Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 261 Bikini Special Attack Team

Chapter 261 Bikini Special Attack Team
The blessing from God is not the most harmful to the body, but this kind of insult is fatal to a man.

Sabi Jiro just raised his hand and brought such bad luck, how could he not be angry?
As his words fell, the door of the tall backyard behind them slowly opened, and a woman in a loose robe walked out.

There are 20 women, all of whom are coquettishly dressed and have excellent looks.

Even if their figures are hidden under the voluminous robes, some clues can still be seen.

Lin Xuan was a little obsessed just looking at it.

But fortunately, Lin Xuan's aesthetics is very high, his women are Xiao Qingyao, Hua Jieyu and Xiao Ling'er, and he already has a lot of resistance to women who are relatively inferior.

But why can't this scene be too glamorous!
Lin Xuan chuckled, and said, "What's the matter, since you can't beat me, have you started a beauty trick?"

"That stupid wolf thing, I tell you, it's useless!"

Sabi Jiro smiled proudly and arrogantly: "Damn bastard, don't be arrogant, you will see how powerful they are in a while!"


How powerful is it?
"Well, then I can only wait and see." Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders, too lazy to talk nonsense with such a fool.

Soon, all twenty beauties appeared.

They lowered their eyes slightly, but Lin Xuan was secretly surprised by their appearance.

He really didn't expect that the spies of the wolf country would gather a total of twenty beauties whose strength was at the beginning of the C-level.

It's just that he can also sense that the strength of these women is not really C-level, or that they have just stepped into C-level not long ago.

The breath is vain and unstable.

Calculated, their true strength can be positioned as the late D-level, or the realm of Dzogchen.

"Sabi, are you really an idiot? Even C-rank warriors are no match for me. What's the use of having a group of fake C-rank warriors?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but mocked.

"Hmph, you're dead!" Sabi Jiro didn't say much, just gave an order to attack, and sat down on the ground.

There is no way, the buttocks are full of blood, which really affects his image too much.

At this time, Lin Xuan was surrounded by twenty beauties, just when he wanted to speak.

All twenty beauties took off their coats in unison.

Hiss, this scene is really a bit cruel!

No matter where these women are placed, they can be called the best, but after all, they cannot enter Lin Xuan's eyes.

"Tch, I thought you didn't have anything inside, why do you still have bikinis?"

Lin Xuan shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

In this situation, perhaps only Lin Xuan could be so calm in the face of danger, and still have some messy thoughts in his mind.


Suddenly, twenty beauties shouted at the same time, and the voice directly penetrated into Lin Xuan's ears.



Lin Xuan's face darkened, because he had already smelled a special fragrance.

The fragrance is very light, but definitely there!

It was somewhat similar to the taste of the water he drank in Xiao Linger's room.

I will go to you!

It turned out to be sinister!
Lin Xuan quickly held his breath and dissolved the gas that had been inhaled into his body.

At this time, when he went to see those women again, he suddenly felt hot in his lower abdomen.

Lin Xuan cursed secretly, and quickly closed his eyes.

There is no way, he can only avoid this kind of interference now, otherwise the toxin will go deep and really affect him.

Meanwhile, twenty bikini beauties have moved.

What they are practicing seems to be some kind of combined attack skill, and the joint attack can be said to be watertight.

Even Lin Xuan was struggling a bit.

But there is no way, these beauties have not really reached the C-level strength, and the system has not triggered the skills that are always a little stronger than you.

"You have a leg!"

Feeling that the nearest person had come to sneak attack, Lin Xuan launched it instantly.

With a bang, the beauty in the bikini was directly kicked by Lin Xuan, and flew backwards in an instant.

When it landed, it knocked down some flowers and plants. Hearing the sound, Lin Xuan quickly said: "What's the matter? This is the land of Dragon Kingdom. Remember to take good care of the flowers and plants, otherwise I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"


Suddenly, Lin Xuan felt a strong wind blowing in his ears.

I saw two sharp short knives stabbing Lin Xuan's neck at the same time.

Lin Xuan didn't have time to make extra moves in his haste.


He waved his left and right hands at the same time, giving each other a blessing from God!


Two extremely suppressed voices came, and Lin Xuan immediately heard the sound of a dagger falling to the ground.

The two beauties in bikinis who had already rushed to Lin Xuan had their legs tightly clamped, and their pretty faces were flushed.

This sudden change caught everyone by surprise.

Why is this different from when it is used on men?

Lin Xuan seized the opportunity unceremoniously, kicked the two of them flying with one punch and one kick.

It's just that he used too much force, and even broke his bikini straps.

While the two beauties were still in the air, their clothes had already been taken off.

When it hits the ground, it will be naked.

Fortunately, they have already passed out, and they don't know how terrible it is to be naked.

So, Lin Xuan directly raised his right hand, and showered blessings from God on the surrounding bikinis.

Listening to the various voices in the field, Lin Xuan felt a little embarrassed about his bad taste.

What is the matter?

He obviously came to fight, so why did he act like he did something shameful?

At this time, the beauties in bikinis have lost their combat effectiveness and forgot that they are still on the battlefield.

There was a burst of numbness coming from their bodies, so that they couldn't even straighten their waists, so they could only keep screaming.

Lin Xuan put his palms together quickly, and pretended to say: "It's a sin, a benefactor, the little monk just wants to enter this backyard, you should lie down and sleep obediently."

Then, he punched and kicked, harvesting bikini beauties crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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