Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 240 The Monster Beast Exploded

Chapter 240 The Monster Beast Exploded
in the crowd.

Several female students were even moved to tears, and then a few more students stepped forward and stood beside Bai Tao.

Lin Xuan was also very moved.


As the class monitor, Bai Tao was rigid, blunt, obedient to the rules, and narrow-minded. He liked to wear small shoes for others, which made the students in the class very bored.

When I was made things difficult before, I also took revenge on him several times.

But at the moment.

What Bai Tao and several classmates have done is admirable!

Just moved.

Lin Xuan still couldn't help complaining: "I said please everyone, do you want to make it so tragic? It's only a few C-levels, and you guys are making it as if you are parting from life and death..."

"If you can't beat it, you'll know if you try it."

The original strong tragic atmosphere was suddenly destroyed by Lin Xuan's inappropriate words.

A group of people looked at Lin Xuan one after another, their eyes were not without anger.

"Try it, how do you try? Are you C-level or B-level?"

"Squad leader and the others finally stepped forward, that is the spirit of sacrificing one's life! It's better for you, just use your mouth behind..."

"Why don't you give it a try? Great hero!"

These students originally had a good relationship with Lin Xuan.

But at this moment, life and death are at stake.

Seeing that Lin Xuan seemed to be bragging, he couldn't bear it anymore.


Lin Xuan readily agreed that his current cultivation level is C-level, but because of the hidden magic formula, others cannot see his true state, so it is normal not to believe him.

But as far as he is concerned.

C-level cultivation, plus Qiankun Bricks, and blessings from God.

With five or six C-level monsters, he can still fight head to head.

No matter how bad it is, there are still one hundred thousand avatars.

And the boss is coming soon.

【Ding! 】

【Detecting the system situation, triggering a new task: eliminate monsters, save the campus, and find out the cause of the sudden eruption of nearby ruins! 】

[May I ask if the host accepts it? 】

Hearing the sudden sound from the system, Lin Xuan was a little confused.

Just destroy the monsters and save the campus.

We have to find out why the nearby ruins suddenly erupted?

But please.

He really just wanted to pretend to be an X just now...

"Accept!" Lin Xuan reluctantly agreed, it is impossible to refuse, since you pretend to be X, let's pretend to the end.

Right at this time.

The dozens of monster beasts have already started to attack after testing.

The students around Lin Xuan immediately panicked.


Under Bai Tao's organization.

The students quickly divided into two groups. The ten or so people in the front blocked the monster and covered the people behind to retreat.

But soon.

The one who retreated turned back again.

Because, a group of monsters also appeared behind.

They are surrounded!
Monster beasts are more or less intelligent when they are above D level, so it is not particularly surprising that they will outflank them.

"What should I do? The front and back are blocked!"

"Monsters will have intelligence at D level, we are surrounded! We can't escape now!"

"If you can't escape, let's fight! Killing one is one!"


Everyone was in a fairly stable mood just now, but in an instant they became terrified again.

Bai Tao was equally astonished.

Originally, I thought that with the sacrifice of some people, other people could escape.

But now it is blocked back and forth.

Now the next person can't escape!
Dozens of monsters in front launched an attack, like a strong wind, and came to them in an instant.

Ten classmates who stood up with Bai Tao earlier.

Despite the horror in my heart.

Still five or six rushed to the front.

The students behind were pale, and a few timid female students even covered their eyes in panic.

The group of C-level and D-level monsters came over.

Killing them must be as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

Just when everyone thought that this time was doomed.

A miracle happened.

I saw the group of monsters in front of me rushing up and killing them, when there was still a distance of four or five meters in front of them.

He stopped suddenly.

Only a slight burst of crackling sound was heard.

The monster's originally fierce expression suddenly became terrified and dazed.

Many howled with inexplicable fear.

Everyone at the scene was stunned!
What's wrong with the monster, it stopped attacking suddenly?Is it suddenly discovered by conscience?


The monster's expression clearly shows that it has been attacked!

However, there is no time to think about it.

After the monster beast in front rushed to a distance of four or five meters, it suddenly stopped attacking.

The evil group of monsters behind launched an attack.

With a roar.

As if avenging the group of monsters in front, and like a gust of wind, it rushed towards the students.

The incident flashed between flints.

Bai Tao and a few classmates who had stepped forward hadn't come to the back yet.

The monster has already rushed to the front.

Giant teeth and sharp claws, bloody mouth.

The immense power that erupted from the carrying one swept away several classmates in an instant.

Everyone screamed.

The whole team collapsed in an instant, and when they were about to flee in all directions, the group of monsters suddenly changed!


With a slight cracking sound.

The group of monsters, like the group of monsters in front of them, stopped attacking instantly, all of them looked dazed and frightened.

Quite a few circles.

Shouts of fear followed one after another.

The students fell silent!
All of them opened their mouths, their eyes were astonished. They were so close to the god of death just now, but they suddenly turned around.

The monsters suddenly stopped attacking!


After a short silence.

The terrified students soon discovered the reason.

Because of those monsters, their butts exploded.

All bloody.


Because the scene seemed familiar, the students looked at Lin Xuan one after another.Needless to say, this kid must have done it.

Before the squad leader came to be his aunt, he still didn't admit it was him.

There is nothing more to say now.

It's just that the situation of the monster, bloody, bloody and bloody... is too awesome.

Speaking of the squad leader at that time.

Also so miserable?

No wonder at that time, sanitary napkins could explode...

So they all looked at Lin Xuan, and also at Bai Tao by the way, with sympathy in their eyes.

Bai Tao's face turned ugly immediately.

But because of Lin Xuan's move, the monster's attack was temporarily stopped.

Still walked up to Lin Xuan.

He patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder very generously: "Thank you!"

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Xuan also said very politely immediately.

But when he turned his head and saw the expressions of the students, all of them were overjoyed, thinking that they were saved from a desperate situation.

He couldn't help cursing again:

"I said, what the hell are you doing standing there? Hurry up and kill those monsters!"


(End of this chapter)

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