Chapter 263 Singled out fifty C-ranks!

But following Lin Xuan's words, forty or fifty warriors from the Wolf Kingdom yelled the word kill in unison.

Then they rushed towards Lin Xuan like a tide.

Lin Xuan grinned, this is the correct way to open it.

If he knew it was so simple, he just came in and opened his mouth.

Lin Xuan raised his hand to give them a blessing from God.

The sound of the system just sounded.

"It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you."

The next moment, Lin Xuan's blessing from God was successfully released.

Puff puff……

After a series of voices, at least forty warriors blossomed.

And this enhanced version of the blessing from God is also quite terrifying.

These forty warriors knelt down on one knee and directly gave Lin Xuan a big gift.

Although they already knew that Lin Xuan's method was a bit perverted, they really didn't expect that their C-level strength could not handle it.

Lin Xuan was surprised by his hand.

In front of him, there were forty C-level wolf warriors kneeling down neatly.

This scene, tsk tsk.

As for the remaining ten warriors, they let out strange cries.


Lin Xuan was surprised. He didn't expect these ten warriors to be female, and all of them were C-level.

"Ahem, okay, you all should be flattened. I don't want to lose my life, you low-spirited and disgusting bastards."

Lin Xuan quickly said with disgust, but was shocked by the strength of this C-level master.

This is grade C!

Could it be that the wolf country has transferred all the C-level masters in the country for this operation?

In an instant, the warriors of the wolf country roared and stood up and launched an attack.

It's a pity that Lin Xuan's backhand was another blessing from God.

The warriors of the wolf country once again staged a pitiful scene.

Only this time Lin Xuan moved.

Holding the Qiankun Brick in his right hand, with a cold killing intent in the corner of his mouth, he jumped up.

The Qiankun Brick smashed firmly on the head of a C-rank warrior, easily triggered the ability of the Qiankun Brick, and directly gave the opponent a headshot.

Seeing the red and white tissue spilled all over the ground, Lin Xuan threw the Qiankun Brick out of disgust.

Qiankun Brick made another contribution, another headshot.

Solved the second C-rank samurai!
The warriors of the wolf country were taken aback.

It's not that no one broke into the backyard before, but those were all late C-levels, even half-step B-levels that were one step away from B-levels!
That strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

But now?

No matter how you look at it, Lin Xuan is a D-level rookie. Even if he can hide his strength, he is at most a C-level master.

C-rank... It shouldn't be enough to look at in front of so many C-ranks.

Why is Lin Xuan so brave and cruel?

Qiankunzhuan has made great achievements repeatedly. When Lin Xuan shot down the fifth wolf warrior, the others had already adapted to the physical changes and retreated quickly.

After all, it is a C-level, and it may not be able to resist the blessings from God at all.

But they can recover quickly and have stronger resistance.

On the ground made of white marble, lay the corpses of five wolf countrymen.

Everyone's corpses had their heads exploded, and red and white things flowed all over the floor, which was extremely disgusting.

Lin Xuan put the Qiankun brick in his hand, nodded, and said, "Okay, it's your turn. Who will come next?"

"Use Plan B!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd roared coldly.

Then the remaining 45 wolf country warriors were actually divided into five groups of nine people in each group.

They lined up and rushed towards Lin Xuan at the same time.

The actions of the first five people are astonishingly unanimous.

The samurai sword in his hand attacked and killed in a uniform manner, leaving no room for Lin Xuan to dodge at all.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, holding the Qiankun Brick in his hand, and shot without hesitation.

A samurai was headshot, and the Qiankun Brick was bounced back.

Lin Xuan grabbed it, slapped it backhand, and directly killed a samurai's head.

There is always a little bit stronger blessing than you, plus the magic of Qiankun Brick.

Lin Xuan can say that every time he takes a shot, he can solve a wolf warrior.


But there are too many people!

No matter how cautious Lin Xuan was, he was injured.

The arms and back were cut with a sharp katana, bloody.

Grinning his teeth in pain, Lin Xuan directly touched a recovery fruit and ate it.

At this time, a new round of attacks by the warriors of the wolf country came again.

Lin Xuan took his time and threw out a few blessings from God to relieve the pressure.

After that, it was just talking about moving bricks and hitting the head directly.

And from time to time he would growl like that.

"You have a leg!"

Gradually, Lin Xuan's physical strength was exhausted.

I have to admit that it was really difficult for him to fight against dozens of C-rank warriors single-handedly.

He felt that he couldn't move the Qiankun Brick with his arms.

He ate another recovery fruit, just as he was about to continue working.

Two cold knives pierced his throat and heart respectively.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, it was too late to cast the blessings from God.

Lin Xuan became wise in a hurry, and then performed the Hundred Thousand Body Clone Technique.

In his original place, a man exactly like him appeared.

It is his avatar!

As for Lin Xuan himself, he rushed to the periphery. There was a time difference, and those warriors didn't even notice him!



The clone left by Lin Xuan was mercilessly chopped.

After a few moments of persistence, it turned into a cloud of dust and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows and took the opportunity to kill another warrior.

Next, Lin Xuan followed the same pattern, using God's blessing for a while, and the Hundred Thousand Body Clothing Technique for a while.

Perhaps it was because his speed was so fast that no one discovered his secret.

Those warriors didn't even notice this detail, they were still attacking desperately.

Gradually, Lin Xuan has fallen into danger.

The cooperation of those wolf country warriors was too tacit, and the tacit understanding resulted in several more wounds on Lin Xuan's body.

(End of this chapter)

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