Chapter 244
Aunt Lan felt aggrieved immediately after hearing the headmaster's order.

Follow the head to the magic capital.

Lin Xuan and the head of the two are very affectionate, and they don't even think of themselves as light bulbs.


She just heard that what happened in the swimming pool to teach Lin Xuan, one time was not enough, so she came again, and couldn't help being a little curious.

Although the leader had mentioned it to her before.

Why did the leader help Lin Xuan first, and then the two helped each other.

She knew it and could imagine it.

But, see the expressions of the two just now.

Something is wrong.

Could it be that the two of them have other ways to play the teachings?

The head was going to "teach" Lin Xuan again, but he still couldn't be a light bulb, and was thrown aside by the head again.


Aunt Lan knew what Xiao Qingyao had decided, and she would not change it easily.

So I had to be lonely.

He watched helplessly as the head and Lin Xuan left.


Xiao Qingyao and Lin Xuan chose to leave.

Still trying to avoid suspicion.

This was brought up by Xiao Qingyao herself. If she was the head of the Tianyi School, if she walked away side by side with a student and was seen by others, she would definitely gossip behind her back.

But Xiao Qingyao was very thin-skinned in this regard.

Can't stand these at all.

In order to avoid being unable to help yourself, it is better to fall in love secretly.

Lin Xuan almost meant the same thing.


As for my own wife, as long as I know how good it is.It's better not to show off in front of people, make people envy, hate, or think about it.


So Xiao Qingyao put on a mask, and walked out of the school with Lin Xuan.

"Master, what exactly do you want to teach me?" After leaving the campus for some distance, Lin Xuan caught up and asked.

"..." Xiao Qingyao blushed.

In fact, she didn't have any idea of ​​"teaching" him. It was just that she couldn't save face at the time and wanted to ask Lin Xuan to come out.

But he said: "You will know when you arrive."

"You will know when you arrive?" Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, "Master, it's not that you want to go back to the hotel, right?"

"What are you thinking about!" Xiao Qingyao was speechless, "What are you thinking about all day long!"

Lin Xuan blushed.

Coughing and coughing twice: "It's just that you, the head, said it was so... mysterious, I thought it was you who wanted it."

Xiao Qingyao: "..."

He gave Lin Xuan a helpless look.

I thought to myself, even if I really thought about it, I wouldn't say it like that.

It was almost evening.

The lanterns are first on.

There are also many people who come out for a walk at night to cool off.

Of course, because monsters have been raging for a long time before, the road is actually not particularly lively, but there are many government security personnel patrolling the road.

From the perspective of equipped personnel and equipment.

There are traditional policemen, and there are also members of the Ability Bureau who practice.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan wore a mask, and he didn't know anyone from the Ability Bureau, so the journey was smooth and unimpeded.

Walked straight to the place Xiao Qingyao said.

A movie theater in Shanghai.

"It turns out that the head, the mysterious place you want to teach me, is here."

Lin Xuan was slightly disappointed.

On the way, seeing that the headmaster was so serious, I thought there was an unexpected surprise...

"Why, don't you want to?"

Xiao Qingyao stared at Lin Xuan, with excitement in her eyes, "Remember when we went to the movies for the first time in Jiangcheng? It felt pretty good at the time, so when I saw a movie theater here, I thought about having a chance , I will also invite you to watch a movie."

"Look at you, can you save some face? Be happy!"

Xiao Qingyao said coquettishly.

Lin Xuan immediately smiled: "Could it be, am I unhappy?"

"Happy!" Xiao Qingyao smiled, and then she scowled at Lin Xuan and rolled her eyes.

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, it was like a power station, and it felt like I had done something... By the way, it’s been a long time with the head of the old husband and wife, how could it be!
But that's how it feels.

Probably after all, it is the best, with a frown and a smile, it can move people's hearts!

Lin Xuan's mind changed immediately.

"Watching a movie on a date, it's actually very good, I really like it!"

As she said, she put her arms around Xiao Qingyao's slender waist.

Went into the cinema.


This time, it was Xiao Qingyao who booked the ticket, and it was still an old disc, in a box-style viewing mode.

The disc was also chosen by Xiao Qingyao.

Because of her homework, Xiao Qingyao successfully avoided the trap recommended by the lady at the front desk, and chose a small and fresh movie, "Heartbeat".

After that, I ordered two buckets of popcorn rice and iced drinks.

Then he took Lin Xuan to the box.

"Mister and Madam, do you want something else? Besides food and drink, we also have a lot of gadgets to play with." The lady at the front desk asked from behind.

"No thanks!" Xiao Qingyao said sullenly.

"What about the small umbrella and lubricating oil? We have a wide variety, high quality, and the highest level of security. Don't you two need it?"

"No, no need..."

"Don't you want to offer it for free?"

"……Next time."

Xiao Qingyao was serious, and resolutely rejected the kindness of the lady at the front desk, and quickly came to the box with Lin Xuan.

Wait until the box.

Seeing the expression on the head's face about to lose his temper, Lin Xuan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at!"

Xiao Qingyao gently pushed Lin Xuan.

"Can't I just laugh?" Lin Xuan laughed and said, "Do you want me to cry?"

Just finished.

Suddenly there was a woman's scream from next door.

After that, it was intermittent.


Same as the last time I watched a movie in Jiangcheng...

But last time, Xiao Qingyao didn't understand why, and wondered how that man would watch movies when he watched movies, how could he beat women so hard.

And this time.

After talking with Lin Xuan for so long, I finally understood what was going on.


(End of this chapter)

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