Chapter 255 The Stunning Worship

Xiao Linger was obviously stunned for a moment, a little in disbelief.

Originally, when she heard Lin Xuan say that she was here to kill a wolf countryman, she didn't believe it at all.

Because there are not many real Longguo people who can come to the second half of Wanquan Villa.

But after a brief understanding of Lin Xuan, Xiao Linger felt that Lin Xuan couldn't possibly be from the wolf country!
"Then why are you here?"

Lin Xuan smiled lightly, and said: "Kill the people of the wolf country, and save the trapped girl of the dragon country!"

Xiao Linger frowned, nodded, and believed Lin Xuan's words.

Because from Lin Xuan's eyes, she could see the hatred for the wolf country people.

Moreover, Lin Xuan still carried an indelible sense of righteousness and magnanimity.

"Recently, some girls from the Dragon Kingdom have indeed been arrested. I don't know what they are doing."

Xiao Ling'er said in a deep voice, she once wanted to help, but her body couldn't do it at all, and she even suffered more serious injuries because of it.

Lin Xuan was surprised and asked, "You don't know?"

"I'm here, basically in exile and under house arrest." Xiao Linger said helplessly, her situation was worse than imagined.

Lin Xuan nodded, it was quite a few.

This Xiao Linger is so beautiful, even after seeing Xiao Qingyao and Hua Jieyu's beauties, she is still overwhelmed by her beauty.

If it weren't for the fact that there were already two tigresses in the family, oh no, two beautiful wives who were overwhelmed by the country, he really wanted to take this woman who was as beautiful as heaven against heaven into his pocket.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll help you get rid of the Gu worm in your heart first."

"Well, if you don't do it again, it will kill you."

Lin Xuan shrugged helplessly, he really didn't expect to see such things as Gu worms here.

As for this Gu worm called Shadow Worm, Lin Xuan has never seen it before, but it can be guessed that it is a new type of Gu worm re-cultivated and refined from some ancient Gu worm.

This kind of Gu insect is very aggressive, and it is also highly poisonous.

If the Gu insect's body is destroyed, it will release all the toxins in the body within a few seconds.

In addition, the living space of the shadow worm is the heart, which means the effort of a few breaths, and the toxin can circulate throughout the body!

Death is just a matter of breathing.

"This is a shadow worm! Can you really solve it?" Xiao Ling'er was full of disbelief.

The shadow worm is the biggest killer in the organization. Almost all members of the organization have a shadow worm in their bodies.

It is said that there are two or even three in the body of a powerful person!

Lin Xuan smiled faintly, touched the sweat on his head with his hand, and said, "As a native of Dragon Kingdom, it is my irresistible responsibility to destroy all the schemes and schemes of the Wolf Kingdom."

"Don't worry, I'm more or less capable."

Lin Xuan's expression was indifferent, but there was indescribable confidence in his speech and demeanor.

Xiao Linger gritted her teeth, and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, you can do it at ease, it doesn't matter even if you die, at least I died in Longguo!"

"Let such a beautiful woman like you die? That's too cruel, I can't tolerate it!" Lin Xuan laughed, got up and came to the bed.

Xiao Linger was dressed in a piece of wisp, and now that Lin Xuan approached her, she let out a scream and subconsciously wanted to pull the quilt over to cover her.

But the shadow worm in her heart seemed to feel the stimulation, and it immediately moved.

At the same time, Xiao Linger groaned in pain and almost passed out.

"Don't thank me, saving you is just a matter of time, don't be so excited that you have to agree with yourself." Lin Xuan made a joke to resolve this embarrassing situation.

On the contrary, he saw a more beautiful body at such a close distance!
Well, it's so good, it smells so good!

Sure enough, different women have different beauty.

Xiao Linger bit her red lip, endured the unbearable pain in her heart, and nodded gently.

Now that things have come to an end, what else can she do besides accepting Lin Xuan's help?
With Xiao Ling'er's approval, Lin Xuan took a breath, and then the majestic gu power surged out instantly.

At this time, Lin Xuan also pressed his palm on Xiao Linger's mountain.

"This, the necessary means of treatment, you, don't mind."

Lin Xuan said, but the red on his face made him a little embarrassed.

This kind of Gu insect is too domineering, if you don't get in close contact with it, troubles will easily arise.

What if the toxins flow out?

He couldn't look at the corpse of a stunning beauty and sigh, right?

The moment Xiao Linger was touched by the palm, her body tensed subconsciously, and her eyes shot out cold.

She subconsciously wanted to move, but the pain in her body prevented her from even raising her hand.

Even if Lin Xuan does something shameful to her now, she has no strength to resist.

"Forget it, you can still live if you win, but if you lose... let's consider it a thank you gift for him."

It was the first time a man touched a sensitive place, Xiao Linger's pretty face flushed like a ripe apple.

There are still layers of fine beads of sweat oozing from the forehead, I don't know if it is pain or nervousness.

"By the way, what are you having for dinner tonight?"

Lin Xuan, who was engrossed in using it, suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Xiao Linger was a little puzzled and confused.

Brother, when is this, you still have the heart to talk about this kind of topic?

Besides, does what I eat have anything to do with you solving the Gu worm?

"I, I haven't eaten for three days..."

Xiao Ling'er said softly, before she finished speaking, she felt an unbearable sharp pain coming from her heart.

Then there was an inexplicable itchy feeling, and it came from inside the heart!

She raised her head and looked at Lin Xuan's focused and serious expression, the cold murderous intent and vigilance no longer appeared in Shui Lingling's eyes.

Some are just girlish admiration for men

Yes, it is worship.

A woman who has been reduced to a killing machine, when she meets a real hero who saves the beauty, finally bursts out the sincere feelings hidden in her body.

At this time, Lin Xuan had already used Gu power to quietly wrap the Gu worm's body inside.

That itchy feeling was caused by the Gu worm's frenzied writhing after it found out that it was tied up.

Lin Xuan's gu power was so strong that the shadow worm couldn't break free at all, and could only twist its body helplessly.

"It hurts a little bit, but I think you should be able to bear it."

After controlling the Gu worm, Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief.

This most critical step is completed, the rest is to take out the Gu worm.

"Just do it, I already feel that the shadow worm's influence on me has been reduced a lot." Xiao Linger exhaled like blue, and there was a burning heat in her eyes looking at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled, wondering what happened to this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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