Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 256 The Invisible Girlfriend

Chapter 256 The Invisible Girlfriend
At such a critical moment, Lin Xuan found that Xiao Linger looked at him with that kind of taste in his eyes.

As for what it tastes like?

It's the smell when he and Xiao Qingyao were doing some exercise, it's the smell when he made three chapters with Hua Jieyu!
what is happening?
Lin Xuan was really dumbfounded.

Could it be that he is so handsome?
A good insect repellent, even extended a kind of primitive movement drama?

When Lin Xuan was thinking wildly, he only felt two figures emerged in his mind.

One is Xiao Qingyao with a cold face and pinching her waist with her hands.

One is Hua Jieyu with a sneer on his mouth and arms crossed.

"Mom! It's scary!"

Lin Xuan was so frightened that he trembled, he had never imagined the scene of two women appearing at the same time...

And still in this case!

Taking advantage of Lin Xuan's distraction, the shadow worm struggled hard and almost got out.

Lin Xuan quickly controlled it and increased the output of Gu power.

Then, he took out the dagger pinned to his waist, aimed at Xiao Linger's wrist, and slashed directly at it.

The blade was sharp, easily cut open, and bright red blood flowed out.

Tick ​​tock fell to the ground.

Xiao Linger looked at Lin Xuan in surprise, not knowing what the wrist cutting meant.

Her Gu worm is in her heart.

Seeing her puzzled face, Lin Xuan smiled faintly, and while transporting the shadow worm with Gu power, he explained: "Why, your Gu worm is at the position of your heart, so I can't let me stab your heart Bar?"

"Hehe, then I might as well not save you!"

After hearing this, Xiao Linger's complexion became much better.

The heart is such a vital point, even if a B-level master is stabbed, I am afraid that he will belch immediately.

The blood dripped down, and soon a small pile gathered beside the bed.

Lin Xuan also took the opportunity to push the Gu worm to the wound on his wrist, and not long after, a Gu worm's head came out.

After being exposed to the bright light, the Gu worm was obviously not used to it, it struggled hard, trying to get back into the blood of the body.

"I've already come out, do you still want to go back?" Lin Xuan snorted coldly, exerted a little force, and pushed the Gu worm out.

The Gu worm soared into the air, and shot towards the outside without slow speed.

"Be careful! Don't let it escape, or you will find a new host!" Xiao Linger exclaimed, this thing is very famous for its weirdness.

"I can't run away!" Lin Xuan smiled faintly, swayed his body, and passed a teacup as he passed the table.

The next moment, that Gu worm landed in the teacup with incomparable precision.

Just when Xiao Linger was about to remind Lin Xuan to cover it with something, or crush the Gu worm directly, Lin Xuan's right hand holding the teacup turned quickly in a circle.

brush brush...

The shadow worm was turned into a mess inside, and finally remained motionless.

Lin Xuan took advantage of this opportunity to directly absorb the shadow worms.

Feeling that the strength in his body had increased again, and it had obviously increased a lot, Lin Xuan smiled with satisfaction.

This shadow worm is indeed a carefully cultivated Gu worm. While its power is terrifying, it also brings great benefits to Lin Xuan.

In the end, Lin Xuan poured the residue of the shadow worm on the ground, and pretended to step on the ground a few times.

"Okay, it's done!" Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Linger as if asking for credit, his eyes were full of aggressiveness, and he kept scanning the poorly dressed delicate body.

Anyway, it's a loss-making business, so it's better to take a second look.

Sensing the aggressiveness and undisguised desire in Lin Xuan's eyes, Xiao Linger lowered her head shyly, but did not make any movement to cover it.

In fact, in her opinion, she is now willing to give everything to Lin Xuan, even if it is just to be a dew couple.

After all, if it wasn't for Lin Xuan, she would have been wiped out by the shadow worm at this time.

Besides, with Lin Xuan's looks and figure, he is definitely a handsome guy.

She Xiao Ling'er is a cold female killer, isn't she also a young woman?
As the saying goes, which girl does not have a spring?
But gradually, Lin Xuan felt that something was wrong.

He and Xiao Linger just looked at each other like this, and even swallowed their saliva at the same time.

What's happening here?
Lin Xuan shook his head slightly, he is not the kind of person who can't stand beauty!
Why does it feel like there is a roar of anger in the little stomach?
He lowered his head subconsciously, but saw that Xiao Linxuan had already raised his head, looking around.

I rely on!shame!
Lin Xuan wanted to cover it up, but he didn't know what to do.

When she was looking at Xiao Ling'er apologetically, she found that this woman's pretty face was flushed, her eyes were like waves, and she was full of endless spring!
"What's the situation? Why do I feel wrong?" Lin Xuan asked with a frown.

Xiao Linger instantly woke up from that strange state she had never experienced before. She immediately saw what was going on under Lin Xuan, and her face turned even redder.

But in her heart, there was such an unquenchable longing!
eager?What does she long for?
"I said, you and I are not in the right state!" Lin Xuan reminded again, why is this feeling similar to that?
Xiao Linger let out an ah, and felt the restlessness in her body.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and looked at the teacup on the table.

"No, the water was drugged!"


I Nima...

Lin Xuan's face was extremely ugly. He really didn't expect that a woman's water would be drugged!

And it's a C-level powerhouse!
What's happening here?
Lin Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked, "I said big beauty, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Ling'er sighed lightly: "It seems that they really made up their minds to sell it to me at a good price."

"But I can understand that people who can't control, what else can they do besides using waste?"

Seeing Xiao Linger's lonely expression, Lin Xuan waved his hands and said, "Now is not the time to think about these things, you can live well now, can you find some antidote?"

"The antidote? Am I not beautiful?"

Suddenly, Xiao Linger said softly, the voice was full of infinite charm.

For a moment, Lin Xuan was stunned.

What does this pussy mean?
"Why, you don't like me?" Xiao Linger asked again.

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "Beauties like you are rare in the world. But I already have a girlfriend, so it's not good."

The three views are very positive?

Xiao Ling'er smiled lightly, as if after experiencing life and death, she had seen through a lot.

She said softly, "I don't care, even if I'm your invisible girlfriend."

"Of course, if you don't want me to be your girlfriend, it's okay, just take it as a beautiful encounter."

(End of this chapter)

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