Chapter 253 Not a single one!
Men and women take it all?


Lin Xuan was a little confused. He had always heard that there were people who could take all men and women.

But it is still difficult to accept when you really meet, and it is still your opponent.

What the hell is this?
If it’s okay for a man, at least he can pass before and after.

What about this girl?

Could it be that you need to use tools?

The more Lin Xuan thought about it, the more he found it difficult to accept. What's the point of making it so complicated for a good men's and women's sports?

Soon, Lin Xuan asked again: "Then Mr. Shui, is he a man or a woman?"

The skinny man shook his head, with a gossiping and curious look on his face, and said, "To be honest, I really don't know. But everyone is guessing whether Mr. Shui is a man or a woman!"


It seems to be a little perverted.

It's really two rabbits walking side by side, An Neng can tell if I'm male or female!

Glancing at the man who was still smirking and immersed in gossip, Lin Xuan frowned, and asked again: "Where are those Long Kingdom girls who were kidnapped by you? Where are they?"

Dragon country girl?

The skinny man's face changed drastically, and he finally knew what the scary man in front of him was here for.

He faltered, his eyes fluttered, obviously he didn't want to say more.

"I, I really can't say it. If I say it, I will die! Mr. Shui and others will definitely kill me first!" The thin and small man was terrified.

Lin Xuan grinned, rubbed the fruit knife, and asked, "You mean, I won't kill you now? I advise you to stop talking nonsense, or now is your death date."

As he spoke, Lin Xuan inserted the fruit knife into the other arm of the thin man.

The thin man grinned his teeth in pain, but didn't dare to cry out, because the strong killing intent in Lin Xuan's eyes made him realize that his death might be imminent.

"All, they're all in the backyard, they're all with Mr. Shui! I really don't know the rest, because I don't have much authority, I'm just doing errands." The skinny man said with his mouth curled up. He really doesn't know.

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Then what have you done? If I'm not wrong, every girl who has been harmed has been insulted by you."

He subconsciously cheated.

The thin man quickly waved his hands and explained: "Really, it's really not what we want to do! It's just that Mr. Shui asked us to come to those girls once, and everyone must come once."

Lin Xuan's eyes were instantly cold.

The man went on to say: "Mr. Shui is the one who persecuted us. He also said that the more insults each girl suffers before she dies, the more useful she will be after death."

"So, so... we..."


What awaited the thin and small man was not Lin Xuan's forgiveness, but a sharp fruit knife, which was firmly inserted into his heart.

The thin and small man struggled, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"You...why are you..."

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, with murderous intent on his face: "Every girl in the Dragon Kingdom is a treasure of the family, not to mention being brutally killed by you, and she will suffer such torture before she dies."

"Every one of you is a criminal and a devil!"

"And for demons, you have only one way to die!"

Lin Xuan said domineeringly, and pulled out the fruit knife.

Seeing the blood flowing horizontally, even splashing on his body, the cold killing intent in Lin Xuan's eyes became more intense.

He thought that these werewolves were just doing spy and sabotage work, but he didn't expect them to be so inhumane!
What's the difference between this and those horrible and hateful wolf people in the world before he crossed over?

Damn beast, don't dare to be anywhere, damn it!

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and rummaged through the room, and soon he found the ID of the thin man and the ID of the two women.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Xuan killed the two women without hesitation.

Without him, these three people are all from the wolf country, and they are all demons with blood on their hands!
Especially those two women, in their handbags, there are different styles of watches, jewelry and so on, all of which belong to men without exception!
The style is basically popular in China.

This shows that the owners of these watches and jewelry may have been killed by them in different ways.

People from the wolf country, men are going to die, and women are going to die too!
It was as if an angry beast was waking up in Lin Xuan's heart.

His anger was really ignited, and he was completely determined to kill this time.

As long as there is a chance, he will kill all the wolf people in the entire Wanquan Villa one by one!

Then, Lin Xuan dropped the fruit knife, picked up a harder and sharper dagger in the thin man's bag, and quietly went out the door.

This time, he planned to clean up all these rooms.

Not one left!

He quietly came to the third room, opened the door, and went straight to the sleeping werewolf.

"Huh? What time is it now? I don't know when to eat, do you?" the sleepy wolf man muttered in his mouth.

But what greeted him was Lin Xuan's cold dagger.


The dagger was inserted into the opponent's heart instantly, and Lin Xuan's hand was covering the opponent's mouth at the same time.

The wolf countryman struggled a few times, but was completely silent.

Lin Xuan checked the room as usual, searching for information and supplies.

Soon, he even found a work certificate, and this person is still working in the functional department of Longguo.

As expected, the hands of the wolf countryman stretched everywhere.

But think about it, if there were not so many spies, even the people of the wolf country would not be able to cause such a huge impact and damage to the dragon country in a short period of time.


Lin Xuan shook off the blood on the dagger and went into another room.

In some rooms, the people are still asleep, and in some rooms, there are more than two people.

He first selected those who were sleeping, or werewolf people who were alone, and directly killed them with a thunder strike.

After killing more than a dozen people in a row, Lin Xuan already had a lot of blood on his body.

Smelling the pungent smell on his body, he opened the werewolf's room, found a casual outfit, and replaced it.

Just looking at the clothes full of wolf country clothing style, he looked disgusted.

After killing more than a dozen people, Lin Xuan came to the room of the last lone wolf man.

It's just that as soon as he opened the door and went in, the people inside uttered cold and stern reprimands.

"Who! Didn't I say that no one is allowed to come?"

The speaker was a woman!
Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then his face became even colder.

It was the first time he had seen a woman who could be alone in the room!
"I have something to do." Lin Xuan had an idea and said in a low voice.

The women in the room saw the clothes Lin Xuan was wearing, and they were only companions at that time.

She asked: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart!"

(End of this chapter)

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