Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 250 Too Handsome and Dangerous

Chapter 250 Too Handsome and Dangerous
He is obviously a disgusting wolf native, but he still pretends to be a dragon native?

Lin Xuan was very unhappy. He kicked Leng Fei on the chest, trampled him under his feet, and said coldly: "Can't you enjoy life in your country? You must come to Long Country to recognize your ancestors indiscriminately!"

Lin Xuan stepped slightly harder, and suddenly there was a clicking sound.

Leng Fei's chest was trampled and dented by him forcefully!
"You are dead! You are all dead!" Leng Fei spat out blood, struggling to growl.

But the more he struggled, the more blood gushed out.

"Go to hell, you're talking too much nonsense." Lin Xuan exerted another force, directly crushing his heart.

Leng Fei twitched a few times, completely silent.

Seeing this scene, Lu Peng was stunned for a long while, and then said cautiously: "Little, little grandpa, I really didn't know he was a wolf countryman!"

"Stop talking nonsense and take me to someone."

Lin Xuan wiped his feet on Leng Fei's body, and said to Lu Peng without turning his head.

When Lu Peng heard this, he nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, okay, little grandpa, you come with me. At this time, Xue San must be fooling around in Ye Paris."


Night Paris, you can tell by the name that it is a good night venue, it is very luxurious, it can be ranked in the top three in the local area, and the consumption every time is an astonishing figure.

Half an hour later, Lin Xuan was brought to Paris by Lu Peng.

Lin Xuan felt a little headache looking at this luxurious place, he didn't know why these people always like to run to similar places.

Li Daochang is the fairy-like man, and so is the murderous Black Beard...

Lin Xuan shook his head speechlessly, he is clearly a hungry man who doesn't know how hungry he is!
Whose girlfriend can be as beautiful as his woman?
Can he have such a sense of conquest as his woman?

The girls in Ye Paris are of good quality, most of them have a score of [-] or [-], and a few can reach [-].

This opened Lin Xuan's horizons and saw beauties with different styles.

Soon, he and Lu Peng came to a VIP room.

There is a man and three women in the private room. The man is about 50 years old, with only a bunch of hair on his head still stubbornly remaining.

He even besieged the city with care, forming a unique "moat".

This person is Xue San.

"Brother Lu, are you here to have fun too?" Xue San laughed.

Lu Peng shook his head speechlessly, looked at Lin Xuan and said, "He is Xue San, he has no hobbies, he just likes women."

Lin Xuan nodded, waved at the three women, and said, "Go out first."

go out?

Xue San's expression darkened immediately, and he put the wine glass on the table in dissatisfaction, and made a bang.

"What do you mean? Lu Peng, did you bring someone here to make me unhappy?" Xue San roared angrily.

At this time, the three women saw that the atmosphere was not right, so they quickly got up and slipped out.

In a place like Paris at night, fighting is very common.

When passing by Lin Xuan, he was surprised by Lin Xuan's appearance.

What a handsome little brother!
This figure, this appearance, is absolutely perfect!
There was even a brave woman who secretly reached out and touched Lin Xuan...

He also said quietly: "Big handsome guy, I get off work at two o'clock in the morning, do you want to go to my house to chat about life?"

Lin Xuan's face was full of black lines, and he almost couldn't hold back his hands.

Nima, you have been touched by countless men, I am really not interested in talking about life with you.

It's scary just thinking about it, okay?

"Yes, yes, I get off work at one o'clock, let's have a meal first, and then I will sleep with you, okay?"

another woman said.

"There's me too, if it's really not possible, the three of us can do it together!"

The last woman spoke, sticking out her little tongue, sweetening her bright red lips.

Lin Xuan almost threw up, he frowned, and said coldly, "Get out."

Man, being too handsome is also a kind of danger.

The three women came out angrily, and when the door was closing, they were reluctant to part with Lin Xuan's back and swallowed their saliva.


In the private room, Xue San's face was very ugly. The girl he had a crush on actually flirted with others in front of him, and even touched her.

Is it really wrong to think that Mr. Xue is a character?

Looking at Lin Xuan's face, he couldn't help saying: "It's really handsome."

Then, he wanted to slap himself twice, didn't this mess up the atmosphere?

At this time, Lu Peng bowed respectfully to Lin Xuan.

"Xue San, this little grandpa has something to do with you."

Lu Peng's face darkened, and he said like a dog's leg: "Xue San, I kindly advise you to cooperate obediently, so as not to lose your life!"

"Lu Peng, don't think that if you get close to those people, you're awesome. You don't know what I'm capable of!" Xue San said aggressively after losing face.

Lu Peng sneered, looked at Xue San like an idiot, and said: "Those people are already dead, Xue San, do you understand?"


Xue San trembled all over, seeing Lu Peng's dog-legged appearance, he suddenly understood something.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he wanted to get up and run away in an instant.

But then he realized that he had nowhere to escape in the VIP room in Ye Paris!
"What the hell, Lu Peng, you hurt me!" Xue San cursed.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said, "Do you want to do it first and talk later?"

Do it first?
Move your ass!
Xue San felt helpless, he was only a D-level, and his level was comparable to that of Lu Peng.

According to Lu Peng, even a C-level powerhouse like Leng Fei was killed by Lin Xuan, so why would he fight?
"You...uh, little grandpa, please sit down! Let's sit down and chat slowly!"

Xue San's attitude reversed in an instant, invited Lin Xuan to his seat, then took a new cup, opened a new wine, and poured it for Lin Xuan.

"Grandpa, please drink, what's the matter, I must know everything!"

Lin Xuan was a little speechless, he hadn't fought enough tonight, why didn't he even give him a chance to abuse others?
"Jiexin." Lin Xuan spit out two words, and there was no movement.

And that Xue San was also a sensible person, and quickly revealed the information he knew about Jiexin.

To Lin Xuan's disappointment, he knew about the same as Lu Peng.

"Grandpa, this is the information I know." Xue San rubbed his hands, nodded and said with a bow, "But I know that you came to find me because you want to know where Jiexin is."

"En." Lin Xuan said lightly.

Xue San looked embarrassed, glanced at Lu Peng, and said: "I do know where Jiexin is, but I also want to live, so I beg you not to reveal that I said it."

"No problem." Lin Xuan agreed.

After thanking Xue Sanqian for his kindness, he lowered his voice and said, "Jie Xin and Mr. Shui are both at Wanquan Villa in the west of the city."
(End of this chapter)

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