Chapter 237

In fact.

Things are very serious indeed.


The situation described by the principal of Zhongzhou Lingfu is still somewhat different from the real facts.

In Dragon Country.

At present, only the students of Zhongzhou Lingfu have been told so by the principal.


This is exactly what the Dragon Kingdom planned.

The principal is the enforcer.

There are two main reasons.

One is that the enemy has already wreaked havoc.

Headmaster's speech.

It's like a wake-up call to everyone.

The second is to warn those saboteurs through informal channels.

It was against this background that Hua Jieyu was suddenly transferred, and together with her were the key personnel of the Ability Bureau.

And Shi Luo, the head of Skynet.

and key personnel.

Hua Jieyu understands the needs of work, but she is still somewhat unwilling to leave Shanghai at this time.

Then Xiao Qingyao came to the magic capital.

As a rival in love, he had no choice but to leave Modu immediately.

Let Xiao Qingyao and that dead guy have fun in the magic capital, why not.


Then Xiao Qingyao thought she was afraid of her.

They slipped away as soon as they met.

So before flying away from the magic capital, Hua Jieyu specially sent a message to Lin Xuan to warn him. To be precise, it is more appropriate to call it an exhortation.

"Lin Xuan, let me reiterate."

"My requirements are not high, as long as I am here, I will make a contract with me for three chapters.

"I don't care about the rest."

After posting Lin Xuan.

He forwarded the content directly to Xiao Qingyao.

After sending, immediately shut down and go to sleep.


in the hotel.

Because Lin Xuan was notified suddenly and went to school.

Aunt Lan and Aunt Lan were the only ones left.

Xiao Qingyao was bored.

I feel that Lin Xuan is not around, I have no energy to do anything, and it is so boring to come to the devil, so I might as well stay on Tianyizong Mountain.

Aunt Lan is still curious about swimming in the morning.

Although she followed Xiao Qingyao, she scolded that men don't have a good thing.

but no matter.

She felt that the head of the sect and the head of the flower bureau, two rivals in love who met each other, were both decisive and highly cultivated people, but it was a miracle that they didn't fight in the end.

"Master, you really didn't do anything with Director Hua?"

"No ah."

Xiao Qingyao said: "She is a C-level, and I am a B-level, unless she doesn't want to live anymore. Besides, this woman's identity is not simple. I was afraid that Lin Xuan would be unhappy, so I didn't want to kill her."

"After that, you and Director Hua sandwiched Lin Xuan, I remember saying a word like that..." After laying the groundwork, Aunt Lan finally asked the question she really wanted to know.

"Roujiamo?" Xiao Qingyao was puzzled.

"Yes, yes! It's Roujiamo!"

Aunt Lan's expression fluttered.

Immediately, a beautiful scene appeared in my mind, "At that time, you two were wearing bikinis, and Lin Xuan was so tight in front and back, did you have any other ideas?"

"Hua Jieyu and I were a little angry at the time. What else could we think about punishing Lin Xuan?" Xiao Qingyao didn't know why.

"that is……"

Aunt Lan paused for a moment, and said directly, "That's... have you ever thought about having a threesome? Actually, that would be very good!"

These days, through Aunt Lan's frequent words and deeds, Xiao Qingyao has learned a lot about the relationship between men and women.

These tiger and wolf words.

She naturally understood what it meant.

Annoyed on the spot.

She gave Aunt Lan a hard look.

Seeing this, Aunt Nalan knew that she had slipped her tongue, and just now she had her tongue out.

When she was worried that the head would beat her up.

Xiao Qingyao suddenly received a text message from Hua Jieyu: Lin Xuan, let me reiterate.My requirements are not high, as long as I have three chapters with me when I am here.I don't care about the rest. "

Xiao Qingyao: "???!!!"

After showing it to Aunt Lan, Aunt Lan said, "???!!!"

"Aunt Lan, what's going on with Hua Jieyu? Send me a message?" Xiao Qingyao was very puzzled. "There are still three chapters in the agreement, and the rest doesn't matter... What does Lan mean?"

Aunt Lan stared at it for a while.

After thinking for a while, she said, "I think she is telling Lin Xuan that her opinion of you is that as long as Lin Xuan satisfies the three chapters of the contract with her, she doesn't care what happens to Lin Xuan and you..."

Xiao Qingyao pondered for a while.

I also think so.

"Aunt Kelan... What did she mean by sending me? Did she send it wrong?"

Aunt Lan shook her head: "I don't think so, maybe Hua Jieyu did it on purpose."

"On purpose? Why?" Xiao Qingyao asked.

"Show hello to you." Aunt Lan said.

"Show me well?"

"Yes, the truth is actually very simple." Aunt Lan took a careful look at Xiao Qingyao: "Master, I told you not to beat me up."

"Tell me, why should I beat you up?"

"Then I said, Hua Jieyu's meaning is actually the same as mine, that is, she wants to compromise with you, and the two girls share..."

Xiao Qingyao couldn't help being stunned.

What? !

Then there was a burst of anger, and the tone said bitterly: "Impossible! At that time, the water was like smoke, and I didn't agree! How could this Hua Jieyu, I agreed!"

"Why is she!"

He waved his hand unconsciously.

Because she was a B-rank strongman, and she was angry, she waved her hand, and there was a strong wind, and debris flew around. Aunt Lan was immediately taken into the air, and hit the wall directly.


(End of this chapter)

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