Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 245 Watching Movies, Killing People

Chapter 245 Watching Movies, Killing People

Hearing the strange screams from the next door, Xiao Qingyao blushed.

When booking tickets.

I only remember how beautiful and memorable it was when I was in Jiangcheng, watching a movie in the private room on my first date with Lin Xuan.

I forgot about this one.

Suddenly I was a little worried, if the kid was affected, he suddenly made a request.

Are you not refusing, or are you not refusing?

There was a battle between heaven and man in my heart.

Can't help but sneak a glance at Lin Xuan.


I couldn't be more shy, but that kid was just smirking, and couldn't help it.

"stop laughing!"

With a stern face, Xiao Qingyao went to push Lin Xuan again.

In the end, Lin Xuan grabbed his little hand instead.

"I figured it out. It turns out that the master...just wants to teach me this way!" Lin Xuan smiled, looked at Xiao Qingyao and said, "Okay, okay, please teach me the master." The other Hand, has already climbed Xiao Qingyao's slender waist unconsciously.

Xiao Qingyao couldn't hold back anymore.

At this time, I heard the sound from the next door again, the rhythm and strength of the screams suddenly increased, and my face suddenly turned red.

A little afraid to meet Lin Xuan's eyes.

Unexpectedly, on the date I prepared in advance, I wanted to teach Lin Xuan a good lesson, but Lin Xuan took the lead in getting him.

"Lin Xuan, let's watch a movie."

While speaking, he pushed the hand on his waist.

The movie was set and played by the theater staff in the background, and soon it started on the big screen in the box.

Lin Xuan had a fight with Xiao Qingyao for a while.

Also temporarily stopped.

If the gun goes off, it will not end well. Besides, the sound insulation of the box will make people next door laugh.

The two snuggled up and watched a movie together.

Lin Xuan's hand was placed in an extremely warm and comfortable old position as usual.

Xiao Qingyao corrected it several times.

Just let it go.


Two hours later, this warm and refreshing movie finally ended.

Xiao Qingyao sighed as usual.

After that, I still couldn't help it, and had a kiss with Lin Xuan on the basis of controllable safety.

This is more than enough.

Holding Lin Xuan's hand, he left the theater.

It was dark at that time.

There are fewer pedestrians on the road, but most of the shops along the street are still open.

It was still bustling inside.

Lin Xuan looked at the barbecue shops.

His stomach was growling, but after glancing at Xiao Qingyao who was snuggling beside him, he still asked, "Master, what should we do next?"

He wanted to see if the headmaster had any surprise arrangements for him next.

If arrange a surprise.

It's okay to be hungry.

"No arrangement." Xiao Qingyao gave Lin Xuan a blank look. After a long contact with Lin Xuan, she naturally heard the meaning of Lin Xuan's words, "I'm a little hungry, I'd better eat something."

Lin Xuan: "...Okay."

After that, the two came to a well-decorated barbecue shop.

Picked a seat by the window and sat down.

The two ordered a bunch of skewers.

This store has grilled monster meat, so many customers come here admiringly. At this point, there are still many customers, but due to the hot weather, most of the customers are outside to eat skewers.

The room was quiet, and there were not many people at the table.


Practitioners of Xiao Qingyao's and Lin Xuan's level are fine whether they eat or not.

Just because of hunger.

Will eat something habitually.

"Did you find out, there are a lot of practitioners gathered outside." The skewers came up quickly, Xiao Qingyao took a bite of the meat, and said in a low voice suddenly.

Many practitioners?
Lin Xuan, who was also busy, looked outside and felt their energy fluctuations.

This is true.

There are quite a few practitioners outside, and the level is not low, four or five D-levels, two C-levels.

Could it be that these people are here to join in the fun when the ruins of the Demon City erupt this time?

Or missed it?

Lin Xuan took a look and didn't care. There were only two C-levels. In the afternoon, he killed five or six C-levels.

So keep going.

However, what those people outside said next made Lin Xuan frown.

Because these people came from Jiangcheng.

He even knew Xiao Qingyao.

"You know? On the day we came to Shanghai, Xiao Qingyao, head of Tianyi Sect, also went to Shanghai, with that Aunt Lan."

"What is she doing in Shanghai? Isn't she stealing a man?"

"The man who steals wool, I never heard that Xiao Qingyao is a virgin girl who has been around for decades. She has killed many people before. It's fine if she's not a stone girl. How can she like any man!"

"That's true! Maybe all these years, I have been messing with that Aunt Lan, hahaha..."

"But having said that, with Xiao Qingyao's figure, appearance and figure, tsk tsk... Tell me to play all night, even if the ball is dead!"

"Get lost! What the hell, let me play for one night, just die!"

"They're all so kinky! Come on, for the success of this mission, let's go one by one..."


After that, there was a sound of shouting and clinking glasses.

Xiao Qingyao was in the room.

I also heard their conversation, and after frowning slightly, I continued to lick the string, my face was basically as calm as water.

Lin Xuan saw this.

But he couldn't bear to listen.

"Master, do you know these people outside?"

"I don't know." Xiao Qingyao shook his head: "Maybe it's just some other small sect."

"Since I don't know each other," Lin Xuan put down the skewers in his hand, and said with a fixed gaze, "Then the head, do you want me to kill them?"

He has not killed anyone.

But in the afternoon, he killed a lot of monsters, as if in an instant, his killing heart was opened.

At this time, I heard that group of cultivators insulting the sect leader so unbearably.

Suddenly I couldn't help it.

Want to kill!

(End of this chapter)

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