Chapter 252
Lin Xuan quietly came out of the room, but the window of this room was still open.

"Well, I feel a little vulgar."

He laughed at himself, but still couldn't hold back, and quietly stuck his head out.

Just at this moment, a louder voice sounded, and the battle was fierce and tragic.

"It's a pity, I only hear the sound, but not the scene."

Lin Xuan shook his head helplessly, always feeling a little regretful.

"Bah! I have a fart regret? How can these rouge vulgar fans compare to my wife and adults!? Hahaha!"

"In case, in case it's a terrible woman, wouldn't she spit out last night's meal?"

"Forget it, it's better not to watch it! It's important, it's important!"

Lin Xuan made a retching movement, and after adding some pictures in his mind, he hurriedly left the room.

Finally, those "scary" voices disappeared from his ears, and Lin Xuan began to "visit" other rooms again.

After a distance of 50 meters, he heard that sound again!

"My motherfucker! Do these wolf people have nothing to do every day? Is there nothing else besides this?"

Listening to the rising and falling voices, Lin Xuan wished he could just kick the door in and let them keep their voices down.

But he didn't think about it either, wasn't he busy every day and working hard every night?

What are the three chapters of the contract, what are the early exercise...

Although these voices are disturbing, Lin Xuan can somewhat estimate how many people from the wolf country are there.

Room after room, there are people in each room, some are sleeping, some are playing cards, some are chatting, and some are doing some favorite sports.

At least there must be hundreds of people!
"The wolf country has arranged so many people!"

"I'm afraid there are more, these are just people on the surface!"

Lin Xuan's face became serious. He is currently strong, but he is only C-level. If a bunch of C-levels come to battle, even he can't handle it.

After all, his is always a little bit stronger than yours, and there is a time limit.

When the time comes, he is afraid that he will become a fish on someone's chopping board.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan thought of an idea.

He is not familiar with this Wanquan Villa at all, so it is better to arrest someone first and ask about the situation.

With his strength, as long as it is a sneak attack, even a C-level master cannot compete.

So, he planned to find a remote room to do it.

After some searching, Lin Xuan set his sights on the outermost room.

There was no one in the two rooms next to this room, only the third room had a strong man sleeping soundly, but he slept so hard that his saliva dripped all over the bed.

"It's you!" Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and he quietly checked the situation from a half-closed window.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan wanted to scold her.

Lying naked on the bed was a thin man with two equally naked women beside him.

It's just that the two women don't look very good. At this time, the three of them seem to have experienced a long battle and are sleeping with wheezing.

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, suppressed his nausea, and while complaining about how this man can say anything, he sneaked in quietly.

With quick movements, he knocked out the skinny man on the bed, and after knocking out the two women, he found ropes to tie up the three of them tightly.

"I still have to put it in the bed." Looking at the appearance of the two women, Lin Xuan was afraid that he would have a nightmare, so he threw the two of them on the bed and pulled the quilt to cover them.

Well, even the head is covered.

As for whether they can suffocate to death, it depends on their own good fortune.

Then, Lin Xuan took a woman's small clothes and stuffed them into the thin man's mouth, then found the drink bottle on the table, and poured it all on his face with a huff.

The man woke up in a daze, his body was somewhat hollowed out by the constant battle between men and women, coupled with the dizziness after being beaten, he didn't react until he saw Lin Xuan, a stranger.

"You..." The man was about to speak, but found that his mouth was blocked. Only then did he realize something and struggled vigorously.

Lin Xuan held the fruit knife from the table in his hand and stuck it into his arm, then made a silent movement, and said softly: "Be quiet, or I will wipe your neck."

The thin and small man was terrified in his heart, he quickly looked around, and was even more surprised when he saw the two women sleeping on the bed.

He is a late D-level master, why was he tied up without even noticing?

"I've been to all the other rooms, well, your companions were all killed by our people." Lin Xuan said lightly, his acting skills at the actor's level instantly improved.

The thin and small man was taken aback, his face full of disbelief.

"Don't believe me? Why don't you go underground and ask the guy with the ghost tattoo on his chest?"

Lin Xuan was too calm and indifferent.

The skinny man had to doubt that what he said was true. After all, with the strength of D-level and C-level, their current voices can be heard.

However, there has been no rescue until now, so it can only be explained.

The living, that's all he's left with.

In other words, there are not many living people close to him.

The thin man swallowed, and nodded to Lin Xuan, indicating that he would not bark.

"Well, I like smart people. I'll just ask you something. If you yell, I'll add a hundred and eight holes to your body, and watch you die slowly." Lin Xuan grinned , as evil as you want.

The thin and small man let out a breath, his whole state was in a slump.

Lin Xuan was secretly happy that he realized that his acting skills could be so good.

If I enter the entertainment circle from now on, wouldn't I be able to meet more beautiful celebrity girls?

Of course, forget it if there are [-] people riding horses, but every year in this circle, there will be a lot of fresh leeks.

Maybe, he can also make a wave of leek harvesters!
At this time, the thin and small man had lost the will to resist, and said dejectedly: "Okay, you can ask."

Lin Xuan nodded, and said lightly, "Where is Mr. Shui?"

The thin man trembled, as if he had heard something terrible.

It wasn't until he saw Lin Xuan's cold eyes that he took a deep breath and said, "Shui, Mr. Shui is in the backyard."

"Are you afraid of him?" Lin Xuan asked curiously, how scary it is to have such a big reaction just to hear the name.

"Who isn't afraid of him? He's not human at all! And, and..." The thin man's face was full of fear, obviously recalling terrible memories.

"And what?"

"And...he kills like hell, at least hundreds of people died at his hands. He also has the habit of collecting heads. He likes to put heads together, and he has to rearrange them every once in a while!"

The skinny man seemed to have opened up the chatterbox, saying repeatedly: "He's still a pervert, he eats both men and women!"

(End of this chapter)

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