Chapter 234 Men Don't Have A Good Thing
Still in front of Hua Jieyu.

After all, Xiao Qingyao couldn't let go, and she couldn't compare to the tough mother leopard. With just a light grip, Xuanji let go.

Rao is so.

Both Hua Jieyu and Xiao Qingyao's pretty faces were slightly flushed.

They looked at each other inadvertently.

All are helpless.

It is said that they used frequent means to fight against Lin Xuan, but in the end, they took advantage of the villain who played splits.

In fact, they were just getting started.

When Zheng Li sent the wrong message, she realized by accident that Lin Xuan was in two boats and they were rivals in love.

Very angry indeed.

There is also a moment when it is necessary to resort to force to solve it.

Available soon.

The two of them changed their ways at the same time.

Anyhow, we knew each other before.

We have also cooperated in some aspects, and the relationship is not bad.

Moreover, they are all respectable and well-known people, because of this, they must die and live, and if it is spread, it will not be laughed at.

Hua Jieyu knew that he couldn't beat Master Xiao.

Xiao Qingyao also knew that Hua Jieyu was her "superior", and Aunt Lan had also told her to compete fairly.


The two compromised, put on bikinis, compete in figure, and compete in swimming.

Then I found Lin Xuan coming.

Only then, unanimously to the outside world.

He called Lin Xuan over, sandwiched him in the middle to make meat buns, and then took turns to make moves, all the "resentment" in his heart was directed at him.

Lin Xuan was caught and bumped.

It became the sad piece of meat in the middle of Roujiamo.

It was almost disfigured.

I don't know if I don't know the blessing in the blessing, or I don't know the blessing in the blessing.

Anyway, I wanted to cry for a while but had no tears.

He had no choice but to close his eyes and let the two women toss, no, cruel punishment.

At that moment.

Lin Xuan is a jerk.

Seeing this, how could the two women not notice it.

Immediately blushed.

Glancing at each other, they couldn't hold back any longer, and stopped immediately.

Lin Xuan was the first to cast his eyes on Xiao Qingyao for help.

Xiao Qingyao blushed.

He waved his hands repeatedly and shook his head, turning his face to the other side.

Lin Xuan looked at Hua Jieyu again.

Hua Jieyu was also blushing, and was about to wave his hands, when he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing in the closet, his expression changed immediately, and he jumped up quickly: "My phone rings, I have to leave beforehand!"


Already headed to the closet.

Then dressed properly and ran out quickly.

Lin Xuan was surprised: "..."

Xiao Qingyao was surprised: "..."

Hua Jieyu left.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to look back at Xiao Qingyao again.

Xiao Qingyao is not easy to shirk.

His face couldn't hold back anymore, it was so red that it was about to bleed: "Well, it's not that I won't help you, it's really impossible! Really, it's not like you haven't tried..."


After a long time, the two separated.

Originally, the two of them wanted to continue shopping at the mall after swimming, but Lin Xuan suddenly received a notice from the school, saying that all the students from Zhongzhou Lingfu must gather urgently, and they must be present when they receive the notice.

Lin Xuan just returned to school.

Xiao Qingyao went back to the hotel.

In the hotel, Aunt Lan has already returned.

In the morning, when Xiao Qingyao went on a date with Lin Xuan's pool, she let Aunt Lan out and let her wander around the magic city by herself.

Aunt Lan had no choice but to obey.

On the streets of Modu, wandering around, seeing handsome men and beautiful women for hours.

Although individually amazing.

Most are average.

So Aunt Lan is not interested in watching.

Because, even that stunning individual is still far behind the head and Lin Xuan.

Women are not as beautiful as the head of the sect, and men are not as handsome as Lin Xuan.

Might as well come back sooner.

"Master, how about a date?" Aunt Lan saw Xiao Qingyao coming back, her eyes lit up immediately, and she went to meet her.

After seeing the head's pretty face, the blush still persisted.

I couldn't help being even more curious.

Could it be that the two...

No, is there any hindrance from the Bingqing Yujie Strengthening Body Art?

Xiao Qingyao really wanted to tell Aunt Lan what happened today, so she immediately told Aunt Lan about everything before and after.

"Knew it!"

"There is nothing good about a man! This kid is no exception!" Aunt Lan burst into emotion as soon as Xiao Qingyao finished speaking.

"But the head, Hua Jieyu is the director of the Dragon Kingdom Ability Bureau. She has a high position and authority. Many things in our sect are handled by her! But she is Lin Xuan's girlfriend. You are the head of the sect. rival in love?"

As the great elder of Tianyi Sect.

Aunt Lan naturally has dealt with Hua Jieyu before, and knows that he is a powerful character with a fierce style and considerable means.

So the boat that Lin Xuan was stepping on was Hua Jieyu.

Can't help being surprised again.

"Of course, I was also surprised at the time. But we checked the information on the phone, and it was indeed her, and..." Xiao Qingyao thought about the situation at that time: "Lin Xuan, and his aunt, also came later , and everything will become clear."

"Then... this kid, he can even get Hua Jieyu, he's quite capable." Aunt Lan was surprised, but then, as if thinking of something, she had a meaningful smile on her face.

"You said Hua Jieyu and Lin Xuan, did you..."

"Is there anything?" Xiao Qingyao didn't react for a while.

"Of course it's that one, the one you and Lin Xuan didn't succeed in!" Aunt Lan had no choice but to explain.

Xiao Qingyao blushed.

Spit at Aunt Lan: "What are you thinking about! I don't know..."

Aunt Lan smiled embarrassedly.

Did not continue this topic.

"The head, you and that Hua Jieyu, after confirming that they are rivals in love, didn't you fight?"


Xiao Qingyao sighed: "What's the use of me killing her? It's already happened. Besides, if I kill her and offend the government, Tianyizong still wants to exist."

"And after that?" Aunt Lan asked again with a smile.

"After that, I didn't want to part with that Hua Jieyu, so I punished that Lin Xuan a little." Xiao Qingyao pretended to be careless.

In fact, that is called a small punishment?
Bumping and pinching, the two pinched Lin Xuan into meat buns, and finally even used the dragon's claw hand.

One more time...

"No, I didn't ask that. Rather, after that Hua Jieyu left, what happened to you and Lin Xuan?" Aunt Lan explained with a smile, her eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation.

"You said after Hua Jieyu left." Xiao Qingyao blushed again.

because after...

After thinking about it, Aunt Lan was not an outsider, so she said it anyway: "Because Lin Xuan was suffering, I helped him just like before."

"Just here?" Aunt Lan was dissatisfied.

Apparently I didn't believe it, and this happened.

"After I helped him," Xiao Qingyao paused for a moment, then said bravely, "His problem was solved, but I...So, he offered to help me again."

Aunt Lan was immediately taken aback.

Take a breath of cold air.

My God, after you helped him, he helped you again...


(End of this chapter)

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