Chapter 241
in fact.

The surrounding students were stunned and surprised.

Lin Xuan, who released his skills, was also quite surprised.

He knows the blessings that come from God are awesome.

Shi Qing who is above level A has followed his way. According to Shi Qing, the blessings from God use the power of some law.

And this time it was used on the two waves of monsters before and after.

He found.

It seems that the effect of the blessing is much stronger than before. The monsters are bloody and bloody, and half of their buttocks explode.

And C-level, D-level, and the rest of E-level.

Without exception!

Sure enough, this may also have something to do with Lin Xuan's increased blessing.

Fortunately, too.

Those who come here are basically public.

Therefore, almost all of them were blessed by Lin Xuan, and they were blown up.

Perhaps compared to the female, the male monster will be more manic, so when the ruins erupted, it rushed out and attacked humans frantically.


"Fuck them!"

After Lin Xuan blessed the group of monsters, he let out a loud shout, and rushed towards the monsters with the Qiankun Brick.

Bang bang bang!
The monster was blessed by Lin Xuan, and was stunned and terrified on the spot.

There was no time to react.

In the blink of an eye, the three monsters were shot to death by Lin Xuan, and one of the E-level beasts was even shot into a cloud of blood mist.

After Lin Xuan raised his head.

The morale of the students in the back was greatly boosted, and they all recovered from their astonishment.

One after another, the guys rushed towards the group of monsters.


"Fuck him!"


The two waves of monsters were seriously injured by Lin Xuan's blessing.

Suddenly lost the prestige of chasing and killing the students.

One by one became the target of being hunted down.

Run away!
Think about it, every one of the monsters has half of their buttocks blown off, and their backs are bloody.

Do not want to hurt.

How can I even think about fighting...

What little wit they have.

It is not enough to support them to continue fighting under serious injuries.

In contrast.

Those students who overcome their fear, most of them are D-level, found that monsters, especially monsters with their butts blown up, are quite easy to kill.

That's getting more and more fierce!

Then there was a fight for the head.

Therefore, the battle, for those D-rank and E-rank monsters, quickly turned into a one-sided massacre.


Holding the Qiankun Brick in his hand, Lin Xuan slapped a few monsters to death.

It stopped quickly.

Or because he blessed dozens of monsters in one breath just now, and killed them again, his body was a little weak.

Hesitate for a moment.

Still secretly took out a recovery fruit and ate it decisively.

The vitality recovered instantly.

However, the embarrassing thing is that due to the side effect of recovering the fruit, his whole body became as hard as iron...

Fortunately, the surroundings are busy fighting.

No one noticed Lin Xuan's abnormal state.

Lin Xuan cursed the dog system in his heart for a while. In order to consume the extra energy, he had no choice but to raise his right hand to the five or six C-level monsters, and gave another wave of blessings violently.



There was another series of slight cracking sounds.

Even if those five or six C-level monsters were injured, no matter what, their buttocks would be blown up and their flesh would be bloody.

That is also a C-rank monster.

Its powerful deterrent force still makes everyone actively avoid it and kill other monsters.

And there are several of them.

After being injured, while secretly recovering from his injuries, he was also waiting for an opportunity.

Prepare to fight back against the students.

That's right, they didn't think about escaping at all. After they came out of the ruins, they only had one thought, and that was to kill, kill everyone they met!


Another wave of enhanced blessings came from Lin Xuan suddenly.

Immediately, they were stunned again.

The ass that was half blown up was blown up again, making it even more bloody and horrible!

There are several.

It even gives people a feeling of flesh and blood.

It was as if it had been blown up by a bomb.

Lin Xuan nearby.

It looks a little silly.

What the hell!

Could it be that labor-management's blessing skill has a special resentment towards monsters, and has a higher damage value?
Those five or six C-rank monsters were scared now.


Who can bear to be bombed one after another like this.

Turn around and run.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan didn't give them a chance.

He had just eaten a recovery fruit, and it was the time when he was as fierce as a dragon and as hard as iron, and he was worried that he couldn't vent his energy.

So decisively took out the Qiankun Brick again.

thrown into the air.

Control the Qiankun Brick with your own thoughts, making it instantly become a giant shape of more than 30 meters.

Then he faced those C-rank monsters.

Crazy smashed down.

Among the five or six C-level monsters, there were four to five meter brown bears, a tiger that would burst into flames, and a wild boar covered in iron spikes.

All are super capable.

After many years of hard work, he is now in the C-level realm.

You can throw Qiankun Bricks in the air, which can hit the target 100% of the time.

Therefore, even if those five or six C-rank monsters ran far away in the blink of an eye, they still couldn't escape the critical blow of Qiankun Brick.

There was a loud noise, and the earth shook.

The giant Qiankun Brick directly smashed those C-rank monsters to the ground.

Due to the huge movement.

In fact, all the people who were chasing and killing the low-level monsters stopped their movements and stood where they were.

He stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

There was a huge black brick more than 30 meters in the air, and five or six C-level monsters were underneath it. With a loud bang, all the monsters were smashed to the ground!

Those five or six C-rank monsters.

Can't escape, let alone resist.

Suddenly collapsed on the ground, as if being flattened!
But that's not all.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

The huge black brick in the air suddenly smashed like a pile driver crazily.

With the bursts of shocking crashes.

Five or six C-level monsters, together with the nearby stone slabs, were all smashed into a giant pit with a depth of [-] to [-] centimeters!

A few C-level monsters were all bloody and bloody, not like beasts.

Embedded in a deep pit, completely unable to move.

Seeing the situation at the scene, there was a sound of gasping for air.

Just when everyone thought it would stop here, a shocking scene happened again.

Because of the huge black brick in the air, it instantly deformed.

It turned into a thick stick with a pointed point.




The few C-level monsters that were embedded in the deep pit were stabbed one by one, not one by one, and all were stabbed to pieces.

It's completely dead!


(End of this chapter)

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