now?" Hua Jieyu asked again.

"Okay..." Lin Xuan said.

Just after finishing speaking, Xiao Qingyao also hooked Lin Xuan's neck and slammed into her bear's mouth.

That's right!

The target is still in the middle of the two balls...

"Lin Xuan, how do you feel about me?" Xiao Qingyao said.

"Okay...Okay!" Lin Xuan was hit "dizzily" by two heavy giant balls again.

"Then is it for my good or someone else's good?" Xiao Qingyao asked again.

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Then is it better for me or someone else?" On the other side, Hua Jieyu was not to be outdone.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Are the two girls doing knitting?


A sudden alliance?
But before thinking too much, Xiao Qingyao made the first move this time, hooked Lin Xuan's neck, and then pressed his head on her bear's mouth...

After that, it was Hua Jieyu again.

And so on.

The size of the two bears is about the same, both are majestic and towering.

Soft to the touch.

Against the backdrop of the bikini, it is even more vivid and breathtaking.


Lin Xuan was sandwiched between the two women, among the four heavy giant balls, and was forced to toss and turn, colliding endlessly...

to the end.

The whole person was in a daze.

I don't know whether it was a person hitting the ball or the ball hitting someone.


Zheng Li also came early.

But stay away.

Seeing the two women fighting in the swimming pool, sandwiching Lin Xuan like a meat sandwich, they couldn't help opening their eyes wide and dumbstruck.

Nothing happened to the two girls.


There is also such a game?Roujiamo-like vindictiveness?

I was surprised again.

I was shocked again.

Of course, I am a little relieved that Lin Xuan did not raise him for ten years in vain.

Wherever you go, you will be blessed.

Even if he played splits with two female bosses.

He was discovered and punished, and the result turned out to be that he was hit by two girls with the ball...

Zheng Li stared at it for a while.

I didn't dare to watch it anymore, after all, I was the one who caused the evil, and it was my own mistake, doing wrong things with good intentions, that made this happen.

But this time.

Seeing the two women fighting for favor, they "punished" Lin Xuan like this.

Zheng Li didn't feel sour at all.

Because I can't get sour, the two girls, Xiao Qingyao and Hua Jieyu, who were originally extremely handsome, were wearing bikinis at this time, and they were majestic and majestic in front of them, towering into the clouds.

Take another look at yourself.

Although it's not Wangzai's small steamed bun, it's just a medium steamed bun at best.

Compared with the two women, I feel ashamed.

slip away.

So Zheng Li sent Lin Xuan a message.

Just left quietly.


Zheng Li left, and Xiao Qingyao and Hua Jieyu's actions to punish Lin Xuan continued.

I don't know when.

After playing, hit someone with the ball.

The hands of the two women unconsciously held Lin Xuan's arm.

The body is tightly attached to it.

Be worthy of the name has become the Roujiamo.

Afterwards, Hua Jieyu was even more unsatisfactory. With her bold style, Xiao Linxuan below stretched out a sinful hand.

Lin Xuan was dumbfounded: "!!!"

Does the mother leopard want to be so ruthless?
Xiao Qingyao was also taken aback when she saw this.


It was just a daze, and then, he stretched out a sinful white hand, doing the same thing...

Lin Xuan was raped by the second daughter...

I could only stare blankly: "!!!!"

That taste is really sour!


(End of this chapter)

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