Chapter 238 Hundreds of Monster Beasts
Aunt Lan was first carried by the strong wind and hit the wall, and then fell to the ground.

I wanted to cry for a while but had no tears: "..."

Master, didn't you just say you wouldn't beat me up?
Xiao Qingyao came to her senses immediately, and hurried to Aunt Fu Lan, her tone apologetic: "Aunt Lan, are you okay? I just got angry and didn't pay attention..."

"it's okay no problem."

Aunt Lan patted her buttocks and stood up by herself.Then I started to pack up the scattered items that flew up just now.

There was a sigh in my heart.


It seems that the head of the threesome with Hua Jieyu doesn't like it very much.

in fact.

Aunt Lan claims to have studied men and women for many years, and she claims to be able to understand the hearts of men and women.

But it was probably just that moment.

The strong wind brought up by Xiao Qingyao unconsciously hurt her.

There was a momentary error in judgment.

In fact.

Xiao Qingyao didn't particularly dislike threesomes, two women working together as a husband, or calling Hua Jieyu sisters.

In the swimming pool in the morning, the two competed in front of Lin Xuan.

Then it was another hit with the ball.

It's sandwiched into meat buns again, and it's another round of dragon claws.

She just thought of what would happen someday in the future... So psychologically, she already had expectations.


Too thin-skinned.

How could she, a majestic head of the sect and a murderous female devil, admit in front of others that she would do such a thing.

And still share...

It's too shameful.

Therefore, her very anger was just a stress reaction after being poked in the heart by Hua Jieyu's words.

It's just covering up what's really going on in your heart.

So unfortunately.

The unlucky Aunt Lan became a victim of Xiao Qingyao's "rage" without knowing it.


At this moment, Xiao Qingyao's phone rang.

It was Lin Xuan calling.

Xiao Qingyao picked up the phone, calmed down, and then connected the phone, saying, "Hello?"

Listen over the phone.

Immediately said in a hurry: "Master, come and help me! I can't stand it anymore, come here!"

The voice is urgent.

It was exactly the same as when Xiao Qingyao helped him sometimes.

Xiao Qingyao looked embarrassed: "..."

Xin Dao, didn't you help him when it was just me and him in the swimming pool this morning?After one time, he was dissatisfied, and scored twice again, and later he was satisfied.

In the end, it didn't take long before it came again!

Is there such a strong energy?
Since Aunt Lan was right next to her, Lin Xuan spoke in a hurry.

Therefore, she could hear Lin Xuan's words clearly.

Like Xiao Qingyao, she also felt that Lin Xuan was going too far, and the donkeys in the production team didn't dare to be so busy.

The frequency is so high, who can bear it.

Although you helped each other this morning, this...will kill you!

over the phone.

Seeing that Xiao Qingyao was silent, Lin Xuan said anxiously: "Why don't you talk, I'm in such a hurry! Head, come to me quickly and do me a favor! Otherwise, people will die..."

The language is urgent and intense.

It gives people the feeling that if you don't come, you will not be able to stand it...

Xiao Qingyao was eager to hear what Lin Xuan said.

There was a shake in my heart, or I would agree.Or just satisfy him again this time.

It wouldn't really be dead anyway.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help looking at Aunt Lan.

As long as Aunt Lan agrees, she immediately agrees.

In the end, Aunt Lan shook her head cautiously: "Master, please don't agree!"

"It was enough in the morning, but he was still not satisfied, so he asked again in the afternoon... If you satisfy him again this time, he will definitely make more progress, and next time you will make new demands and ask you to satisfy him... Such a vicious circle that it will never end!"

"It's like that. The land is the Qin Dynasty, and you still hold the salary to put out the fire. If the salary is not exhausted, the fire will not be extinguished!"

"So the head, you must set rules for Lin Xuan, don't agree this time!"

"I can't do this kid anymore!"

Looking at Aunt Lan's very cautious and serious expression.

Speaking in a straight line.

Xiao Qingyao's hesitant heart went back in an instant.

So he replied cruelly: "Lin Xuan, I'm sorry, I can't help you this time..."


"You waited for a long time, and finally said that you can't help?"

"Master, you are at least a B-level, the only B-level in the world, you can't do nothing! Look at what's going on in the Zhongzhou Lingfu now. There is a large group, no, it feels like there are hundreds, or even hundreds of them." A monster beast suddenly invaded the campus!"

"The students and mentors suffered heavy casualties, and they simply couldn't stand it!"

Lin Xuan was on the other end of the phone.

He almost yelled out in a hurry.

Xiao Qingyao and Aunt Lan were stunned: "..."

It turned out that hundreds of monsters invaded the campus? !

It turned out to help this!

I thought it was for him to get that...

"Lin Xuan, are you in school?" Without waiting for Aunt Lan's advice, Xiao Qingyao asked directly, listening carefully to Lin Xuan's voice, it was indeed very noisy, it seemed that there was a sound of fighting. "Lin Xuan, hold on for a while! I'll take Aunt Lan there right away!"

"Be sure to wait for me!"

Then hung up the phone.

In a hurry, he took Aunt Lan out of the hotel.

Go straight to Zhongzhou Lingfu!


(End of this chapter)

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