Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 262 Get up, I haven't hit enough!

Chapter 262 Get up, I haven't hit enough!
Twenty beauties, blessed by Lin Xuan's blessing from God, were immersed in unspeakable pain.

But was hit mercilessly.

Lin Xuan was punching to the flesh, kicking buttocks!

But in just 10 minutes, Lin Xuan made all the twenty beauties in bikinis lie on the ground.

Only then did he dare to open his eyes, shook his head and said: "Don't look at me with that kind of resentful eyes, if you want to blame, blame your own identity!"

After the words fell, Lin Xuan didn't bother to talk to them anymore.

Looking at Sabi Jiro again, Lin Xuan hooked his fingers and said, "Okay, there is no rescue now, right? Let's make gestures?"

Compete with you?

Don't use such a disgusting and terrible method!
Sabi Jiro was completely frightened.

If it was a real confrontation, even if it was death, he would not be afraid!
But he hasn't met Lin Xuan yet, and his own people are already lying on the ground.

Even he himself lost his fighting power in fear.

But for the honor of the wolf country people, it is even more so for his so-called persistence.

He still stood up, pulled out the knife with his right hand, and stared at Lin Xuan coldly.

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, and put on an awesome posture.

In Sabijiro's incomparably serious eyes, he roared: "You have a leg!"

clap la la...

Sabi Jiro didn't even have time to dodge, and was directly kicked by Lin Xuan.

The body soared into the air and landed heavily on the ground.

It's just that this buddy's luck was really bad, and when he landed, his head was stuck on the stone steps.

Sabi Jiro struggled a few times, completely out of breath.


Is this so dead?

I haven't hit enough, you died?
Lin Xuan was so angry that he ran over, glared at Sabi Jiro, and slapped the dead body.

"Get up for me! I haven't let you die yet, I haven't kicked enough! I haven't kicked enough!"

Lin Xuan violently kicked Sabi Jiro's body, and a pool of blood immediately flowed out from his feet.

Lin Xuan didn't stop until he was a little tired from kicking.

At this time, Sabi Jiro didn't have the arrogant appearance just now, blood was flowing from his mouth, eyes and nose.

Lin Xuan walked up to everyone and said something.

"Get up, I haven't hit enough yet!"

It's a pity that none of the wolf country people, no matter men or women, can stand up.

Of course, even if he could stand up, he would not stand up.

No one wants to face this terrifying, devil-like Dragon Countryman alone!

Lin Xuan shook his head boredly. He originally thought that this battle would be very dangerous.

did not expect……

How boring!

After finishing off a group of beauties, Lin Xuan was also sweating profusely, not because he was physically exhausted, but because his heart was tired.

He felt that there might be something wrong with his body, and he and Xiao Linger were exhausted to death, so logically speaking, he should be extremely tired, right?

However, after being tossed by so many women's cries, Lin Xuan got a little over the top again.

Looking at the "blood flowers" all over the ground, Lin Xuan couldn't help covering his mouth and nose, stepped over every body blocking the way, and walked to the gate of the backyard.

"The defense of the wolf people is a bit scary. Even some important scientific research bases are at this level, right?"

Lin Xuan stood helplessly at the gate, but he found that he couldn't get in.

And those people just came out of this door, there is no reason why he can't get in.

He reached out to push, but suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

At the level of C, Lin Xuan's telepathy has been greatly improved.

Once a crisis comes, the body will respond instinctively.

Today, that is the case.

To be on the safe side, he turned around again and captured a Wolf Countryman who was not dead yet.

Seeing that the devil Lin Xuan had returned and was still grabbing himself, the man was panicked, and there was a burst of foul-smelling liquid from his crotch.

"It's so disgusting." Lin Xuan cursed, threw it at the door, and said coldly, "Open the door for me!"

"Hit, I can't open it!" The man tremblingly replied.

Lin Xuan raised his hand and was about to hit someone, but the man said in fright: "Don't! Don't hit me! This door cannot be opened from the outside, otherwise there will be high voltage electricity! Even a C-level expert can't handle it!"

High voltage?
Even a C-level master can't handle it?
Lin Xuan asked: "Then how to open it?"

The man hesitated, looked at Lin Xuan's eyes about to kill, and finally said: "Sabi Jiro has the key with him!"

Lin Xuan nodded and motioned him to get it.

He wasn't interested in touching Sabi Jiro's bloody body.

Besides, let's not say the old saying, it's not good for young people to touch a corpse, it's bad luck!
The man quickly brought a simple-looking key with a chip, and inserted it into the keyhole tremblingly.

The keyhole is hidden on the doorknob, if you don't know it, it's really hard to find.

Seeing the door open, Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, raised his foot, and kicked the man in directly.

The next moment, a swishing sound was heard.

After a scream, the man didn't even understand why so many arrows were shot out, turning him into a hornet's nest.

"People from the wolf country are indeed disgusting, they don't even spare their own people."

Lin Xuan shook his head and walked into the door.


After Lin Xuan entered, the gate closed automatically.

And outside the gate, a group of people appeared, swiftly carrying away all the corpses on the ground.

As for the ones who haven't died yet?

It was also put into a body bag as a corpse!
It seems that for them, there is no difference between being alive and dead for those who have not completed their tasks.

Lin Xuan curled his lips when he saw the fully armed Wolf Countryman appearing in front of him.

Sure enough, no matter where they are, the people of Wolf Country have warriors, but the warriors here have more advanced equipment and technology.

Looking at the shining samurai sword, there is still a faint white brilliance flickering on it, which is obviously used by technological products to enhance its power.

Lin Xuan didn't speak, just looked at each other like this.

There were 50 people on the other side, and they didn't say a word. They held knives in both hands and looked at Lin Xuan coldly.

After a full minute of stalemate, Lin Xuan got a little annoyed.

He said angrily: "Are you all dumb? I'm here to ask for someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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