Chapter 258
While taking a bath, Lin Xuan looked inside and outside Xiao Linger's room, and actually found a simple small kitchen.

The kitchen can only accommodate one person, but there are all the necessary things, and there are fresh ingredients in the refrigerator.

"Well, it seems that I have to rely on craftsmanship to make a beautiful woman want to stop." Lin Xuan smiled lightly, in a good mood.

I picked a few nutritious and easy-to-replenish ingredients and started to get busy.

While cooking, Lin Xuan muttered: "It's just a shower, why is it almost 10 minutes, still not good?"

"Nothing will happen, right?"

Lin Xuan licked his lips, poured out the last soup, and walked to the bathroom.

He was thinking about whether to check with Xiao Linger before the food got cold...

As soon as I got to the door of the bathroom, I heard a loud noise coming from inside.

Subconsciously, he was about to rush in, but saw the bathroom door slowly open.

A beautiful face was exposed, and her temperament was dusty, like no one in a million.

Lin Xuan looked a little dazed.

"How is it? Does it look good?" Xiao Linger asked softly. When Lin Xuan came in just now, she had no makeup, not even makeup.

But even that can kill 90.00% of women in seconds.

"Okay, it looks good!" Lin Xuan said tremblingly, unexpectedly Xiao Ling'er was even more stunning after putting on makeup.

Xiao Linger chuckled lightly, stretched out her fingers and tapped Lin Xuan's nose lightly, and said, "Okay, I'm hungry, where's your cooking?"

Lin Xuan woke up instantly, scratched his head in embarrassment, and quickly beat all the bugs in his head into his stomach.

"Now, sit down and wait for me." Lin Xuan turned around and left, but he couldn't help but look back at this beautiful scenery.

Seeing Lin Xuan's reaction, Xiao Linger smiled with satisfaction.

She knew her beauty and figure, absolutely, absolutely not bad!

Soon, the food was served and the two sat down.

Four dishes and one soup, with meat and vegetables, rich in nutrition.

The meal was very good. Lin Xuan and Xiao Ling'er fell asleep before falling in love, and introduced each other's situation.

Lin Xuan is fine, there are some secrets that he must never reveal.

But apart from Xiao Linger's identity, Lin Xuan found that she was very innocent.

The simplicity made him feel a little distressed.

Well, fortunately, I met a good man like me. If I meet a scumbag, it will be really troublesome.

But when he thought about it again, it seemed that only a man like him was worthy of Xiao Linger, right?
Just change to another man, why not worship Xiao Linger as a goddess, as a bodhisattva?
Soon, the food on the table was eaten up.

Xiao Linger touched her belly in satisfaction and said, "I have never been so full since I was born!"

"After that, I will cook it for you often!" Lin Xuan took it all in, as if he had forgotten the B-level head and the three chapters of the contract.

He is alone, can he really get over with his work?
Even if he came here with his busy schedule, what about Xiao Linxuan?

Will there be a strike one day? ?
Xiao Linger squinted her eyes and smiled lightly, her face was full of happiness.

Half an hour later, Lin Xuan and Xiao Linger looked at each other, neither of them spoke.

They all know that the time has come.

"In a while, you take advantage of the chaos and leave here." Lin Xuan spoke first, breaking the silence.

"Why? I want to be with you!" Xiao Linger shook her head with a stubborn expression.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said, "I have a mission to come here, but your mission is different."

Xiao Linger was puzzled.

"Your task now is to stay alive, escape, and then wait for me to find you!" Lin Xuan said domineeringly, he didn't want his woman to be threatened at all.

In particular, although Xiao Linger's C-level strength is good, but the shadow Gu worm in her body has just been taken out not long ago, and her strength has not recovered.

Now it can be regarded as a late D-level level at best.

In case of being besieged by a group of C-level masters, the injury will be minor, and the death will be major!

His little daughter-in-law, who just fell asleep, can't just be clicked by someone, right?

"I..." Xiao Linger wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Xuan.

He smiled lightly and said, "As your man, I naturally have the strength to protect myself, otherwise I wouldn't have come here."

"So, just wait for me with peace of mind."

"Of course, if your current strength can return to its peak, then I won't let you go."

"But can you? If I'm not wrong, you need three days at the earliest!"

"So, let's leave first, I can settle things here tonight."

Xiao Linger pursed her red lips tightly, apparently in an ideological struggle.

In the end, she still couldn't help but tried to mobilize the strength in her body, but she couldn't reach the C-level level at all.

"You, you must pay attention to safety, you are my first man and will also be my last man!"

"If you die, I will avenge you, and then die for you!"

Xiao Linger said in a deep voice, with a smile on her face, but it made Lin Xuan feel extremely distressed.

Lin Xuan was emotional. He was a man, but he had never felt the impact of such straightforward words.

Xiao Qingyao is different from Hua Jieyu, their feelings for her are true, but they all have their own identities, so naturally they won't say such words for a long time.

But Xiao Linger in front of him actually caused a nuclear bomb level bombing to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan hugged Xiao Linger directly, felt her soft body, and said softly: "Don't worry, the person who can kill me hasn't appeared yet!"

"Wait for me with peace of mind, when I come back to find you!"

After speaking, the two hugged each other for a long time without letting go.

Lin Xuan didn't wake up until the sky gradually darkened.

Both he and Xiao Ling'er were so tired that they fell asleep. Fortunately, both of them had extraordinary physical fitness, so they recovered after a night's sleep.

Lin Xuan was full of energy. After getting dressed, he made an appointment with Xiao Linger and saw Xiao Linger leave first.

After drinking the water in the glass, Lin Xuan's mouth turned cold.

"Okay, it's time to deal with you wolf people."

"Your shamelessness, no matter which time and space you are in, has not changed in the slightest."

"Today, let me, Lin Xuan, end your disgusting lives!"

Sliding down, Lin Xuan went out, sneaking quietly.

Not long after, he came to a small square.

The small square is bare, with only knee-high low green plants, and there is no place to hide your figure.

And there are cameras all around.

Lin Xuan rolled up his sleeves, moved his body, and said calmly, "Finally, we're going to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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