Chapter 259 Sabi Jiro
The few battles with Xiao Linger just now were so intense, but Lin Xuan didn't feel tired at all.

On the contrary, I feel that I feel comfortable physically and mentally, and I just want to slap my throat——I want to hit a hundred!

However, for safety's sake, Lin Xuan found a handsome black mask and covered his face.

After all, when it's time to keep a low profile, you should keep a low profile.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if someone saw his face if he couldn't fight and had to run away?

After that, Lin Xuan walked into the small square with calm and calm steps.

His eyes looked around, pretending to be playing.

But within ten seconds, there was a sound coming from the speaker hidden on the ground next to it.

"Hi sir, the front is an undisclosed area, please leave immediately."

"Hi sir, the front is an undisclosed area, please leave immediately."

The voice was loud, but Lin Xuan seemed not to hear anything, and continued walking forward.

At this time, in the monitoring room, seeing Lin Xuan walking forward as if he was deaf, he cursed angrily.


"Come here, let me see if that person is really deaf!"

As his words fell, three or five men outside the house immediately got up, picked up the rubber sticks and ran out quickly.

"Where did the idiot come from, dare to pretend not to hear, I will definitely beat him up!"

"Cut off his ears too, I want to make wine and drink, maybe I can sleep with an extra girl at night!"

"If I delay my playing games, he will die!"


Several people muttered arrogantly, and soon came to Lin Xuan's side.

Lin Xuan looked at the few people who appeared suddenly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Do you really think that his ears are not good enough to hear speech?

Since you are so rampant, then I will let you never sleep with women again!

Even... can't see the sun tomorrow!
The most important thing is that Lin Xuan found very obvious characteristics of the wolf country people in several people.

These wolf country people are different from the spies hiding in the wolf country, and their wolf country characteristics are more obvious.

Short, with a beard, and a lustful look in his eyes.

The most important thing is that they would pop out a few birdsong from time to time, but they couldn't understand them at all.

Lin Xuan sneered coldly, Lao Tzu's big sword is already hungry and thirsty!

Tens of seconds later, Lin Xuan was surrounded by five men in security uniforms.

"Are your ears hard to use? Didn't you hear that this is an unopened area?" The leader was a tall and strong man who looked extremely powerful.

And his cultivation base is not low, he already has the strength of the early C-level.

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "It doesn't seem to matter whether my ears are good or not. What matters is why your attitude is so bad? Isn't this Wanquan Villa? Is this how you treat customers?"

This operation made the big guys a little confused. Those who deliberately pretended not to hear the sound on weekdays were basically looking for trouble.

Isn't this guy just looking for trouble?
Just when the big man wanted to force a smile to explain, Lin Xuan spoke again.

"You guys are so rude, quickly take off your clothes and put on dog robes, let's fight for three hundred rounds."

"By the way, can't you wear dog robes? Or you can wear underwear, um, yes, white underwear must be, come and make gestures with me!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he looked at the other party seriously.

The big men are proficient in the language of Longguo, how can they not understand what Lin Xuan means?
Knowing that he was just looking for trouble, he was furious, and the big guy in the lead howled out.

"Baga, kill him! I'm going to tear off his mouth and feed it to the dogs!"

In an instant, the four people behind the big man moved at the same time.

The four of them were all at the beginning of the D-level, and the rubber sticks they were holding were also thrown away.

It's nothing more than a scare to scare ordinary people, but it's a joke to deal with practitioners.

It felt like a child fighting an adult with a chopstick.

When the enemy attacked, Lin Xuan didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly struck, kicking the four of them flying and punching them back.

The strength of the four of them is not Lin Xuan's single-handed enemy at all.

The face of the leading C-level initial darkened, and he said coldly: "It seems that I still underestimated you. You..."

Before he could finish his words, Lin Xuan rushed over and shouted, "Come on!"


The strong man at the beginning of the C-level looked painful, and he was kicked and flew far away by him.

When he landed, he was already unconscious.

Around, the four men who were beaten to the ground were shocked. The strength of the man in front of him seemed to be only D-level. How could the fighting power be so terrifying?
Even their captain, a strong man who has been stable for three years in the early stage of C level, can't hold on?
What kind of strength is he, and how much is he hiding?
An excited person said directly to the headset: "There is an enemy invasion! The captain was knocked out!"

As soon as these words came out, the monitoring room was instantly blown up.

A series of orders came out, and an alarm sounded.

The person who came was a C-level master, maybe even a late-stage C-level master. This is already a red alert!

But in just one minute, 1 people had already appeared in the small square.

They surrounded Lin Xuan from all directions. Lin Xuan glanced at a total of ten C-level powerhouses, three late C-level players, three mid-level C-level players, and three or four early-level C-level players.

This kind of configuration, no matter where it is placed, can be regarded as a very powerful force.

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, nodded, and said, "I didn't expect that you group of wolfish and ambitious people would hide so many people. However, just this few people may not be enough for me to fight!"

Ten C-level masters, isn't that enough for you?

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan was too pretentious, wouldn't he be afraid of being directly struck to death by thunder?

Unfortunately, none of them spoke, they just stared at Lin Xuan cautiously, waiting for the order to attack.

Lin Xuan secretly thought it was a pity, this group of people looked like they were facing a big enemy, obviously there was no way to get out some useful information.

Soon, another group of people came from the backyard.

The leader was a man with a mustache in the traditional costume of the wolf country. He had fierce eyes, was short in stature, and had two samurai swords pinned to his waist.

But what Lin Xuan cared about was not him, but the rope he was holding in his hand.

At the end of the rope was an ugly, huge, powerful monster with at least mid-level C-level strength!

It's just that the appearance of this monster is obviously abnormal, and it exudes a manic and evil aura.

"Is this a monster who has practiced evil skills?" Lin Xuan frowned slightly, this time he saw something serious.

The man came to the front, handed the rope in his hand to the person next to him, and said calmly: "Hello, Mr. Longguo, my name is Sabi Jiro, may I ask you to come to our private domain, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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