Chapter 260
Courtesy before soldiers?

Lin Xuan smiled coldly, and said sincerely: "It's okay, if it's okay, who will come to your promiscuous kennel?"

Sabi Jiro's face darkened, his eyes were unfriendly.

If it weren't for the sensitive period now, he would have directly ordered to do it.

But when C-level masters fight with all their strength, they cause great damage and influence. If it affects Mr. Shui's rest, it will be bad.

Just yesterday, Mr. Shui specifically told him not to disturb him if there was nothing very important.

Sabi Jiro is responsible for security issues, if something happens, he is the first to be unlucky.

"Is there anything that can't be said properly, and you have to do it?" Sabi Jiro said holding back his anger.

Lin Xuan's eyes turned cold in an instant: "Give me all the young girls from the Dragon Kingdom that you kidnapped, all of them intact!"

Dragon country girl?

Sabi Jiro snorted coldly, since this is the matter, there is no need to say more.

With a big wave of his hand, he said, "Take down this ignorant Longguo man! I will chop off his hands and feet, dig out his heart and eat it with wine."

that's it?
Before he could do anything, he was about to break his hands and feet and dig his heart and liver.

This shows how disgusting and vicious the wolf country people are.

"Okay, since you all have spoken, I will kill you all." Lin Xuan said domineeringly, although there was only one person, he expressed the momentum of thousands of troops.

The next moment, the thirty people who had been waiting for a long time finally took action.

Their combat literacy is obviously much higher, and their cooperation is not comparable to the previous five.

But Lin Xuan smiled lightly, and slowly raised his left hand.

Seeing Lin Xuan's smile, Sabi Jiro always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But under the siege of so many C-level masters, he didn't believe that Lin Xuan could achieve a good end with only one person.

Lin Xuan slowly raised his right hand, muttering in his mouth: "Let me give you a wave of God's blessing first!"

As his voice fell, the group of people all looked horrified, and they all reached out to touch their buttocks.

At the same time, streaks of blood gushed out, but the pain that followed was even more indescribable.

Seeing the scene of dozens of flowers blooming, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

He decided that in the future, when he saw the people of the wolf country, he should salute first and then fight, and give him a blessing from the gods, and let them know how lovely the greetings from the people of the dragon country are.

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Xuan in bewilderment.Although they didn't want to admit it, they all knew that the scene in front of them should be caused by this Dragon Countryman.

"What did you do?" A late C-level master asked with a shocked face.

At their level, ordinary means can no longer hurt them.

And Lin Xuan just raised his arms, and they were able to make their backyard burst, and the blood screamed a lot.

This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Lin Xuan laughed and said: "It's nothing, each of you will give you a big aunt once, this is a woman's patent, and now I will give you a free gift!"

The unspeakable shame caused all the wolf countrymen to roar again and again.

One after another, they rushed over screaming and howling.

Lin Xuan laughed, and kept shouting in his mouth.

"You have a leg!"

"You have a leg!"


In the spacious small square, the screams of the Wolf Country people came and went.

And Lin Xuan's non-stop cursing voice.

The people of the wolf country really don't understand why the people of the dragon country, who have always been a state of etiquette, start cursing people when they meet each other?

Could it be that cursing people can improve his combat effectiveness?

Sabi Jiro, who was watching from the side at this time, has already seen some tricks.

He roared loudly: "Everyone do it together. Surround him first, and don't let him use his means."

Lin Xuan looked at it and was immediately upset.

I was planning to deal with you in the end, but you couldn't help but jumped out?

"Then I can only give you a blessing from God first." Lin Xuan raised his hand to Sabi Jiro once while kicking away one person.

In an instant, Sabi Jiro screamed and covered his butt in embarrassment.

His eyeballs were wide open, and his body was trembling with shame.

He is a serious master of the late C-level.

When did you experience this kind of experience?
He is not afraid of dying in battle, but of being so humiliated!
"Let go of the monster!" Sabi Jiro shouted angrily while wiping off the blood.

Beside him, the wolf countryman who was also taken care of by Lin Xuan was suffering when he couldn't cover his butt with one hand.

Hearing Sabi Jiro's voice, he quickly let go of the rope in his hand.

And that huge monster, after hearing the order to attack, first let out a violent roar, revealing his mouth full of fangs.

At this moment, Lin Xuan kicked the last opponent to the ground.

This time, he didn't show any mercy in his strikes, every kick was aimed at their vitals.

Once he was kicked by Lin Xuan, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured, and he would have to lie in a hospital bed for the rest of his life.

For this group of murderous, conscience-stricken wolf countrymen.

Lin Xuan just wanted to kill them all.

Hearing the roar of the berserk monster, Lin Xuan turned his head, pointed at the monster and started cursing: "Shut up your stinking mouth! Don't you know you have bad breath?"

The monster was taken aback for a moment.

Then with its simple intelligence, it understood what Lin Xuan meant.

"Ho Ho!" The monster roared angrily, and it was about to charge towards Lin Xuan with a bow.

Lin Xuan smiled coldly, taking advantage of this time, he had already seen the thing under the monster's crotch.

Although the size is indeed somewhat astonishing, but for his body size, it is already considered a bit small.

Lin Xuan couldn't help curling his lips, mocked it, and then raised his hand as a blessing from God.


There was a crisp sound from behind the monster.

Then came his wailing, where was the arrogance just now.

Lin Xuan grinned: "Aren't you very arrogant? Show me the arrogant one now."

"Because your size is relatively large, I will send you a few more times." Lin Xuan said, sending out a few more blessings from God.

After a series of noises, the monster that only let out a few roars was already lying on the ground safely, trembling all over.

The eyes he looked at Lin Xuan were full of begging for mercy and fear, and he no longer had the slightest fighting power.

Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and said to Sabi Jiro: "Hey, that idiot, your dog doesn't seem to be very obedient?"

Sabi Jiro was furious, trembling all over, stretched out his right hand, trying to say all the vicious words he had heard since he was a child.

It's a pity that Lin Xuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago. When he raised his hand, it was a blessing from God.

"If you raise your finger at me, then I can only reciprocate."

Lin Xuan's naughty voice sounded, and a flower bloomed on Sabi Jiro's back buttocks again.

"Come here! Come here! I must get rid of this bastard today!"

(End of this chapter)

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