Chapter 257

A nice encounter?
Lin Xuan fell into a state of downtime, what I said was a bit too straightforward, I almost told Lin Xuan that you can sleep once for free.

Lin Xuan fell into silence, he was also poisoned.

The hotness in his body and Xiao Linxuan's restlessness, even if he is powerful, he can't bear it.

A scarlet color gradually surged in his eyes, and his breathing became even heavier.

The medicine is already working.

On the opposite side, Xiao Linger was in worse condition than Lin Xuan.

Although she is a c-level master, after all, her body has been tortured by shadow Gu insects for a long time.

Now is the time of weakness, so her condition is more serious.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, trying to forcefully stop this feeling.

It's a pity that he used Gu power and various other methods, but none of them had the slightest effect.

"Lin Xuan..."

Xiao Linger's voice was so seductive that everyone's bones went numb when they heard it.

Her cheeks were red, and her body temperature was rising rapidly.

The eyes are as tender as water, with endless fluctuations.

Every look towards Lin Xuan is a fatal temptation that no man can resist.

"Damn, I'm not the one who doesn't recognize people when he puts on his pants. Isn't it just multiple girlfriends? At worst, he'll be beaten up by those two bitches."

Lin Xuan cursed in a low voice.

If nothing happens between him and Xiao Linger.

There must be big troubles, ranging from retreating in cultivation, to seriously injured, and being unable to improve for life.

After a short thought, Lin Xuan made a choice.

After all, this is not a difficult choice, isn't it just another girlfriend?
Besides, Xiao Ling'er's looks are indeed alluring, not far behind her two girlfriends.

"From now on, you are my girlfriend."

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice, after finishing speaking, his psychological pressure was much less.

"But there is one thing I want to tell you. I have two girlfriends. You must not fight after you meet. Maybe you can't beat them."

Can't beat them?
Xiao Ling'er was a little confused, but she was an upright mid-level C-level master!

He has extraordinary strength and indescribable means, but in Lin Xuan's hands, it sounds so unbearable?
Seeing Lin Xuan's serious appearance, she really didn't have much to say.

It's just that I can't help but look forward to seeing Lin Xuan's two girlfriends one day.

She wanted to see how divine it was that could be evaluated like this by the man in front of her.

After all, they are both women, so it's impossible to say that they don't have a sense of competition.

And Xiao Linger also has great confidence in her beauty, after all, she has been at the top of the beauty world since she was a child.

Xiao Linger wanted to say a few more words, but the restlessness that came from her made her unable to speak anymore.

In an instant, the situation changed...

Lin Xuan was lying on the bed with a delicate beauty in his arms, delicate sweat beads with a faint fragrance on his rosy cheeks.

"How is it?" Lin Xuan asked softly with a smile on his lips.

Xiao Linger was extremely shy, how could she not be shy in this embarrassing situation?

But when she grew up to be a killer, she went through a lot of training, including many introductions to this kind of sex between men and women.

And she knew even more that there might not be many men with Lin Xuan's abilities.

Her slightly petite body shrank back, as if she wanted to stuff herself into Lin Xuan's arms.

Lin Xuan chuckled, satisfied.

Now that you can pick up an extremely beautiful girlfriend for nothing when you come out to do a task, who would be so happy if you change it?
"Lin Xuan, you, what are you going to do next?"

After a while, Xiao Linger asked softly, her eyes full of water.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Naturally, I will feed you first, and then go and kill those damn wolf people."

Feed me?
Xiao Linger thought so too, she hadn't eaten for three days.

It is indeed more important to eat now.

However, she still asked curiously, "Can you still cook?"


Lin Xuan was a little puzzled, and then realized that the stunning beauty in front of her was a powerful C-rank killer, but her mind was probably a little innocent!

His feeding is not that kind of feeding, but that kind of feeding...

"Okay, then I won't bother you. I'll get you something to eat." Lin Xuan got up and got dressed.

Looking at Xiao Linger who was also dressed, Lin Xuan's eyes started to shine again.

This frightened Xiao Linger, she quickly grabbed her clothes and ran directly to the bathroom.

Went to take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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