Chapter 249 The Heart of the World
Lin Xuan's eyes turned to Brother Lu, the coldness in his eyes frightened Brother Lu's crotch to ooze yellow water again.

"Little...Little Grandpa! Please, don't kill me!"

"You, what do you want to know, I promise to tell you everything!"

Brother Lu is really scared, the C-level has been smashed into a pig's head, his D-level can only beg for mercy obediently if he wants to survive.

And the only use he has for Lin Xuan is the information in his head.

" just talk about it." Lin Xuan said lightly.

Brother Lu nodded again and again: "Grandpa, my name is Lu Peng, I am 38 this year, my height is [-], and my weight..."

"Do you still want to report your measurements and length?" Lin Xuan stared, who the hell wants to listen to your nonsense?
You are not a beauty, even if you are a beauty, you are no better than Xiao Qingyao and Hua Jieyu...

It's being interrogated, why is it still on the woman.

With a thought of Lin Xuan, the Qiankun Brick slowly lifted into the air and aimed at Lu Peng.

Lu Peng was stunned for a moment, and there was another crackling sound under his buttocks in fright.

"Grandpa, I was wrong! I was wrong! What do you want to know, can you ask me?" Lu Peng really broke down.

The Qiankun Brick stands in the sky, full of threats.

"Okay, let me ask you a simple question first."

Lin Xuan pondered for a while, and asked, "Why did the ruins explode, and why are there so many monsters raging?"

Lu Peng was taken aback, is this a simple question?

This has already involved core secrets, okay?

But looking at the Qiankun Stone floating above his head, Lu Peng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and started talking.

"Grandpa, do you know Jiexin?" Lu Peng asked cautiously.

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't move, he just glanced at the Qiankun Stone, and quickly said with a wry smile: "The outbreak of the ruins this time is because of Jiexin!"

"Boundary Heart is the core of the ruins. It has great power and can maintain the stability of the ruins."

"The most mysterious ability of Jiexin is that it can influence monsters to some extent, and control the monsters to move within the scope of the ruins."

"And this time the ruins broke out and monsters ravaged, because the boundary center in the ruins disappeared."

"It was stolen by the wolf people!"

Jiexin was stolen?

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, it was the first time he had heard of this.

After all, the recovery of spiritual energy is not long, and there are still many secrets that are unknown.

"Where is Jiexin?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"I only know that I was taken away by the wolf country people. I really don't know where I took it, grandpa!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Peng stared at Lin Xuan nervously, for fear that if he got angry, he would stab himself to death.

Seeing Lin Xuan's face turned cold, he said again: "But I can help you find a way, I know someone, he should know something."

Lin Xuan hummed, this Lu Peng is so greedy for life and afraid of death, no wonder he will become a lackey of the wolf country people.

No matter where they are, running dogs and traitors make people want to eat them alive!

"Why are there so many C-ranks in the rampage of monsters this time? There are not so many C-ranks in the ruins." Lin Xuan asked again, he really didn't understand.

According to Lu Peng, Jiexin can control the range of activities of the monster, so it should not be able to increase the level of the monster.

Then what's the situation with this C-level that suddenly appeared?
"Grandpa doesn't know something. The people of the wolf country are not normal. They like to study some evil exercises and so on, and they have made a lot of achievements on this road."

Lu Peng sighed again and again, "The C-level monsters this time were created by Mr. Shui."

"Mr. Shui?" Lin Xuan frowned. This surname is rare in Long Country, so he must be from Wolf Country.

"That's right! It's Mr. Shui. It is said that he has studied an evil technique, using healthy young girls as cauldrons to improve his cultivation."

"Moreover, it is really possible to increase your cultivation in a short period of time! However, this kind of evil practice will damage the foundation, and it will be difficult to improve the realm from now on."

Lin Xuan nodded, the people of the wolf country have always been so perverted, they will do anything for their strength and goals, and there is no lower limit.

But Lin Xuan was curious, it's nothing more than this person practicing evil skills, can monsters also practice?

"Those monsters can also use this evil technique?"

Lu Peng quickly said: "Yes! Those C-levels can improve their strength in this way!"

"Furthermore, the person I know has personally seen Mr. Shui use a young girl as a cauldron to raise the cultivation level of monsters."

Lin Xuan was silent for a moment, then asked in a deep voice, "What level is that Mr. Shui?"

Lu Peng shook his head and said, "Grandpa, I really don't know, and even the people from the wolf country in China don't know much about it."

"Well, what's his name?" Lin Xuan raised his chin, gesturing to Class C lying in the pit.

"His name is Leng Fei, and he is a C-level early stage." Lu Peng looked at the miserable Leng Fei and whispered.

"Okay, you can lie down first." Lin Xuan said suddenly, it was hard to get any valuable information from Lu Peng's mouth.

Lu Peng responded subconsciously, and then came to his senses.

What do you mean I'll lie down first?

Shouldn't you let me go first?
"Grandpa, I..." Lu Peng hurriedly begged for mercy, but before he finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by a black brick.

Lin Xuan glanced at Leng Fei who was lying "comfortably", and casually gave him another blessing from God.

crackle crackle...

Leng Fei, who was already half dead, suddenly shook his buttocks, making a deafening sound.

Lin Xuan was disgusted by the sight, and couldn't help but took two steps back, for fear of being jumped all over his body.

And after this operation, the comatose C-level Leng Fei finally let out a cry of pain and woke up.

He moved his body with difficulty, but found that his whole body was in severe pain, and his head was even more dizzy.

Looking around, he soon found Qiankun Brick and Lin Xuan with a cold face.

"Kill me? Hurry up!" Leng Fei knew that he was useless, and he no longer had any fear, so he roared angrily at Lin Xuan.

Now he just wants to end his aggrieved life as soon as possible.

Lin Xuan walked over with folded arms, looked at him with disgust, and said lightly: "Leng Fei, you don't want to be a good Dragon Countryman, but you choose to be the dog of a Wolf Countryman. Your conscience is really eaten by dogs."

"Hmph, I am happy! What can you do?" Leng Fei said arrogantly, "Don't you just want to know something from me? Don't worry, I will never tell you!"

"Hahaha! I just want to see the Dragon Kingdom destroyed, I just want to see all of you become slaves of the Wolf Kingdom people!"

"Your father really shouldn't have given birth to you!" Lin Xuan shook his head, it was a waste of air to be born with this kind of offal.

"Ba Ga! Don't insult my father!" Leng Fei roared, struggling to sit up.

What the hell, this bastard turned out to be a wolf countryman?

(End of this chapter)

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